Sunday, December 29, 2024



Human marriage is a shadow of GOD, Christ and the church.  Scripture says that even now Christians are called the sons of GOD,  1 John 3:2 Even though we are called sons now we have not yet been born. It does not yet appear what we will be.  GOD calls things that are not yet as though they are, things that do not yet exist as though they do.  Romans 4:17  This verse is saying that GOD calls the church HIS sons even though they have not yet been born.  Jesus said the church must be born again and by this birth be able to see the kingdom of GOD.  In  John 3:8 Jesus describes what someone is like who is born again,  they are like the wind that blows where it wishes and a person hears the sound but doesn’t know where it comes from or where it is going.  This describes a spirit being which is what the church will be when born again.  At the present time we are like the embryo in the womb, the church is our mother , Christ our husband.  The church is pregnant with the future sons of GOD.  They are GODS sons because HE adopts them as Jacob adopted Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh.  Ephesians 1:5  The saints are developing in the womb of the church that is the bride of Jesus Christ.  This explains how we are GODS sons and Jesus our elder brother.  Galatians 4:4,5   Romans 8:29,30   John 1:12,13  During our spiritual development we have a portion of GODS spirit DNA (divine nature acquired)  and are to grow to become like Jesus gave example to us when he was on earth awaiting his own spiritual body.  Jesus already was perfect in his human spirit, all he needed was changed to a spirit body.  Just as in a human marriage there can be no adultery, as this betrays the love covenant between husband and wife, there cannot be spiritual adultery in our marriage to Christ.

Just as the husband would give his life to protect his wife Jesus actually did.  The husband is to provide for his wife and Jesus, as mediator, provides his bride with all the blessings and gifts his FATHER gives to the church through him.  We wait in faith while being covered in grace for the day we all together are born again.  Jesus was the first to be born into the kingdom and because of him and our FATHER we will follow Jesus into that same kingdom.  Then we will be like him for we shall see him as he is.

Saturday, December 28, 2024



I have posted articles here that explain just what sin is and what temptation is.  As a brief review sin is not by word or deed but by thought . Matthew 15:18,19,20  Your human spirit is the birthplace of sin.  The words and deeds are the result of these thoughts.  Your sins are the cause of , the result of, the manifestation of the evil thoughts you have.  Dead people cannot sin because they can no longer think.  Romans 6:7

Temptation is a word that if not applied in the proper way will lead to an incorrect conclusion.  If you are tempted this does not mean that you have sinned.  In order for the temptation to be sin you must give into the temptation, you must in your spirit consider responding to the temptation. James 1:14  If I were to tempt you to kill your entire family would you consider it ?  No, you would not, the temptation to do this would not be successful as it would not make you want to do it.  This means the temptation is unsuccessful, yes you were tempted but you did not respond.  Now, if I were to tempt you with something that you would not find repulsive then you may very well consider doing it.  Once you consider and are enticed then sin is born even before you act on it, you only need to think about it.  Exodus 20:17  Romans 7:7  So then, temptations are only sin if you actually consider responding to them.  

Jesus confirmed this description of sin and temptation when he said to look on a woman and lust for her is sin or to hate another is murder.  Matthew 5:21,22  Matthew 5:28  Evil thoughts are what defile us even though we do not do what we were tempted with.  

OK.  Now let’s look at the temptation of Christ by Satan.  There are false ministers that say Jesus was tempted, that the temptation was successful otherwise it would have been a farce .  If these ministers are correct then Jesus, by his own definition of what sin is, did indeed sin and we have no messiah.  The false ministers do not understand what temptation and sin really is.  They are not saying that Jesus had the potential to sin they say he did sin.  What this does is assume that Jesus was like we are in every way, it makes Jesus like us rather than like his GOD. This is an excellent example of the carnal mind, a carnal way of thinking that leads to death.  These false ministers may have some truth in what they say but it is mixed in with lies.  This is how Satan operates, mix some truth with lies.  What truth you have must be compromised to accommodate the lies therefore all of what you have is lies.  The false ministers do not see that the temptation of Jesus by Satan was to prove that Jesus was like his FATHER .  GOD cannot be tempted with evil,  James 1:13 ,  and neither could Jesus. This temptation by Satan proves this. This makes Jesus the perfect messiah, the one all the prophets declared would be a perfect lamb without spot or blemish. 

 Jesus Christ was incapable of sin because his GOD and FATHER created him righteous and full of agape.  Jesus was the image of GOD in righteousness and agape.  Hebrews1:3  This in no way makes Jesus YAHWEH , it makes him the messiah, the perfect Passover lamb.  Churches that say things contrary to the truth I have written here preach another Jesus. 2 Corinthians 11:4  All these churches will, if they refuse to repent and be corrected by GOD,  face judgment.  If alive at the time of the great tribulation all these churches will be Laodiceans and all their foundations will be tested by fire and their lies, their wood, hay and stubble burned and they suffer loss but they need gold tried in the fire and must buy it from GOD and the price for it will be their lives, they must be martyred, then if they repent and accept their fate they will be in the first resurrection with the 144,000 elect.  Each man, each woman, each person must build on their own foundation and cannot use the foundation of someone else.  All the saints must acquire gold, silver and precious stones to build on the foundation of the prophets, Apostles and Christ.  It is like the talents Jesus spoke about, we cannot bury our talents so we cannot build with wood, hay or stubble.  

If we are in the end times and have been called and chosen by GOD then we need to make that calling and election sure. The key of David is repentance, a broken spirit, a contrite heart GOD will not despise.  Psalm 51:17 This key then opens the door for us to receive the awesome blessings of GOD.  Matthew 7:7  This will make us Philadelphians .

Friday, December 27, 2024


2 Corinthians 3:18 says that Christians are in the process of being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Christ was the image of the invisible GOD, the radiance of GODS glory the express image of GODS nature of agape and righteousness.  1 John 3:2  Philippians 3:21  Romans 8:29 

 Ephesians 4:23,24  John 17:22  all are saying the same thing.  

Now let us examine the teachings of a certain man who is highly esteemed by many. Luke 16:15.  His teaching is that it was possible for Jesus to have sinned, he teaches that Jesus asked his FATHER to escape the crucifixion and that Jesus was glorified flesh when raised from the dead.  He says Jesus was like us in every way. In the minds of people that believe this man they would see a Jesus that was as weak as they are because he was tempted and could have sinned, a Jesus that was afraid to face death and went against the will of GOD by wanting to escape the crucifixion and a Jesus raised from the dead as glorified flesh and in heaven is still a human of glorified flesh. 1 Corinthians 15:50  The people see a Christ that has been made more in their image rather than his FATHERS.  They think, oh well Jesus could have sinned so I don’t feel so bad when I sin,  or Jesus didn’t want to die and by fear of death asked his FATHER to save him so if I am weak that’s not so bad , and perhaps , Jesus is glorified flesh and I will be too.  Now if you have a mind to see;  Jesus was as weak as us but just fortunate enough to have never sinned, Jesus was basically a coward and went against GODS will by asking to escape the cross and as a reward for all of this GOD raised him from the dead as glorified flesh, glorifying that which profits nothing. John 6:63  This is the Jesus that is produced if a person believes all the lies that this man teaches. 2 Corinthians 12:4  The truth is that Christians must measure up to the stature and fullness of Christ,  Ephesians 4:13 and be recreated to be in his image as he was created to be in GODS image. Colossians 1:15  That image is absolute perfection, holiness, agape and righteousness an impeccable savior without spot or blemish a perfect Passover lamb. Hebrews 1:3  What this false teacher teaches is blasphemy, Hebrews 10:29  he assassinates the  character of the Christ and calls GOD a liar in the way HE created HIS son and then demotes Christ to glorified flesh rather than the life giving spirit he is today. 1 Corinthians 15:45 All of this man’s teachings prove that he does not know GOD, Christ or the gospel.  

Thursday, December 26, 2024


This article is the number one article and has been read more times than all the others.  If the readers of the blog want more articles about this subject please respond by making a comment.

In 1 Corinthians 3:10,11,12,13,14,15   Paul writes about how we build on the foundation he was inspired as an Apostle to lay for us.  This foundation is the prophets, the Apostles and the chief cornerstone, Christ.  There are two types of foundations Paul describes; one that receives a reward and the other that suffers loss.  The one receiving the reward had used gold, silver and precious stones while the other gold, silver, precious stones,wood , hay,  and stubble.  Fire is used to test the foundation of the latter and they will suffer loss but yet will be saved as it were by fire.  Revelation 3:15,16,17,18,19  Laodiceans are lukewarm neither cold or hot, they have used wood, hay and stubble on their foundation being rich and increased with goods needing nothing.  Christ tells them to buy from me gold tried in the FIRE.  This is the tribulation when Laodiceans repent and buy gold at the cost of martyrdom.  The price for buying the gold is their life.

The Philadelphians do not go through this fire as their building materials were gold, silver and precious stones.  There is an innumerable multitude of Laodiceans alive today that have some truth and some lies, that is a foundation of gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble.  These people are Luke warm Christians that have quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit.

The Philadelphians have persevered , kept HIS word and not denied HIS name.  The open door and key of David provides them with the proper building materials and they have a reward.  Because of this they are protected from the fiery trial that will test the foundations of those who dwell on the earth.   

