When we all came to Simply Christian we came out of some kind of deception or cult that in time we came to see was a lie. Ask, would GOD lead me into a lie or did I chose to join the cult ? Psalm 23:1,2,3 Does this align with your experience ?
GOD does not lead anyone into a cult but HE can take you out of one. Why did we join the cult ? Was it not because we thought the cult had the truth ? Did we not with all our hearts believe that cult ? Would a converted person willingly and knowingly join a cult ? Would a converted person believe what the cult says ? When we are converted don’t we know the truth in order to be converted in the first place ? The truth about GOD, Christ, the gospel and prophecy of the future. John 14:16,17,26 , John 15:26 , John 16:13,14,15 Did these things happen to us when we were in the cult ? What was the symbolic practice that we did to become a member of our cult ? Was it not baptism ? What were were baptized into ? We could lie to ourselves and say that we knew the truth but we did not else we would have never joined a cult to begin with. Let’s not deceive ourselves.
There is only one baptism that really matters and I confess that when I was baptized into the cult of the Worldwide Church of God I was not converted, I didn’t have the Holy Spirit and I was not a Christian before or after until GOD called me out of the cult and revealed to me the truth. This caused me to be cut to the heart, circumcised of the heart and the same message that Peter preached on the day of Pentecost applied to me. Acts 2:38 When you and I were in the cult we were deceived, we did not know the truth, how then could we have been converted, how could being baptized into a cult make us Christians ? GOD called us but how do we answer that call, again Acts 2:38 . Satan wants us to think that our baptism into a cult is that real one true baptism in Christ. There is no difference between us and the people Peter preached to on Pentecost, Acts 2:38 , except the type of cult we were in, they a cult of Judaism and we a cult of false Christianity. A cult is not Christian so why would their baptism be. It is impossible to deceive a true Christian because they are taught by GOD through Jesus Christ. Matthew 24:24 John 8:32 John 6:45 John 14:6 Isaiah 54:13 1 Thessalonians 4:9 To think that a baptism into a cult is synonymous with baptism in Christ is calling evil good. Isaiah 5:20 Malachi 2:17 We were baptized into a cult, that is the hard cold truth and leaving that cult is only the first step, Acts 2:38 are the next steps. If you are able to see this take those steps. 1 Corinthians 10:20,21 2 Corinthians 6:15,16 Mark 16:16 The Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 3:21 supports baptism because it removes all past sins, it is an act of faith, in preparation to receive the Holy Spirit. Mark16:16 John 3:5 water and spirit, that is being baptized then receiving the spirit. Acts 16:31,32,33 Romans 6:3,4 Galatians 3:26,27 Colossians 2:12 Titus 3:5
Baptism is a requirement in the process of becoming a Christian. Yes, it contains symbolism but then so does the bread and the wine. The important things is that we understand the symbolism and obey the command of Christ and the Apostles.
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