Sunday, October 13, 2024



John 9:3,4   The works of GOD might be displayed in us.

Matthew 25:24,25,26,27,28,29,30   We should not bury our talent. 

This study is for us.  It is not for anyone else but GODS elect saints.  “To whom much is given much more will be asked”,  Luke 12:48   Matthew 10:38   Mark 8:34  Luke 9:23  Luke 14:27  These scriptures convey a message.  John 9:4   What should we do ?  2 Timothy 2:2,15,24,25,26   The saints have authority on the Earth now to be used by GOD as a catalyst to stir up the human spirits of people whom HE intends to call and choose to become one of HIS elect saints.  It is no coincidence that the saints are scattered to the four winds to the same locations as the innumerable multitude. As you all know I joined a group called Simply Christian, I did so because I felt I was being led to do it.  Since joining I have had an effect on a few members, a few good and some not.  Not only do these people have the gospel witnessed to them but I also have learned some things in the process of communication with them.  I find the review of things I have been taught very helpful, it keeps me sharp.  If you have noticed that your spiritual memory is developing gaps interaction with people that involves proving the truth will revive you.  

The stirring up of people seems to be the most used method of GOD for choosing HIS elect.  GOD used the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles to do this and today HE uses HIS elect to do the same.   Below is my massage to Outcast and a comment from Outcast who I believe GOD used me as a catalyst to draw Outcast to HIMSELF through Jesus Christ.


Well-known member

Hello Outcast. I was concerned that your absence from the forum was due to hurricane Helene. I was glad to hear that you were visiting family. I hope you had a good visit. You are one of only a very few on this forum that contributes to spiritual reasoning and understanding. I have been on Simply Christian for almost two years and noticed ,as expected , that the majority have little knowledge about spiritual things. Your arrival was refreshing and I very much enjoy your comments that contain spiritual wisdom. Most members seem to be ex Jehovahs Witnesses and to me bear a grudge and cannot let the past behind to press forward into a new and living way. This forum also highly reveres a man , Anthony Buzzard, who while having a good amount of truth has ideas that are totally false. I know Anthony, he was in the former Worldwide Church of God under Herbert Armstrong as I was. Much of the understanding Anthony has came from the WCG. As you may know I am totally against the idea of the church organization that has evolved from the primitive Catholic Church. I trust no man, only GOD and Christ. I sense that you are the same. Why is it that something that is so precious as salvation is so easily given over to someone else who claims to be a man of GOD ? Why is it that a root of evil is the lifeblood of church organizations ? All these things a much more prove the validity of Revelation 12:9 . I joined Simply Christian only to share what I had been given. I cannot teach, I do not desire to be a leader and I do not want money. I just write and then let it in GODS hands. I am very happy you are back and look forward to hearing from you.


Active member

Good morning, Lee. Thank you for the kind words, brother.

This world is getting worse, and keeping my head up despite the condition of our nation gets more tiring as the days go on. Family members are among those who avoid conversations with me regarding scripture. It is disheartening.

Like you, after being duped for so many years and following the crowd, I see how easy it is to just claim the odd-person-out is just deceived. It is the easy-button that people look for - never considering the harm that this willful ignorance causes to their future.

You may not be a teacher, but you are a good reason to reconsider those views I previously held. You cause me to pause and search again the things I thought I already understood. You have been the blessing that I asked Yahweh for.

I pray that God would introduce me to a few others in my area with the desire to understand scripture without the bias of bible commentaries. I miss so much the days that caused me to search deeply for truth in order to share what I found - even though it was that time period that dragged me away from the organized denomination that told me to believe things that they could not prove by scripture.

I recognize the different people who can reach a conclusion that is not accepted by denominations, but even they can't let go of the social environment they are in. I find that they stay where they are and let the false narrative continue without interference. I cannot do that. I guess it is just my nature to speak up with countering passages. People do not want to be challenged like that. Even those who were my "friends" will disassociate with me in order to be accepted by the crowd.