Monday, December 23, 2024


 People that think they must keep the Ten Commandments, Sabbath physical rest, the 7 annual holy days or other parts of the law are blind spiritually.  Matthew 5:18  The law was not abolished by Jesus and all of it, all 613 commandments are still in full force.  James 2:10 breaking just one of these 613 commandments breaks all of them.  Galatians 3:10 all law keepers are under a curse because they fail to keep all 613 commandments.  Law keepers today pick and choose what they want to do and throw out the rest and this is a clear violation of what the law itself says. Deuteronomy 4:2   Deuteronomy 12:32   Law keepers need to stone to death anyone in their church that violates the law of Moses.  Hebrews 10:28   Deuteronomy 17:6   Law keepers must offer all the sacrifices demanded by the law.  Law keepers cannot repent and hope for mercy to be forgiven, law keepers die without mercy.  If you are a law keeper you cannot be a Christian and if you claim to be a Christian you cannot be a law keeper.   If then you place yourself under the law then you cannot have grace and if you accept the grace of GOD then you cannot be under the law.  Romans 11:6  Ephesians 2:8,9  All law keepers are alienated from Christ. Galatians 5:4   Romans 3:20  Romans 4:14  Acts 13:39   Scriptures make it so clear that Christians are not under the law and perform none of its works and to do so while claiming to be a Christian makes you a hypocrite, a liar, cursed and cut off from Christ.  Law keeps are not Christians anymore than Jews are.

There are men like Herbert W. Armstrong, William F. Dankenbring, Ron Weinland,  David Hulme,  Joseph W. Tkach and many others were of the Worldwide Church of GOD that no longer exists but many splinter groups have formed over the years.  All these splinter groups are law keepers or more accurately law butchers because all of them pick and choose what the want to keep and discard the rest .

They are all experts in bending and twisting scripture to justify themselves.  They want GODS grace and forgiveness yet place themselves under the law that provided no grace or forgiveness.  They want to be in both covenants at the same time which is impossible.  This type of deception is very powerful because it is biblically based but at the same time combines law and grace in a way that profanes both covenants.  They profane the old covenant by butchering the law and the new covenant by denying the work of Christ who fulfilled the law.  

The law looks good to the carnal mind it seems the right way but is actually death.  Proverbs 14:12  Proverbs 16:25   The law is not for a man who has the imputed righteousness of GOD by faith. 1 Timothy 1:5,6,7   Notice those who have strayed turned to idle talk desiring to be teachers of the law and these law teachers do not understand what they say or the things they state as facts.  It is so obvious that Paul was not  an advocate of the law. All this scriptural evidence has no effect on law keepers as they are spiritually blind.

Saturday, December 21, 2024




#1   There is only one GOD, the FATHER, the only true GOD.  Any other teaching is a lie.

#2    Jesus is not GOD, he is the messiah, he was a human being, his beginning was in the womb of his mother, he was incapable of sin, he was glorified when he ascended and is no longer human  but is a life giving spirit, he is the only mediator between GOD and humanity, he has been given access to the power of GOD to complete his work and someday will return to earth bringing his GODS kingdom with him.

#3    Humans are totally mortal and at death their spirit goes back to GOD in a dormant state.  This human spirit is the true person and the fleshly body an earthly temporary dwelling.  In the first resurrection at the return of Jesus the saints will be raised from the dead as glorified spirit beings to rule and reign with Christ as kings and priests.  They will be Elohim or gods that rule over geographic regions once ruled over by demons.  All human spirits came from heaven and return there at death and the body decays to dust , only humans in the first resurrection will return to earth as a spirit being. The second resurrection is one back to fleshly mortality again were everyone will have the Holy Spirit and first opportunity for salvation.  

#4    Salvation was invented by GOD, and Christ was the vehicle used by GOD to provide it.  Only GOD places people in HIS church.  GOD draws these called and chosen to HIMSELF through Jesus and empowers them with GODLY love to begin to live a life pleasing to GOD.  These saints have access to repentance and forgiveness and in their faith in the gospel imputed righteousness.  Salvation can be lost if a saint commits the unpardonable sin.  Pentecost was not the beginning of the church as there were saints before Christ that will be in the first resurrection with the saints after Jesus.  From the time of Adam until the return of Jesus there will be only 144,000 elect saints.  The innumerable multitude will also be in the first resurrection but must first be martyred.  Salvation is when you are a glorified immortal impeccable spirit being in the kingdom of GOD. 

#5    Law and grace are total opposites, the law death, grace life.  Sin is overcome by GODS love that fulfills all laws, does no harm and is expressed in two greatest commandments of love to GOD and love to neighbor.  The law was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that produces death and grace is the tree of life that produces immortality.  Jesus had no need to abolish the law because he began a totally new covenant not based on law but on faith and grace.  The law was designed by GOD to lead you to Christ who is salvation and once this is done the laws grip on you is over.  The covenants cannot be mixed together.  The law provides none of the things needed for salvation it only brings death.  The entire unconverted world is under the law weather they know it or not and condemned to death for their sins.  Only GOD can give you the understanding of the truth to know all these things.

#6    Salvation is in three stages; the first resurrection, the millennium and the second resurrection.  These are the three measures of meal Jesus spoke about.  The church was symbolized by the two loaves of leavened bread baked on Pentecost.  The two loaves were ; one for the saints before Jesus and one for those after Jesus.  The church is spiritual Israel, the Israel of GOD, the first fruits, the 144,000 elect, the twelve tribes scattered abroad.  All of worldly Christianity is false and of Satan. 

#7    Free will in humanity is absolutely required by GOD to make HIS offer of salvation possible.  GODS love is present in the Christian by the in dwelling of GODS spirit.  GODS love is not forced, programmed or artificial but is real and true.  This love is freely given and freely returned otherwise it is not love.  Before a person is in Christ, is a Christian, they are under the will of Satan and held as a prisoner to sin and death ignorantly worshipping Satan and loving it in a perverted form of Satanic love.  This is the type of love you see in the many false churches today.  True Christians love GOD because HE first loved them.

#8    The will and desire of GOD ALMIGHTY in eternity has been to create other beings who would be similar to HIMSELF.  They would be as righteous as GOD, love as GOD is, holy and perfect, incapable of sin or being tempted into sin.  They would be immortal and composed of spirit and thus be the offspring of GOD.  GOD is eternal with no beginning or ending, HE is omnipresent being everywhere at all times, he has all power and all knowledge and wisdom.  There is nothing that can alter or destroy HIS will and HE will do all that HE desires.  This GOD deserves our worship and love above all else as without HIM willing it to be so you nor anything you have would even exist.  All humanity owes everything they are and have to YAHWEH the ETERNAL great GOD.   If you can understand these things you are blessed because in all of human history there has been only 144,000 who have understood.  This 144,000 is only the beginning of, the first fruit of what GOD has done.  There will be others who will follow later who will have the same hope and opportunity presented to them as the 144,000 had before them.  Currently this is Satans world and GOD has been highly selective in who HE calls and chooses because HE is not willing that any should perish but rather have a better chance in the future millennium and second resurrection.  Time is irrelevant to GOD and has no hold or effect on HIM, therefore when HE speaks a command all contained in that command happens instantly.  From when GOD said, let there be light, all of HIS will was done. Everything recorded in scripture, everything that has happened from those words was accomplished and completed.  Humans however live in a bubble we call time and cannot perceive these things. We must wait for things to be but GOD does not , HE speaks and it is done.  GOD has in eternity know all our sins from cradle to grave before we were alive to commit them.  GOD did not create humanity sinners rather humanity made themselves sinners.  Everything recorded in scripture was about  what the foreknowledge of GOD has been. It will all work out together for good and fulfill GODS will, and indeed it already has.  

This writing is by no means all of the truth of GOD.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024



1 Corinthians 2:6,8   Acts 13:27  Acts 3:17  Psalm 2:1,2  Ephesians 6:12  Proverbs 29:12  Matthew 15:14   Hosea 4:6  the rejection of GOD as king will cause GOD to reject us.  Proverbs 1:24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31   Jeremiah 4:22 

Luke 4:5,6,7   How could Satan make this offer if he was not in all ways the god of this world ?   Satan said, “ for it has been given unto me” , that meaning Satan has absolute control of the world because it was given to him by GOD.  2 Corinthians 4:4  GOD allows this but is not the cause of it and in the same way GOD allows Satan to appoint the leaders and rulers of this world and does not appoint them HIMSELF.  1 John 5:19  Ephesians 2:2   Revelation 12:9   Daniel 4:17   GOD appointed Satan as ruler , leader and god of the world, Satan is the one who sets over it the lowest of men, not GOD.  GOD does not lie, GOD does not do evil, GOD does not tempt or deceive humanity, Satan does all these things. 

GOD is love, we know this.  Is what you see in this world the direct result of GODS doing ?  

Lucifer was the first to reject GOD.  Adam was the second, Israel was the third and the entire world followed except GODS elect saints.  If GOD directly appointed all human leaders and rulers and controlled their actions then why would HE even need Satan at all ?  All human governments are evil and GOD intends to destroy them and replace them with HIS kingdom.  Is GOD the author of evil and confusion ?  Would not GOD be responsible for all the evil of all human governments if HE directly appointed all human leaders ?   It is GODS will that Satan rules the world and HE allows Satan to appoint all the leaders and rulers of this world.  Why do we pray, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven if GODS will is being done by HIS appointing all human rulers ?  Isaiah 9:16   Isaiah 3:12   Ezekiel 22:25,26,27,28,29   describes all governments of men to this day.  Human government is evil , it is the result of humanity rejecting GOD.  GOD did not make it this way, Satan did.  If anyone actively participates in human governments they are part of the evil.  There are only two kingdoms to choose from; that of this world under Satanic control or the kingdom of GOD that GOD has placed under the control of Christ.  No one can have two masters or be in two kingdoms at the same time.  The plain choice is GOD or Satan.  This is the same choice Adam had and he failed but what about you, what choice will you make ?   

