Saturday, December 28, 2024



I have posted articles here that explain just what sin is and what temptation is.  As a brief review sin is not by word or deed but by thought . Matthew 15:18,19,20  Your human spirit is the birthplace of sin.  The words and deeds are the result of these thoughts.  Your sins are the cause of , the result of, the manifestation of the evil thoughts you have.  Dead people cannot sin because they can no longer think.  Romans 6:7

Temptation is a word that if not applied in the proper way will lead to an incorrect conclusion.  If you are tempted this does not mean that you have sinned.  In order for the temptation to be sin you must give into the temptation, you must in your spirit consider responding to the temptation. James 1:14  If I were to tempt you to kill your entire family would you consider it ?  No, you would not, the temptation to do this would not be successful as it would not make you want to do it.  This means the temptation is unsuccessful, yes you were tempted but you did not respond.  Now, if I were to tempt you with something that you would not find repulsive then you may very well consider doing it.  Once you consider and are enticed then sin is born even before you act on it, you only need to think about it.  Exodus 20:17  Romans 7:7  So then, temptations are only sin if you actually consider responding to them.  

Jesus confirmed this description of sin and temptation when he said to look on a woman and lust for her is sin or to hate another is murder.  Matthew 5:21,22  Matthew 5:28  Evil thoughts are what defile us even though we do not do what we were tempted with.  

OK.  Now let’s look at the temptation of Christ by Satan.  There are false ministers that say Jesus was tempted, that the temptation was successful otherwise it would have been a farce .  If these ministers are correct then Jesus, by his own definition of what sin is, did indeed sin and we have no messiah.  The false ministers do not understand what temptation and sin really is.  They are not saying that Jesus had the potential to sin they say he did sin.  What this does is assume that Jesus was like we are in every way, it makes Jesus like us rather than like his GOD. This is an excellent example of the carnal mind, a carnal way of thinking that leads to death.  These false ministers may have some truth in what they say but it is mixed in with lies.  This is how Satan operates, mix some truth with lies.  What truth you have must be compromised to accommodate the lies therefore all of what you have is lies.  The false ministers do not see that the temptation of Jesus by Satan was to prove that Jesus was like his FATHER .  GOD cannot be tempted with evil,  James 1:13 ,  and neither could Jesus. This temptation by Satan proves this. This makes Jesus the perfect messiah, the one all the prophets declared would be a perfect lamb without spot or blemish. 

 Jesus Christ was incapable of sin because his GOD and FATHER created him righteous and full of agape.  Jesus was the image of GOD in righteousness and agape.  Hebrews1:3  This in no way makes Jesus YAHWEH , it makes him the messiah, the perfect Passover lamb.  Churches that say things contrary to the truth I have written here preach another Jesus. 2 Corinthians 11:4  All these churches will, if they refuse to repent and be corrected by GOD,  face judgment.  If alive at the time of the great tribulation all these churches will be Laodiceans and all their foundations will be tested by fire and their lies, their wood, hay and stubble burned and they suffer loss but they need gold tried in the fire and must buy it from GOD and the price for it will be their lives, they must be martyred, then if they repent and accept their fate they will be in the first resurrection with the 144,000 elect.  Each man, each woman, each person must build on their own foundation and cannot use the foundation of someone else.  All the saints must acquire gold, silver and precious stones to build on the foundation of the prophets, Apostles and Christ.  It is like the talents Jesus spoke about, we cannot bury our talents so we cannot build with wood, hay or stubble.  

If we are in the end times and have been called and chosen by GOD then we need to make that calling and election sure. The key of David is repentance, a broken spirit, a contrite heart GOD will not despise.  Psalm 51:17 This key then opens the door for us to receive the awesome blessings of GOD.  Matthew 7:7  This will make us Philadelphians .

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