Friday, October 25, 2024



The Apostle Paul’s conversion experience was far more dramatic than that of many others.  He was literally struck down and had a meeting with the glorified Christ.  This took place while Paul was on his way to kill or imprison more Christians.  Paul was a member of the cult of the Pharisees.  Unlike the Sadducees the Pharisees believed in the resurrection, angelic spirits, GOD as a spirit, prayer and a future messiah.  These beliefs are similar to what Christians believe.  After Paul’s conversion he realized that all the horrible things he did were done in ignorance and that he was not converted, did not have the Holy Spirit.  Paul did not become a Lord Lord person.   If someone is in any cult and you would try to reason with them using the scriptures to show them that they are unconverted and do not have the Holy Spirit how would you go about it ?  Perhaps it would be better to just say nothing and let them alone to be a Lord Lord person .  If you came out of a cult you did so because GOD began to open your understanding to see that you are in a cult and need to leave.  Everyone who has experienced this has been called and this is only the beginning because you must answer, follow through with the process that leads to your conversion, your being chosen.  

If a person is truly converted and has the Holy Spirit do you think that person would recognize weather or not someone else is converted or not ?   

Many false Christians believe Jesus is Lord, the messiah and son of GOD, they call Jesus Lord Lord but not everyone who does this will be in the kingdom.  Matthew 7:21   Luke 13:25,26,27   Luke 6:46   Why is it that many former cult members have a difficult time admitting they were like Paul; unconverted.  When I went through my own process of conversion it did not take me very long at all to understand that I did not have the Holy Spirit, I was not converted.  There are those who either cannot see or refuse to see they are not converted when coming out of a cult unless they obey what Christ said,  Mark 16:16 ,  they become the people who say Lord Lord.

All of us when born into this world are cut off from GOD and dead in trespasses and sins, then we join a cult are baptized into it , then think when we come out of it had the Holy Spirit all along.  Are any of us being honest with ourselves before GOD that think this way ?   This is Lord Lord thinking.   Anyone thinking this way needs to seriously examine themselves and see the error and correct it by following through with the rest of the conversion process prescribed by Christ and the Apostles.  

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