Monday, December 2, 2024



Your leaders cause you to err and destroy the way of your paths.  Isaiah 3:12   YAHWEH says “your leaders”,  the leaders you vote for destroy the way of your paths .  So,  YAHWEH appoints leaders that cause us to err and destroy the way of our paths, really !?  2 Samuel 14:14   Lamentations 3:33,34,35,36    Isaiah 10:1,2   Habakkuk 1:4   Isaiah 59:15   YAHWEH does not mess up your life, you do that, YAHWEH wants to clean it up.

1 Samuel 8:6,7,8,9   Israel, by wanting human leadership, rejected YAHWEH as king.  Any form of human government does the same thing.  With the elect saints of YAHWEH it is not so, they 100%  acknowledge YAHWEH as king and submit only to HIM.  The saints are to live as though the kingdom is now,  Colossians 1:2  1 Peter 2:9   YAHWEH takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but yet YAHWEH has appointed evil rulers who have slaughtered millions ?  Really?!   Hosea 8:4   1 Samuel 8:7  2 Kings 17:21   Jeremiah 2:13  Matthew 15:9  John 19:15

I submit that anyone who votes and participates in any form of human government sins against YAHWEH.  You may claim YAHWEH is your king but do you submit totally to HIM ?  Romans 6:16   Matthew 6:24  2 Peter 2:19   1 Corinthians 7:22   James 4:4   Joshua 24:15   Romans 6:13

1 John 2:15,16,17   Romans 8:7   John 15:18,19   1 Corinthians 10:21   Romans 12:2 

Trying to use the scripture to justify voting and taking part in human governments because they seem to you to say;

 oh, YAHWEH has by HIS will established all human leaders and governments and we have the right to participate in them and vote for the leaders that cause us to err and destroy the way of our paths,

  I will deny that this is being a friend of the world and that YAHWEH allows Satan to set up human governments and does not directly do it HIMSELF,

  I want to serve two masters and two kingdoms.I  

I want to be an ambassador that votes in another country not my own,  

I have duel citizenship in heaven and on earth. 

You may try to use the excuse that you do this for yourself and your family so that in hope your vote will bring in a “good” human ruler.  Why not just have YAHWEH as your only king, your only ruler and not reject HIM as Israel did in the days of Samuel.  1 Corinthians 10:11   Romans 15:4   2 Timothy 3:16,17   1 Peter 1:12 

I read in scripture that the saints are not of this world, are not to be a friend of this world, are ambassadors not voters, are strangers and pilgrims as Abraham , as we like he are living in the land of promise but not yet inheritors of it.  

I can’t give the understanding of what I have written here, only YAHWEH can do that if HE is willing and it is your time.   If you are already an elect of YAHWEH and vote in governments of men you lack much spiritual knowledge.  We are only to obey their laws not participate in the making of them or voting for those who make them.  Satan has crept into your spirit and is lying to you.  Your citizenship is in heaven, your name in the book of life from the foundation of the world, you have connection to YAHWEH through Christ to address anything - where is your faith ?

The politics and governments of men is filthy and evil, Satanic.  Satan did not want YAHWEH as his king,  Israel did not want YAHWEH as their king and you, yes you, do not want YAHWEH as your king if you get into the filth of politics and human government.  You become unclean, you have violated the calling you received, lost your fist love.  2 Corinthians 6:17   Matthew 22:37

I challenge anyone to prove that all the scriptures I have given here are wrong and that voting is just fine and dandy,  GOD and Christ approved.  That GOD has HIMSELF directly appointed all human leaders since the beginning of time and Satan had nothing to do with it.  

Exodus 24:7  “all the LORD GOD has said we will do and be obedient.”  Isaiah 43:15   Isaiah 44:6   Matthew 4:10  SERVE GOD ONLY.  Deuteronomy 6:13  Romans 6:16  2 Peter 2:17,18,19,20,21,22  1 Corinthians 7:22  James 4:4   2 Corinthians 5:15   There is a message in all these scriptures that screams out that only GOD is your king, only GOD is to be served,  you should not be a friend of the world, you cannot serve two masters.  Voting is the blind leading the blind,  Matthew 15:14   Isaiah 9:16  Jeremiah 5:31  Proverbs 4:19   Hosea 8:4   

So then, there are two truths of GOD in this article;  GOD has not directly appointed the leaders and rulers of this world but has allowed Satan to do this and second, voting is a sin against GOD and of Satan who was the first one to reject GOD as king then taught humanity to do the same.  Voters do not want GOD to reign over them and want some human instead, well, whatever you sow that will you also reap.  

Jesus told Pilate, you would have no power unless it was given to you from above, by YAHWEH.  Ephesians 6:12  notice it is spiritual rulers, authorities and powers of darkness, did YAHWEH directly appoint these rulers or did YAHWEH give from above that power to Satan ?  

Adam was given dominion over the earth, Adam was the god of the world until he sinned and then Satan became the god of the world.  Christ qualified to take dominion back from Satan but will not until his return.  Then the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of YAHWEH and HIS messiah.  Adam sowed a seed in Eden and reaped the consequences.  YAHWEH is the one Satan refers to in Luke 4:6 as the one who delivered the dominion of earth to him. Who else could have done this ?  As I write these words Satan is in complete control of the world and will remain so until Christ returns and this is YAHWEHS will.  

Saturday, November 23, 2024


The Devil is a former archangel named Lucifer who led a rebellion against GOD.  The Devil is GODS enemy along with a third of the angels that joined him in the rebellion called demons.  Scripture mentions only three archangels;  Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.  Archangels are the most powerful angels and each one had a third of all other angels under their command.  All angels are immortal spirit beings that actually experience GOD in all of HIS glory.  Angels were created with what humanity would call salvation.

Angels have free will and at the very beginning of their existence were similar to Adam in that they needed tested and this rebellion became their test.

Satan discovered GODS plan to create humanity and give to them all of what GOD created making humans HIS heirs.  Satans pride and vanity led him to rebel against GOD.  Satan was defeated by the two thirds of the angels that remained loyal to GOD.  Then GOD sealed in righteousness those angels who were loyal to HIM.  The fallen angels will in the future be cast into outer darkness forever.  Now the question here is what are Satan and the demons capable of doing and what can they do to humans ?  

Satan and the demons can effect the weather, pass through physical things, appear as a ghost like person imitating the dead but cannot assume solid form.  Satan can make you sick both physically and mentally.  Satan can kill you.  Satan can cause you to sin.  Satan knows things about humans and just what to tempt them with.  Satan can possess your body and suppress your human spirit to gain total control of your body.  Unconverted humanity is subject to all of these Satanic abilities unless GOD disallows it.  The elect of GOD can be tempted by Satan but his remaining abilities against HIS elect are disallowed by GOD.  

Satan has a kingdom that GOD separated HIS kingdom from on the first day of creation when HE separated light from darkness.  Satan became the god of the world when Adam lost the dominion GOD gave to him to Satan because Adam sinned.  As god of the world the true GOD permits Satan to have control or dominion to place humans as leaders under his influence and through them control the nations leading them into sin and death.  GOD sent HIS son Jesus to us to conquer Satan and destroy all of Satans works to regain the dominion Adam lost and make possible salvation to all those his FATHER would elect from this current evil age.  The fallen angels are the enemies of GOD and humanity but the holy angels are ministers to those who GOD has elected to be heirs of salvation.  GOD does not give this aid and help by the holy angels to the unconverted or any other creature.  While Satan may yet tempt the elect his other abilities have been ended.  The only way for Satan to gain control of one of GODS elect is for that elect to willingly with knowledge commit the unpardonable sin.  Satan is yet under the control of GOD but GOD allows Satan to function as god of this world except over HIS elect by keeping them from the evil one. 

What is being done by GOD to HIS elect now will be repeated in the millennium and the second resurrection.  This is not the only day of salvation.

Sunday, November 17, 2024


What is time.  It the measurement of the passing of existence based upon the Earths orbit of the sun, the Earths turning on its axis , the phases of the moon and the constellations of the stars.

Christians are to believe the Bible, the word of YAHWEH, the creator of all things. In the first chapter of the book of Genesis there are what are called 7 days.  On each of these 7 days Yahweh created something.  I bring your attention to the fourth day.  Genesis 1:14,15,16,17,18,19  The very things YAHWEH gave to humanity to measure the passing of their existence were all created on this 4th day.  This chapter of Genesis is not about the creation of the Earth because as the text will confirm the Earth was already in existence but in a state of formlessness and emptiness and darkness.  This indicates a repair and transformation process rather than an outright creation of Earth.  Something had happened to Earth that caused the conditions described.  This was the rebellion of Satan and the spiritual war by the angels.  Before the events described in Genesis the Earth existed as the first estate of the angels and was very different from the Earth that YAHWEH was repairing and preparing for humankind.  This pre Genesis period did not have time and therefore no way to determine its beginning or ending.  There was physical life on the Earth during this period of non-time that man has unearthed ; insects, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles that were very different from life on Earth today .  All of this life was destroyed in the angelic rebellion.

There are certain things in the Genesis account that we should notice; the Earth would be the oldest object in today’s universe as all other heavenly bodies did not exist until the fourth day.  The Earths age is impossible to calculate due to the nonexistence of time but it can be accurately deduced to be much more than 6,000 years as some claim.  The creation of light and the separation of light from darkness could not mean the presence or absence of the suns light if the sun was not created until the fourth day.  This light was caused by the glory of YAHWEH similar to the light in Revelation 21:23 .  Once the sun was created this light of YAHWEHS glory was withdrawn.  This division of light and darkness was the separation of YAHWEHS kingdom of light from Satans kingdom of darkness.

Since the Sabbath day of ancient Israel was determined by the heavenly signs that were created on the fourth day, the count from the fourth day until the seventh day would be only 3 days, 3 24 hour days, thus showing that the Sabbath created on the seventh day was not based on time as is the case in the law of Moses.  Today Christians have a rest in Christ that is not based on time either.  The Sabbath of the law was a physical rest only but the Sabbath of Christ is spiritual.  The Sabbath of the law was a shadow, Hebrews 10:1  John 1:17   the Sabbath of Christ is substance.  

