Tuesday, December 10, 2024



1 Corinthians 2:6,8   Acts 13:27  Acts 3:17  Psalm 2:1,2  Ephesians 6:12  Proverbs 29:12  Matthew 15:14   Hosea 4:6  the rejection of GOD as king will cause GOD to reject us.  Proverbs 1:24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31   Jeremiah 4:22 

Luke 4:5,6,7   How could Satan make this offer if he was not in all ways the god of this world ?   Satan said, “ for it has been given unto me” , that meaning Satan has absolute control of the world because it was given to him by GOD.  2 Corinthians 4:4  GOD allows this but is not the cause of it and in the same way GOD allows Satan to appoint the leaders and rulers of this world and does not appoint them HIMSELF.  1 John 5:19  Ephesians 2:2   Revelation 12:9   Daniel 4:17   GOD appointed Satan as ruler , leader and god of the world, Satan is the one who sets over it the lowest of men, not GOD.  GOD does not lie, GOD does not do evil, GOD does not tempt or deceive humanity, Satan does all these things. 

GOD is love, we know this.  Is what you see in this world the direct result of GODS doing ?  

Lucifer was the first to reject GOD.  Adam was the second, Israel was the third and the entire world followed except GODS elect saints.  If GOD directly appointed all human leaders and rulers and controlled their actions then why would HE even need Satan at all ?  All human governments are evil and GOD intends to destroy them and replace them with HIS kingdom.  Is GOD the author of evil and confusion ?  Would not GOD be responsible for all the evil of all human governments if HE directly appointed all human leaders ?   It is GODS will that Satan rules the world and HE allows Satan to appoint all the leaders and rulers of this world.  Why do we pray, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven if GODS will is being done by HIS appointing all human rulers ?  Isaiah 9:16   Isaiah 3:12   Ezekiel 22:25,26,27,28,29   describes all governments of men to this day.  Human government is evil , it is the result of humanity rejecting GOD.  GOD did not make it this way, Satan did.  If anyone actively participates in human governments they are part of the evil.  There are only two kingdoms to choose from; that of this world under Satanic control or the kingdom of GOD that GOD has placed under the control of Christ.  No one can have two masters or be in two kingdoms at the same time.  The plain choice is GOD or Satan.  This is the same choice Adam had and he failed but what about you, what choice will you make ?   

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