Yahweh knew it would happen. Yeshua told the people it would happen. It is happening to me now. Now, it is high time I simply accept it and keep going. I keep waiting to see what door is going to open so that I can do God's work with the time I have left.

Would you also ask God to give me a local brotherhood who desires scriptural truth regardless of social pressure, please?


Well-known member

Proverbs 27:17 This online fellowship sharpens us both. Matthew 10:34,35,36 This is why many are called but few are chosen. This is part of our cross to bear. I too am alienated from my family so I love them from a distance. Ezekiel 13:22,23 Our hearts are sad due to all the lies in church organizations that promise life and liberty but are servants of corruption. GOD has already delivered you and I from their hands and at some future time will deliver all each in their own order.
To have fellowship with other people of like mind is a blessing but the most important fellowship is, 1 John 1:17 Here on Simply Christian you and I fellowship and we have shared what YAHWEH has given with each other thus fulfilling 1 John 1:3 I have prayed for you and will always pray for you just as I pray for all the scattered elect. Until YAHWEH sees fit to give you local fellowship you always have YAHWEH, Christ and Lee.


This is an example of what we are to do now.  

No, we are not preaching to the world but to a small group of people we do not know and have never met but all of them , or at least some, a genuinely searching for the truth.  All of them like us were once caught up in a deception.  These people are just as we were when GOD first began working with us.  

There are people on Simply Christian that are nothing more than agents of Satan and an example of this is below.  Notice how Outcast came to my defense.




William Kuevogah
Staff member

Jul 28, 2020

Oh, I almost forgot—fideism seems to be the bedrock of the ideas expressed in this post.
Those are two isms you didn't realise you were hiding behind, nay, undergirding, your rhetoric. I'm glad I could help.


Active member

Don't forget fundamentalism—which you're clearly beholden to, if this post is anything to go by.
Oh, I almost forgot—fideism seems to be the bedrock of the ideas expressed in this post.
Those are two isms you didn't realise you were hiding behind, nay, undergirding, your rhetoric. I'm glad I could help.
I think you have missed a target there, amigo. I see no fideism in LeeB,s statements. Perhaps you are not actually searching the scripture references that he offers?

Apostle Paul has said that people are without excuse because the evidence of God surrounds them.

Romans 1:20 ESV
For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.

That being the case, searching for reason should be the result of seeing God's handiwork. It should cause people to search. Yes, God gives faith, but it comes with searching - not just getting a "feeling." Brother LeeB uses reasoning to arrive at his beliefs.

Inversely, I find that many use bible commentaries and claim that they "searched" the scriptures for truth. The fact is that it was not the scriptures that they actually reasoned with - it was the opinions of theologians who told them what to think. Many do not follow scripture - they follow man.

This is a foretaste of what we will be doing in the kingdom.  I ask you all to consider joining Simply Christian and continue to be used by GOD and Christ as instruments in their hands to complete the number of 144000 that has not yet been reached.  

We have been blessed beyond measure, given much, now it is time for GOD and Christ to ask something more from us.  To realize that we too have a work to do in helping others that GOD may want to choose.  In my mind I knew going into this group that I would be met with unbelief and that if only one of them was accepting of my words, that GOD opened their mind, the angels in heaven would rejoice.  GOD has a very long history of working through people to accomplish HIS will.  

There is a thing called the book of remembrance in which the names of those who feared GOD and remembered HIS name are written.  Malachi 3:16   I want my name and your names in that book and as many as GOD can use us for to add to it. 

Ask yourselves, what have I done to make myself available to GOD for the furtherance of HIS will ?  We have been given much, now it is time for us to give ourselves to GOD as a tool for the advancement of HIS will.  

Isaiah 6:6-8   We are similar to Isaiah in that we know of some of the things to come and of the message of the gospel.  The remaining yet Unchosen elect need to hear words from us that only GOD can cause them to understand.  This is only a very small thing that GOD asks of us,  1 Peter 3:15 ,  Colossians 4:6 ,  2 Timothy 2:25-26 .  Please do not make a decision now, think and pray about it, and if you would like to join me in the Simply Christian forum let me know.

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