Another thing to consider is that the rest of the physical universe came into existence on the 4th day which would mean there can exist no aliens that are thousands of years ahead of humanity in science and technology.  If there are aliens they are about the same in things as humanity.  

There are things to consider in the first chapter of Genesis that we have overlooked so what about the other 1,188 chapters.

Friday, November 15, 2024



There are people who are saying that human organs have memories and that if these organs are transplanted into another person the memories of the donor are transplanted as well.  This type of thinking is very similar to the near death experiences some people have.  Both of these ideas give qualities and functions of the human spirit to the matter that the body is composed of, dust.  The simple truth according to scripture is that matter does not have life.  John 6:63  Genesis 2:7   Job 32:8   The human spirit is what animates the body as your body, the dust of the ground is matter, matter has no life, matter does not think or have memories and it is the human spirit that has all these things.  These false beliefs of NDE's or memories in body parts is of Satan who wants people to ignore spiritual things and accept physical things, Satan wants you to be carnal minded, why,  Romans 8:6,13,27  The focus of a Christian is to be the spirit and not the flesh or physical.  If Satan can influence you to think carnally then he has you and you are dead.  The human body cannot live, move or have any being without the human spirit.  James 2:26  (first part)  Dead people can do nothing because the spiritual force that enables the body is gone when the person is dead.  Everything that you were when alive is stored in your human spirit that returns to YAHWEH upon death in a totally dormant state. Ecclesiastes 12:7   Ecclesiastes 9:10   Psalm 146:1,2,3,4  Psalm 104:29  Genesis 3:19  This includes your memories and knowledge , remember what Jesus said, the flesh profits nothing.  When your human spirit departs it returns to YAHWEH and that spirit contains all of what your were when you were alive.  When you give serious thought to this biblical fact you should arrive at the conclusion that all humans are a spirit in a fleshly body.  The spirit is the treasure in the earthen jar.  2 Corinthians 4:6,7  is informing us that the jar of clay is our physical body of dust but the treasure contained inside is the human spirit.  Lamentations 4:2   Job 4:19  2 Corinthians 5:1,4    We all live this physical life in a temporary dwelling, our fleshly bodies, and the hope of a Christian is to receive a new body, a house from YAHWEH composed entirely of spirit and not flesh, a body exactly like Jesus has now.  1 Corinthians 15:45,46   Perhaps the false idea of glorified flesh may have part in these other false ideas about physical organs with memories and NDE's .  Christians must think spiritually but this will put us at odds with the carnal world.  I have given abundant proof from the scriptures the truth, the truth about all these lies, but it yet seems many have swallowed them hook, line and sinker.  Perhaps your conscience leads you in this direction due to it being separated from YAHWEH.  Human conscience apart from the influence of YAHWEH is an open invitation to Satan to influence your mind with lies.  The same people that believe these lies also claim to be Christians that have the Holy Spirit and this is lying to themselves.  Christians are to know how Satan works, what his methods are, but those who cling to the flesh and believe the lies I have addressed here are Satans children, Lord, Lord people who when Christ returns will hear,  Matthew 7:33 

Monday, November 11, 2024


Most think that the lesson of the book of Job is one of the following or some combination;  learn to trust GOD even when we cannot understand HIM, or to learn about GODS authority, GOD reveals HIMSELF through our suffering, to explain how GOD is good while there is so much evil, explaining why bad things happen to good people and patience in the face of adversity.

Job was a man who feared GOD and shunned evil and was while under the law seen as blameless.  Job 1:1  It is very obvious that Job was under the law because he offered sacrifices and viewed himself as righteous.  Job went as far as to think his supposed righteousness would even cover his children.  Job 1:4,5   This was Jobs belief and practice but as Christians should know it is not the faith of the new covenant.  Notice that GOD is the one who brings up Job to Satan, Job 1:8 ,  as a result Satan challenges GOD to test Job and Satan is convinced Job would curse GOD.  GOD gives Job into Satans hands,  Job 1:12 , with a condition that Satan must not lay a hand on Job himself.   Verses Job 1:13,14,15,16,17,18,19  are what Satan did but Job said, Job:1:20,21,22 

Again Satan came before GOD and this time was allowed to strike Job himself.  Job2:3,4,5,6  the only condition was to not kill Job.  Job did not sin with what he said but what might had been in his thoughts ?  Chapter 3 begins with Job giving himself a pity party, chapter 4 gives us our first hint of Jobs problem,  Job 4:17,18,19 .  Job resented what he believed to be GODS unjust punishment of him ,  Job 5:1,2  Job is yet maintaining his righteousness and rebukes his friends for lack of understanding, support or help.  Job 6:26,27,28,29,30  After a lot of conversation,  Job 9:1,2,3 ,  Job believes his righteousness was sure but in his mind wonders what he can do to defend himself with GOD. Job 9:12,13,14,15,16  Job thinks GOD is unjust,  Job 9:21,22,23,24  Job 10:1,2,3   Job 12:4

Job continues for quite a while in self pity, Job 19:5,6,8,9,21,22   This is a very poor attitude by Job.  Bildads comments begin to hit on Jobs real problem.  Job 25:1,2,3,4,5,6  Job yet continues to defend himself.  Job 27:1,2,3,4,5,6  these are the words of a law keeper totally destitute of spiritual knowledge.  Finally Jobs friends stopped the conversation because, Job 32:1   Then the youngest, Elihu,  begins to speak. Job 32:1,2,3

Job 33:8,9,10,11,12  Elihu sums up Jobs problem. Job 34:5,6,7,8,9  Job 34:33,35,36,37   Job thought that through his law keeping and sacrificing he was righteous and this entire story is about a man who discovers that only GOD is righteous and only by faith and grace will the Almighty be pleased.  After going round and round finally GOD  answers Job.  Job 38:2,36  Job 40:1,2,6,7,8

Finally Job sees his folly, he repents, he understands that his righteousness is from GOD not the law.  Job 42:1,2,3,4,5,6   So then, the truth of the story of Job is basically the story of a law oriented man who GOD used Satan and his friends and last HIS own words to convert Job, to make Job a Christian.   The hearing of the ear was the law but the seeing of the eye was grace and faith. This story of Job demonstrates how the law can lead a person to YAHWEH.  Job understood about a future Christ, Job 19:25,26,27 

Job endured to the end of his trials and found that GODS mercy and compassion are what lead to salvation and not the sacrifices and offerings of the law.  James 5:11

When Job made this statement, “I have heard about you by the hearing of the ear but now my eye sees you therefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes” ,  this hearing of the ear was the law that Job thought made him righteous but the seeing of the eye was Job realizing his self righteousness that was in the law and to see that true righteousness is imputed by GOD to the one of faith.  All of GODS elect have had this type of experience just like Paul had when on his way to Damascus.  Both Job and Paul came to see GOD by realizing their self righteousness was not of GOD . Philippians 3:7,8,9 see what Paul said, “ not having my own righteousness from the law” ,  and this was the same as Job and for all of GODS elect saints.  With Job, Paul and all the elect saints the law was only a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ and now that we see have no further need of the law.  

Friday, November 8, 2024



Casting lots was practiced mostly by people being led the spirit of YAHWEH but did not yet have that spirit or in cases where the decision was extremely dependent on YAHWEH and this practice ended with the giving of the spirit of YAHWEH on Pentecost.  Prior to Pentecost the disciples were led by the spirit to cast lots to find a replacement for Judas.  Notice, they did not vote, the casting of the lots would determine who would be the replacement.  Casting lots was done to eliminate human reasoning and turn any decisions over to YAHWEH. The faith they had was that YAHWEH would cause the lot to fall in accordance with HIS will.  Not all casting of lots was GODLY as when the Roman soldiers cast lots for the garment of Jesus but it is easy to tell the difference.  Joshua divided the inheritance of the tribes by casting lots ,  Joshua 18:10 and in this way YAHWEH made the decision that was free from human bias.  This was not gambling but faith in YAHWEH to trust YAHWEHS will.    When Christ and Barabbas were the choice, the people did not cast lots but rather voted by vocal announcement and later when asked by Pilate what to do with Jesus they voted again in the same manner, they made their voices heard, rule by the will of the people. Sound familiar?

After the spirit was given to true Christians on Pentecost the practice of casting lots ended because now the saints had contact with YAHWEH through Jesus and YAHWEH would teach them through Jesus.  In some false churches today a church board or the congregation votes on the hiring of a pastor or the business of the church.  Catholics vote on who the pope will be.  In the true church, in all things, the spirit of YAHWEH is the only and final authority . One example is, Acts 13:2,3  Voting is human will, casting lots is YAHWEHS will and the inspiration of the spirit of YAHWEH is HIS will.  

Casting lots was a means to ensure that human bias did not interfere with the choice thereby preserving the integrity and divine nature of the decision. This is a practice that all of the false churches should be doing rather than voting because if they were to place trust in YAHWEH rather than men it would show some small amount of faith and that if YAHWEH chose to would convert them.  Matthew 13:15   However I would not hold my breath on that.

I have shown here how men in the past sought YAHWEHS will and that the idea of voting is never seen.  The elect saints put their faith in YAHWEH that all things will eventually work out for good even those things that presently are evil.  Unconverted people are intentionally left in that state to prevent them from committing the unpardonable sin. Only those YAHWEH has known in eternity that would have their names in the book of life from the foundation of the world will YAHWEH choose because YAHWEH is not willing that any should perish but rather come to repentance.  Do not worry about your unconverted loved ones because YAHWEH has not forgotten them and will teach them in the millennium and second resurrection.  Yes there will be some who do commit the unpardonable sin but I believe compared to all of humanity that number will be few.  Anyway, don’t vote, don’t cast lots but rely on YAHWEH and HIS son in everything.

Thursday, November 7, 2024



There is no command in scripture to vote or not vote. There is no law in the U.S. requiring you to vote.  If GOD controls the appointments of all human leaders and nothing can stop HIS will, then why vote , as GODS WILL IS DONE.  The reason Paul gave for obeying the government was so that we could live safely and peacefully in some level of prosperity.  1 Timothy 2:1,2   This cannot be used to say, hey Christians go vote.  The rejection of GOD as king by Israel was not something GOD approved of, but GOD would let them reap what they sowed.  1 Samuel 8:7   GOD had Samuel warn Israel about what a king would do.  1 Samuel 8:9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22   The history of Israel testifies as to their eventual demise.

How do we square the fact that Satan is the god of this world with YAHWEH controlling who the leaders are ?  This appears to be a problem.  This world is carnal and under the sway of Satan because YAHWEH wills it to be.  Do you not think GOD has the power to remove Satan ?   Adam gave up the dominion YAHWEH gave him to Satan when he disobeyed YAHWEH and with knowledge obeyed Satan.  The history of humanity from that day until now is one of suffering and death.  This is the fruit of the world and by their fruits you will know them.  

Participating in both Satanically inspired human and Godly governments at the same time is a problem.  Even in human governments your loyalty is to the nation in which you are a citizen but if you try to be loyal to two different governments at the same time a charge of treason will be made.  GOD allows Satan to rule this world and in that way HE is still in charge because GOD does draw lines on rare occasions to prevent Satan from doing what is yet to be fulfilled in the future, to keep HIS prophets words relevant.  

It is said that voting is a matter of personal conscience but in these last days that conscience has been seared with a hot iron 1 Timothy 4:1,2  and unfortunately this has found its way into false Christianity that is in the world.  Voting, politics and human governance is a system that GOD will destroy .  When a Christian is praying to YAHWEH , for the leadership they happen to be under in this world, it is only so that they are not hindered by an evil person from living peacefully and quietly in some level of prosperity.  This has nothing to do with voting and putting faith in human government but rather placing faith in GOD to protect us from the evil that the world does. John 17:15  Who knows the true intents of the heart and is able to make the correct choice, you by voting for some man or YAHWEH , who controls  Satan  that places human leaders of governments ?  When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan the last temptation was recorded in Luke 4:5,6,7  and here Satan says “it has been given to me” , well who do you think gave the world to Satan ?   Therefore if you vote you are voting against GOD and for Satan.  I hope it can be seen that voting is useless if you claim to be a Christian.

Another thing to consider.  Only GODS elect are true Christians and those who make the claim to be Christians are liars.  You should know that it is a biblical truth that the peoples of this world are the children of the devil, their father is the devil. 1 John 3:10 

When there is an election both candidates are the devils child.  Either way you vote you are voting for a child of Satan.  Also consider, did GOD appoint Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Moa Zedong, Kim Jong Un, Adolf Hitler and many other evil despots to power ?  GOD allows Satan to appoint these and all governments and their leaders. Was GOD pleased that people of Israel rejected HIM as their King ?   In GODS eyes Harris is no different than Trump, neither one is a Christian and both children of the devil.  Will there be voting in the kingdom of GOD ?  

As a Christian you are to be an ambassador, a representative of a foreign country of which you are to be a citizen , a heavenly country.  You are not to be of this world or any of its countries. We are like Abraham who will be the heir of the world but dwelt as a stranger or pilgrim in the land of promise. 1 Peter 2:11,12    Hebrews 11:9   What did Abraham seek, a heavenly country, a city whose builder and maker is GOD.  Hebrews 11:10    

There is a tremendous conflict of interest here that voters do not see and some refuse to see.  Patriotism is a religion, the pledge of allegiance to a nation that you love and place your obedience, faith, hope and trust in. If you are a Christian your allegiance is to GOD only. Mark 12:17    Voting attempts to divide that allegiance between GODS government and human government .  Ambassadors do not vote in the nation that they are sent to and in the case of a Christian that is this entire world.  I am fully aware that 99.99% of all people on this Earth will reject what I have written here and label me as Satanic, say I am condemning people, falsely judging, think I am better than them when all I have done is show you what the scriptures plainly say.  Voters want to fit in, they don’t want to endure any persecution or suffer as Christ did. It is the same thing as not keeping pagan days or holy days of the law that brought persecution to the early Christians.  Christ had a single purpose, to do the will of GOD and we should be of his mind.  Philippians 3:19,20,21   Isaiah 26:13   Luke 9:23  

If you were to google the question, “What can Christians learn from Israel’s rejection of GOD as their king” ,  you will actually see the meaning of 1 Corinthians 10:11,12  and though the rejection of GOD as king is not listed in the examples given it nonetheless is an example .  By rejecting GOD as king Israel violated the covenant they had made with GOD. Exodus 24:7  Just as Israel rejected GOD as king there is a warning to Christians that they should not make the same mistake. 1 Corinthians 10:11 Both Israel and the false churches already had GOD as their king but both wanted to be like the other nations to fit into the world, to be of the world. This was a part of the the falling away Paul spoke about. 2 Timothy 4:3,4

The false churches have fallen into the same trap as Israel and today they have in their deceived minds two GODS , the one true GOD and HIS government and a human false ruler and Satanic government.  The rules given by Paul are not an approval of human government but a way for the church to live peacefully in a world that they are not a part of.  There is not going to be a “good world” until Christ returns as this world is in the sway of Satan so the how is it possible that voting will change anything?  This idea makes voting the way to bring the kingdom to Earth while making the world a better place until then.  There is nothing a Christian can do to bring the kingdom as GOD only will do that and  that day is not even known to Christians.     They will not make the world a better place either as Paul explained.  2 Timothy 3:12,13  1 Timothy 4:1

To understand what I have written here you must have the Holy Spirit and be a mature Christian, not a babe, and conduct a diligent search with GOD guiding you.  Since the grand total of true Christians at the return of Christ is 144,000 with most of them currently dead there are not many alive today that will understand.   

Another thing to consider.  The original being who rejected GOD as king and rebelled against HIS rule due to his vanity and his desire was Lucifer, who desired to set himself up as GOD, then set about to influence humanity to do the same.  His was the force behind the Tower of Babel and Israel’s rejection of GOD as king, it also the same force behind voting.  It is the rejection of GOD as the only true king and then accepting Satanic human rulership.

Even the documents associated with the founding of the United States; the United States constitution and Declaration of Independence specifically designate government by the people in the form of a representative republic, that is not GODS government it is human government.   Yes the name of GOD was invoked but GOD was totally left out of the process.  How can government be of GOD and humans at the same time ?  If the United States was a Christian nation should not it’s founding documents state, “government of GOD by GOD and for the people” ?  When Israel rejected GOD as their king they basically desired a similar thing to what the United States government is.  Since the number of true Christians is only 144,000 it is safe to say that none of the founding fathers were Christians.  The truth is that GOD in all of human history and to this day only had one nation that was HIS nation, carnal Israel, and they rejected GOD so therefore GOD has no replacement.   

It does not matter what the carnal world believes because the entire world is under GODS law, the Ten Commandments,  Romans 3:19   No nation on this Earth follows that law, they have all sinned and are under an everlasting death sentence.  The true church is not under the law of sin and death,  Romans 8:2 ,  but rather the law of the spirit of YAHWEH through Jesus Christ.  True Christians obey YAHWEH rather than men.  Acts 5:29   Is this in all things or is human politics excluded ?  

Is it a sin to take part in the government and politics of men ?  Yes it is.  In doing so you side with the Devil who was the first to reject YAHWEH as king.

You cannot serve two masters, you attempt to have one foot in the kingdom of GOD and the other in the kingdom of Satan.  It is a form of spiritual treason.  A true Christian, an elect saint of GOD, would never do this.  

Monday, October 28, 2024



There are people who consider themselves teachers and leaders.  In the first century the Apostles were chosen to be examples and to preach the gospel.  The Apostles always gave credit to YAHWEH and Christ as our teachers and leaders. 

 Yahweh appointed and anointed only Jesus to the position of mediator between HIMSELF and humanity.  No one else has this office.  The Apostles were given a greater measure of YAHWEHS spirit to empower them to do what YAHWEH wanted them to do.  After these Apostles all died there were no more Apostles and there was no more human ministers.  

Throughout time the deceivers and liars have always been men or women that think they are your leaders and teachers but look at what this lie has produced in this world.  The world is in spiritual turmoil, chaos and confusion with thousands of differing beliefs.   

What happened to the fact that there is only one faith, one church whose members all know and speak the same things ?   The prophets, Jesus and the Apostles all prophesied that the true church would be attacked by Satan and driven to the four winds, scattered, the power of the holy people shattered.  Daniel 12:7  The church today has not been destroyed but is in obscurity and is the invisible church and the world does not know them.  

YAHWEH in eternity knew this would happen and in order to keep HIS little flock pure in HIS truth revealed to them that HE and HIS son have completely taken over the church and for the church eliminated the cause of deception, human ministry.  The church looks only to YAHWEH and Christ and none of its members are leaders or teachers.  Even though scattered on a grand scale and extremely few in number not even knowing who others are or where they are except in their own very small groups, YAHWEH and Christ are with them.  The deception in the world has no effect on them.  Matthew 24:24   This deception has been existing for a long time and with the passing of time has waxed worse and worse.  2 Timothy 3:13 and has arrived at the crescendo described in Revelation 12:9   World events are unfolding as the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles foretold.  While we do not know the day and hour we will know when it is at the doors as we are not in darkness that the return of Christ will surprise us like a thief.  1 Thessalonians 5:4   It is indeed like it was in the days of Noah,  2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4,5   1 Timothy 4:1,2  Genesis 6:5   

Events in the Middle East, the acceptance of gross sexual misconduct, the evil by governments, the greediness of institutions and the spiritual ignorance of religion all combined in these days we are living in inform us that the day is drawing near.  Luke 21:28

Friday, October 25, 2024



The Apostle Paul’s conversion experience was far more dramatic than that of many others.  He was literally struck down and had a meeting with the glorified Christ.  This took place while Paul was on his way to kill or imprison more Christians.  Paul was a member of the cult of the Pharisees.  Unlike the Sadducees the Pharisees believed in the resurrection, angelic spirits, GOD as a spirit, prayer and a future messiah.  These beliefs are similar to what Christians believe.  After Paul’s conversion he realized that all the horrible things he did were done in ignorance and that he was not converted, did not have the Holy Spirit.  Paul did not become a Lord Lord person.   If someone is in any cult and you would try to reason with them using the scriptures to show them that they are unconverted and do not have the Holy Spirit how would you go about it ?  Perhaps it would be better to just say nothing and let them alone to be a Lord Lord person .  If you came out of a cult you did so because GOD began to open your understanding to see that you are in a cult and need to leave.  Everyone who has experienced this has been called and this is only the beginning because you must answer, follow through with the process that leads to your conversion, your being chosen.  

If a person is truly converted and has the Holy Spirit do you think that person would recognize weather or not someone else is converted or not ?   

Many false Christians believe Jesus is Lord, the messiah and son of GOD, they call Jesus Lord Lord but not everyone who does this will be in the kingdom.  Matthew 7:21   Luke 13:25,26,27   Luke 6:46   Why is it that many former cult members have a difficult time admitting they were like Paul; unconverted.  When I went through my own process of conversion it did not take me very long at all to understand that I did not have the Holy Spirit, I was not converted.  There are those who either cannot see or refuse to see they are not converted when coming out of a cult unless they obey what Christ said,  Mark 16:16 ,  they become the people who say Lord Lord.

All of us when born into this world are cut off from GOD and dead in trespasses and sins, then we join a cult are baptized into it , then think when we come out of it had the Holy Spirit all along.  Are any of us being honest with ourselves before GOD that think this way ?   This is Lord Lord thinking.   Anyone thinking this way needs to seriously examine themselves and see the error and correct it by following through with the rest of the conversion process prescribed by Christ and the Apostles.  

Saturday, October 19, 2024



YAHWEH can manipulate any spirit, human or animal in any way HE desires.  YAHWEH took the human spirit from Nebuchadnezzar and replaced it with an animal spirit.  YAHWEH removed the spirit of Balaams donkey and gave it a spirit capable of intelligent conversation.  YAHWEH can place into the human spirits of people spiritual knowledge in various degrees along with performing miracles through them.   

All human beings are a spirit in a mortal body.  The real you is your human spirit not your fleshly body.  This is how we are in the image and likeness of YAHWEH.  In Genesis 1:26 the Hebrew word for image is “tselem” H6754 meaning a shadow, a phantom, illusion, a vain show.  The word likeness is H1823 “demuth” meaning a pattern that resembles something.  Is YAHWEH flesh and blood, is HE mortal, physical and limited ?  This image and likeness is one of inferiority to YAHWEH but yet similar because YAHWEH is a spirit and so are all humans.  YAHWEH works with the spirits of humanity not their flesh. Hebrews 12:23  Job 32:8  1 Corinthians 2:11   Proverbs 20:27   Philippians 4:23  Galatians 6:18   1 Corinthians 6:17,20 

This human spirit is the source of your life and knowledge and by using the physical brain controls all of the body.  Your brain is only the interface between your body and human spirit.  

YAHWEH plans to convert evil humans to HIS way of love and righteousness beginning at conversion and culminating in being born into the kingdom of YAHWEH as an impeccable, immoral spirit being.

This is the message of the gospel and any deviation from this is a lie.  There are billions who lie. The truth comes to the saints from YAHWEH through Jesus Christ and from no human being.  Anyone setting up some human as a leader and teacher has that person as their GOD because that they submit to a mere human and not YAHWEH.  This is the way of the Christian professing world.  The world has to have their human GOD, their pastor, their minister, preacher because they attempt to mimic what they see in scripture concerning the organization of the church in the first century.  Ignorantly they not realizing that the system of the first century has ended and YAHWEH and Christ have taken over completely the operation of the church.  YAHWEH now, through Christ, teaches HIS elect saints by divine revelation.  John verifies this fact, 1 John 2:27  

Do you understand that the anointing, the spirit of YAHWEH teaches you about all things.  Modern day preachers are fakes and attempt to do what only YAHWEH can do.  They are actually committing blasphemy and idolatry and I hope ignorantly.  This is the entire reason why there is so much deception, confusion, thousands of different churches, lies  and ridiculous preaching  are in the world.  This is why many may be called but few are chosen.  The majority of people will not believe what has been written here or even in the scriptures but desire to cling to their customs and traditions.  The evidence is there but they are blind to it.  Revelation 12:9 

Friday, October 18, 2024



When we all came to Simply Christian we came out of some kind of deception or cult that in time we came to see was a lie.  Ask, would GOD lead me into a lie or did I chose to join the cult ?  Psalm 23:1,2,3  Does this align with your experience ?

GOD does not lead anyone into a cult but HE can take you out of one.  Why did we join the cult ?  Was it not because we thought the cult had the truth ?  Did we not with all our hearts believe that cult ?  Would a converted person willingly and knowingly join a cult ?  Would a converted person believe what the cult says ?  When we are converted don’t we know the truth in order to be converted in the first place ?  The truth about GOD, Christ, the gospel and prophecy of the future.   John 14:16,17,26 ,  John 15:26 ,   John 16:13,14,15   Did these things happen to us when we were in the cult ?  What was the symbolic practice that we did to become a member of our cult ?  Was it not baptism ?  What were were baptized into ?  We could lie to ourselves and say that we knew the truth but we did not else we would have never joined a cult to begin with.  Let’s not deceive ourselves.

There is only one baptism that really matters and I confess that when I was baptized into the cult of the Worldwide Church of God I was not converted, I didn’t have the Holy Spirit and I was not a Christian before or after until GOD called me out of the cult and revealed to me the truth.  This caused me to be cut to the heart, circumcised of the heart and the same message that Peter preached on the day of Pentecost applied to me.  Acts 2:38   When you and I were in the cult we were deceived, we did not know the truth, how then could we have been converted, how could being baptized into a cult make us Christians ?  GOD called us but how do we answer that call, again Acts 2:38 .  Satan wants us to think that our baptism into a cult is that real one true baptism in Christ.  There is no difference between us and the people Peter preached to on Pentecost,  Acts 2:38 ,  except the type of cult we were in, they a cult of Judaism and we a cult of false Christianity.  A cult is not Christian so why would their baptism be.  It is impossible to deceive a true Christian because they are taught by GOD through Jesus Christ.  Matthew 24:24  John 8:32  John 6:45  John 14:6  Isaiah 54:13   1 Thessalonians 4:9   To think that a baptism into a cult is synonymous with baptism in Christ is calling evil good.  Isaiah 5:20  Malachi 2:17   We were baptized into a cult, that is the hard cold truth and leaving that cult is only the first step,  Acts 2:38 are the next steps.  If you are able to see this take those steps.   1 Corinthians 10:20,21   2 Corinthians 6:15,16   Mark 16:16  

Monday, October 14, 2024


Jesus Did Not Pray to Avoid the Cross at Gethsemane by
James Rogers with comments by LeeB
March 19, 2024 

Several decades ago, a pastor (and friend) mentioned in passing at one of our regular breakfasts together that he wasn’t satisfied with the usual reading of Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane, the usual reading being that Jesus asked the Father to avoid the Cross at Gethsemane. We turned to the passage, I told him that I wasn’t sure what else Jesus could be asking in His prayer, and we moved on to chat about other topics.

We never returned to the subject; my pastor, sadly, passed away not too long after our conversation. But his question stayed at the back of my mind over the years. Despite my initial skepticism, gradually over the years I noted a set of texts that seemed to press for a different reading of Jesus’s prayer at Gethsemane. 

I first discuss why I don’t think the Bible teaches that Jesus prayed, or would have prayed, to avoid the Cross. I then consider what Jesus did​ ask of the Father in Gethsemane if He did not in fact ask the Father to avoid the Cross. 

Rather than praying to avoid the Cross at Gethsemane, I suggest Jesus instead asked the Father to end a Satanic attack from Satan to kill him before he could go to the cross.  This was a request that pleased the Father to grant; that is, on this reading the Father said “yes” to Jesus’s prayer at Gethsemane. Further, the faith that Jesus demonstrates in His prayers at Gethsemane provides His people with a consummate example of faith for us to emulate, particularly when we face our own suffering and most particularly when we face our own deaths.  The gospel of John contains no account of this incident but has the prayer of Jesus in John 17 that gives no indication of Jesus wanting to escape crucifixion.

Jesus stated expressly that He would not​ ask the Father to avoid the cross

A few days before the Cross, John quotes Jesus expressly denying that He would ask the Father to avoid the Cross. “Now My Soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, ‘Father save me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour” (John 12:27). As at Gethsemane in the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus reports in John that His soul is “troubled”  to the point of death. (cf. Matt 26:38). Despite that, Jesus says He would not ask the Father to “save me from this hour.”

Even closer in time to the Cross, John again has Jesus expressing His willingness to drink the cup that is the Cross: After Peter strikes and wounds the high priest’s slave, Jesus says to Peter, “the cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18.11)

To be sure, even the casual reader recognizes that John’s Gospel differs in tone and focus from the Synoptic Gospels. Nonetheless, Jesus’s statements in John that He would not ask the Father to avoid the Cross are direct and clear. At the very least they invite the reader to ask whether Jesus’s prayers recorded in the Synoptic Gospels can be read consistently with what John reports.

Jesus responds, “Get thee behind me, Satan,” to Peter’s wish that Jesus avoid the cross

In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, when Jesus tells His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem to suffer, die, and be resurrected, Peter takes Jesus aside and chastises Him. Peter’s comment recorded in Matthew is even more pointed in the Greek: Peter wishes “mercy” on Jesus (Matt 16.22). In response to this wish of mercy, Jesus gives Peter a bracing rebuke: “Get behind Me, Satan” (Matt 16:23).

Jesus’s response to Peter raises a problem for the traditional reading of Gethsemane; in effect, the traditional reading would place Peter’s words and desire for mercy in Jesus’s mouth at Gethsemane.

The thing is, Jesus does not merely dismiss Peter’s wish as understandable (if misguided) sentimentalism or good intentions. Jesus rejects Peter’s wish as Satanic. Jesus’s bracing rebuke of Peter leaves no room for the type of special pleading that styles Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane as reflecting an understandably human crisis of faith given the imminency of the Cross. While Jesus was fully human and was “tempted in all things as we are,” yet Jesus lived “without sin” (Heb 4:15). Jesus would not— could not—effectively have prayed the same thing Peter desired for Him and which Jesus flatly dismissed as Satanic.  Would not this instantly disqualify Jesus as Messiah ?

There often is a follow up defense of the traditional view that posits that Jesus did not in fact ask the Father to avoid the Cross in Gethsemane because Jesus gave the Father an out by adding “yet not as I will, but as You will” at the end of His prayer (Matt 26.39, cf., vv. 42, 44). However, this attempt to patch up the traditional view doesn’t work linguistically. If I say to my father, “Please don’t make me do ‘X,’ but if you insist that I do ‘X’ I will submit to you and do ‘X,’” it remains obvious that I am asking him that I be allowed to avoid doing ‘X.’ That I might also tell my father I would submit to his decision if he declines my request does not change the fact that my request is one asking him to allow me to avoid doing ‘X.’ If my father insists that I do ‘X’ it means my father answers “no” to my request. The traditional view requires, at least at the point of Jesus’s request in Gethsemane, that Jesus’s desires for Himself are at odds with those of the Father.  Therefore there must be another request made by Jesus that has been overlooked.

The traditional reading of Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane has Jesus asking the Father to allow Him to avoid the Cross, with the Father answering “No” to Jesus’s request.

Hebrews 5:7 and Matthew 26:53 suggest the Father answered Jesus’s prayer in the affirmative

In Hebrews 5:7, the author writes regarding Jesus that “In the day of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety.” The reference to prayers offered “to the One able to save [Jesus] from death” appears most particularly to be a reference to Jesus at Gethsemane. And, indeed, at Gethsemane the traditional view, Jesus asks the Father “to save Him from death.” Yet the author of Hebrews has the Father saying “yes to Jesus’s request rather than “no.”  This verse is attributed to Jesus but in reality is a continuation of the thought in verse 6 about Melchizedek. 

As noted above, if saving Jesus from death refers to the Cross, then the traditional reading of Gethsemane has the Father answering “no” to Jesus’s prayer there. On the other hand, if saving Melchizedek from death by the hand of Abraham is the correct idea then the account of Jesus praying with fervent crying and tears never happened which is confirmed by the other gospels accounts. Either way you look at this one answer from GOD is no and another is yes, this is a problem.

So, too in Matthew 26 itself, Jesus suggests that the Father would spare Him from the Cross if Jesus were actually to have asked it. At His arrest, in response to Peter (again) seeking to protect Jesus from the Cross, Jesus says, “[D]o you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” (v. 53)

The implication here is that if Jesus had in fact asked the Father to avoid the Cross in Gethsemane, the Father would have granted Jesus’s request immediately, sparing Him from the Cross. Jesus and the Father always agreed on Jesus going to the Cross, Jesus never sought to avoid it, and the Father never forced Jesus to the Cross against Jesus’s will.

This also is the upshot of Jesus’s observation in the Gospel of John that His crucifixion results from His own—Jesus’s own—initiative: “For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again” (John 10:17–18). At no point does the Father force Jesus to go to the Cross in the face of Jesus’s desire to avoid it. Jesus never shrinks from the cross; He is always willing lay down His life for those He loves, and He does so on His own initiative.

If Jesus prayed to avoid the Cross, then Paul prays a more self-sacrificing prayer than Jesus

Paul writes in his letter to the Romans, “I could wish [“pray” in Greek] that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh” (Rom 9:3). If Jesus asked the Father to avoid the Cross in His prayer at Gethsemane, then it would seem that Paul’s willingness to sacrifice for his lost brethren is greater than Jesus’s willingness to do the same. I suggest that the more likely scenario is that Paul understands his prayer merely to reflect the same love that Christ showed for His people, a love that resulted in Jesus’s willingness to sacrifice for their salvation.

Revisiting Jesus’s Prayer at Gethsemane

Even conceding the extrinsic evidence adduced above, what of the text of Jesus’s actual prayer in Gethsemane? Doesn’t Jesus ask the Father to pass on the Cross? I suggest that Jesus’s prayer at Gethsemane, rather than being a request to avoid the cross entirely, is instead a request that the  Satanic attack against his life end.  Jesus was just fine before entering the garden and at the Passover meal reinforced his will to die. Jesus used the symbols of bread and wine and told Judas to go and do quickly what he had to do.  Satan waited until Jesus entered the garden, a more opportune time. Luke 4:13  When Satan realized that he could not tempt Jesus to worship him he then plotted to kill him prior to the cross.  This was the cup that Jesus wanted removed so that he could fulfill scripture concerning his death.  Jesus left the matter up to GOD who sent an angel to strengthen him.  Luke 22:43   This interpretation of the events in Gethsemane align more with the character of Jesus than the conventional "avoiding the cross" idea.

The second and third prayers that Jesus prayed in Gethsemane seem to indicate this claim explicitly: “He went away again a second time and prayed, saying, ‘My Father, if [or “since”] this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done.” Note the language Jesus uses, the cup can pass away, and it did and Jesus went on to his death on the cross.

The language of Jesus’s first prayer is consistent with this reading as well. Jesus asks that the cup “pass from me” (parerchomai apo egō, Matt 26:39). While the phrase can mean “to avoid,” it does not seem as though it has to be taken only in the sense of “to avoid” the cross. It can mean to pass sequentially or temporally after an elapse of time. The time the Satanic attack began until the time GOD sent the angel.

This, then, is the force of Jesus’s statement in His prayers, “Thy will be done.” Jesus is willing to drink the cup, die in the garden, if this was the  Father’s judgment or will. 

A Passing Comment on Matthew 27:46’s “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me”

Jesus’s cry on the Cross, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me” is not directly related to Jesus’s prayer in Gethsemane. Yet the spirit in which Jesus’s statement on the Cross is often preached is of one weave with the traditional reading of Gethsemane that Jesus there asked the Father to forgo the Cross.

The initial problem with this common rendition of Jesus’s cry on the Cross is that Jesus does not ask “why” the Father forsakes Him on the Cross in the sense that he did not know because Jesus had always known.  Numerous earlier texts throughout the Gospels tell us that Jesus knew exactly what would happen on the Cross, and Jesus embraced that purpose as His vocation (Matt 16:21; 22:23; John 3:14; et al.).

In contrast, a well-known alternative reading of Jesus’s statement is that with those words Jesus directs His disciples to Psalm 22. This Psalm, however, is not a psalm of despair and abandonment. It is a psalm of trust and vindication. While David mouths the question, “My God, my God why have You forsaken me,” David immediately answers his own question with the response that God has not in fact abandoned him. As David continues the psalm it crescendos to a conclusion in which God not only vindicates David, the psalm vindicates God’s righteousness and faithfulness as well. Jesus encourages His disciples by directing them to this Psalm on the cross. It is worth quoting at length given that the bulk of the Psalm answers the lament in the first verse:

In You our fathers trusted;
They trusted and You delivered them.
To You they cried out and were delivered;
In You they trusted and were not disappointed.
. . .
Yet You are He who brought me forth from the womb;
You made me trust when upon my mother’s breasts.
Upon You I was cast from birth;
You have been my God from my mother’s womb.

But You, O Lord, be not far off;
O You my help, hasten to my assistance.
Deliver my soul from the sword,
My only life from the power of the dog.
Save me from the lion’s mouth;
From the horns of the wild oxen You answer me.

For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted;
Nor has He hidden His face from him;
But when he cried to Him for help, He heard.

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,
And all the families of the nations will worship before You.
For the kingdom is the Lord’s
And He rules over the nations.
All the prosperous of the earth will eat and worship,
All those who go down to the dust will bow before Him,
Even he who cannot keep his soul alive.
Posterity will serve Him;
It will be told of the Lord to the coming generation.
They will come and will declare His righteousness
To a people who will be born, that He has performed it.

(Psalm 22:4–5, 9–10, 20–21, 24, 27–31, emphasis added).

Gethsemane Exemplifies the Faith of Jesus Christ as He Faces the Cross

Pastors routinely preach that Jesus asking the Father to avoid the Cross in Gethsemane exemplifies Jesus’s humanity. The purpose for doing so is laudable, that is, to underscore the Christian’s identification with Jesus Christ as a person who is fully human.  .

Yet while laudable in intention, the view has Jesus shrinking from the Cross in Gethsemane. While I have no doubt that many of us would indeed shrink from just such a fate that Jesus faced, that would not be a response of faith and trust, either for Jesus or for us.

The alternative reading of Gethsemane presented above instead underscores the faith of Jesus Christ in the face of imminent suffering and death. In going to the Cross Jesus nonetheless trusted that the Father would bring His suffering to an end rather than abandon Him.  (Acts 2:27, 31, 32).

Consistent with this, the apostles repeatedly point to Jesus as an example for Christians to emulate when facing our own suffering and death. Peter, for example, writes “to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing” (1 Peter 4:13) and “since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose” (1 Peter 4:2).

Peter concludes his encouragement for Christians in the face of their own suffering with the comment that “those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right” (1 Peter 4:19).

In the alternative reading of Gethsemane presented above, Jesus exemplifies one who “entrusts” His soul “to a faithful Creator.” Jesus’s prayer for  defense from Satans attack is a prayer of faith and trust. When faced with our own suffering and death, Gethsemane provides Christians with the very model of faith and trust. Gethsemane does not teach that Jesus shrinks from His suffering and death. Rather, Jesus’s prayer at Gethsemane invites us to follow His example of faith and trust. Indeed, Jesus had far more on the line than we do in our own deaths given that He would taste death and judgment for all of us on the Cross. Jesus leads His people at every point.

Our own deaths remind us that our fate is ultimately out of our control; we are entirely in the hands of God. This is not a reason to worry or despair, however, because God can save us while we cannot save ourselves. Confidence that our God is a “faithful Creator” invites us to entrust our souls to God and to face our suffering and death with faith and trust, just as Jesus faced His own suffering and death, even—or especially—at Gethsemane. Jesus at Gethsemane becomes the consummate example of this faith and trust rather than an example of the all-too-human inclination to shrink from suffering and death. This reading of Gethsemane invites us to fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross” (Heb 12:2).

Sunday, October 13, 2024



John 9:3,4   The works of GOD might be displayed in us.

Matthew 25:24,25,26,27,28,29,30   We should not bury our talent. 

This study is for us.  It is not for anyone else but GODS elect saints.  “To whom much is given much more will be asked”,  Luke 12:48   Matthew 10:38   Mark 8:34  Luke 9:23  Luke 14:27  These scriptures convey a message.  John 9:4   What should we do ?  2 Timothy 2:2,15,24,25,26   The saints have authority on the Earth now to be used by GOD as a catalyst to stir up the human spirits of people whom HE intends to call and choose to become one of HIS elect saints.  It is no coincidence that the saints are scattered to the four winds to the same locations as the innumerable multitude. As you all know I joined a group called Simply Christian, I did so because I felt I was being led to do it.  Since joining I have had an effect on a few members, a few good and some not.  Not only do these people have the gospel witnessed to them but I also have learned some things in the process of communication with them.  I find the review of things I have been taught very helpful, it keeps me sharp.  If you have noticed that your spiritual memory is developing gaps interaction with people that involves proving the truth will revive you.  

The stirring up of people seems to be the most used method of GOD for choosing HIS elect.  GOD used the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles to do this and today HE uses HIS elect to do the same.   Below is my massage to Outcast and a comment from Outcast who I believe GOD used me as a catalyst to draw Outcast to HIMSELF through Jesus Christ.


Well-known member

Hello Outcast. I was concerned that your absence from the forum was due to hurricane Helene. I was glad to hear that you were visiting family. I hope you had a good visit. You are one of only a very few on this forum that contributes to spiritual reasoning and understanding. I have been on Simply Christian for almost two years and noticed ,as expected , that the majority have little knowledge about spiritual things. Your arrival was refreshing and I very much enjoy your comments that contain spiritual wisdom. Most members seem to be ex Jehovahs Witnesses and to me bear a grudge and cannot let the past behind to press forward into a new and living way. This forum also highly reveres a man , Anthony Buzzard, who while having a good amount of truth has ideas that are totally false. I know Anthony, he was in the former Worldwide Church of God under Herbert Armstrong as I was. Much of the understanding Anthony has came from the WCG. As you may know I am totally against the idea of the church organization that has evolved from the primitive Catholic Church. I trust no man, only GOD and Christ. I sense that you are the same. Why is it that something that is so precious as salvation is so easily given over to someone else who claims to be a man of GOD ? Why is it that a root of evil is the lifeblood of church organizations ? All these things a much more prove the validity of Revelation 12:9 . I joined Simply Christian only to share what I had been given. I cannot teach, I do not desire to be a leader and I do not want money. I just write and then let it in GODS hands. I am very happy you are back and look forward to hearing from you.


Active member

Good morning, Lee. Thank you for the kind words, brother.

This world is getting worse, and keeping my head up despite the condition of our nation gets more tiring as the days go on. Family members are among those who avoid conversations with me regarding scripture. It is disheartening.

Like you, after being duped for so many years and following the crowd, I see how easy it is to just claim the odd-person-out is just deceived. It is the easy-button that people look for - never considering the harm that this willful ignorance causes to their future.

You may not be a teacher, but you are a good reason to reconsider those views I previously held. You cause me to pause and search again the things I thought I already understood. You have been the blessing that I asked Yahweh for.

I pray that God would introduce me to a few others in my area with the desire to understand scripture without the bias of bible commentaries. I miss so much the days that caused me to search deeply for truth in order to share what I found - even though it was that time period that dragged me away from the organized denomination that told me to believe things that they could not prove by scripture.

I recognize the different people who can reach a conclusion that is not accepted by denominations, but even they can't let go of the social environment they are in. I find that they stay where they are and let the false narrative continue without interference. I cannot do that. I guess it is just my nature to speak up with countering passages. People do not want to be challenged like that. Even those who were my "friends" will disassociate with me in order to be accepted by the crowd.

Yahweh knew it would happen. Yeshua told the people it would happen. It is happening to me now. Now, it is high time I simply accept it and keep going. I keep waiting to see what door is going to open so that I can do God's work with the time I have left.

Would you also ask God to give me a local brotherhood who desires scriptural truth regardless of social pressure, please?


Well-known member

Proverbs 27:17 This online fellowship sharpens us both. Matthew 10:34,35,36 This is why many are called but few are chosen. This is part of our cross to bear. I too am alienated from my family so I love them from a distance. Ezekiel 13:22,23 Our hearts are sad due to all the lies in church organizations that promise life and liberty but are servants of corruption. GOD has already delivered you and I from their hands and at some future time will deliver all each in their own order.
To have fellowship with other people of like mind is a blessing but the most important fellowship is, 1 John 1:17 Here on Simply Christian you and I fellowship and we have shared what YAHWEH has given with each other thus fulfilling 1 John 1:3 I have prayed for you and will always pray for you just as I pray for all the scattered elect. Until YAHWEH sees fit to give you local fellowship you always have YAHWEH, Christ and Lee.


This is an example of what we are to do now.  

No, we are not preaching to the world but to a small group of people we do not know and have never met but all of them , or at least some, a genuinely searching for the truth.  All of them like us were once caught up in a deception.  These people are just as we were when GOD first began working with us.  

There are people on Simply Christian that are nothing more than agents of Satan and an example of this is below.  Notice how Outcast came to my defense.




William Kuevogah
Staff member

Jul 28, 2020

Oh, I almost forgot—fideism seems to be the bedrock of the ideas expressed in this post.
Those are two isms you didn't realise you were hiding behind, nay, undergirding, your rhetoric. I'm glad I could help.


Active member

Don't forget fundamentalism—which you're clearly beholden to, if this post is anything to go by.
Oh, I almost forgot—fideism seems to be the bedrock of the ideas expressed in this post.
Those are two isms you didn't realise you were hiding behind, nay, undergirding, your rhetoric. I'm glad I could help.
I think you have missed a target there, amigo. I see no fideism in LeeB,s statements. Perhaps you are not actually searching the scripture references that he offers?

Apostle Paul has said that people are without excuse because the evidence of God surrounds them.

Romans 1:20 ESV
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

That being the case, searching for reason should be the result of seeing God's handiwork. It should cause people to search. Yes, God gives faith, but it comes with searching - not just getting a "feeling." Brother LeeB uses reasoning to arrive at his beliefs.

Inversely, I find that many use bible commentaries and claim that they "searched" the scriptures for truth. The fact is that it was not the scriptures that they actually reasoned with - it was the opinions of theologians who told them what to think. Many do not follow scripture - they follow man.

This is a foretaste of what we will be doing in the kingdom.  I ask you all to consider joining Simply Christian and continue to be used by GOD and Christ as instruments in their hands to complete the number of 144000 that has not yet been reached.  

We have been blessed beyond measure, given much, now it is time for GOD and Christ to ask something more from us.  To realize that we too have a work to do in helping others that GOD may want to choose.  In my mind I knew going into this group that I would be met with unbelief and that if only one of them was accepting of my words, that GOD opened their mind, the angels in heaven would rejoice.  GOD has a very long history of working through people to accomplish HIS will.  

There is a thing called the book of remembrance in which the names of those who feared GOD and remembered HIS name are written.  Malachi 3:16   I want my name and your names in that book and as many as GOD can use us for to add to it. 

Ask yourselves, what have I done to make myself available to GOD for the furtherance of HIS will ?  We have been given much, now it is time for us to give ourselves to GOD as a tool for the advancement of HIS will.  

Isaiah 6:6-8   We are similar to Isaiah in that we know of some of the things to come and of the message of the gospel.  The remaining yet Unchosen elect need to hear words from us that only GOD can cause them to understand.  This is only a very small thing that GOD asks of us,  1 Peter 3:15 ,  Colossians 4:6 ,  2 Timothy 2:25-26 .  Please do not make a decision now, think and pray about it, and if you would like to join me in the Simply Christian forum let me know.


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...