Saturday, December 21, 2024




#1   There is only one GOD, the FATHER, the only true GOD.  Any other teaching is a lie.

#2    Jesus is not GOD, he is the messiah, he was a human being, his beginning was in the womb of his mother, he was incapable of sin, he was glorified when he ascended and is no longer human  but is a life giving spirit, he is the only mediator between GOD and humanity, he has been given access to the power of GOD to complete his work and someday will return to earth bringing his GODS kingdom with him.

#3    Humans are totally mortal and at death their spirit goes back to GOD in a dormant state.  This human spirit is the true person and the fleshly body an earthly temporary dwelling.  In the first resurrection at the return of Jesus the saints will be raised from the dead as glorified spirit beings to rule and reign with Christ as kings and priests.  They will be Elohim or gods that rule over geographic regions once ruled over by demons.  All human spirits came from heaven and return there at death and the body decays to dust , only humans in the first resurrection will return to earth as a spirit being. The second resurrection is one back to fleshly mortality again were everyone will have the Holy Spirit and first opportunity for salvation.  

#4    Salvation was invented by GOD, and Christ was the vehicle used by GOD to provide it.  Only GOD places people in HIS church.  GOD draws these called and chosen to HIMSELF through Jesus and empowers them with GODLY love to begin to live a life pleasing to GOD.  These saints have access to repentance and forgiveness and in their faith in the gospel imputed righteousness.  Salvation can be lost if a saint commits the unpardonable sin.  Pentecost was not the beginning of the church as there were saints before Christ that will be in the first resurrection with the saints after Jesus.  From the time of Adam until the return of Jesus there will be only 144,000 elect saints.  The innumerable multitude will also be in the first resurrection but must first be martyred.  Salvation is when you are a glorified immortal impeccable spirit being in the kingdom of GOD. 

#5    Law and grace are total opposites, the law death, grace life.  Sin is overcome by GODS love that fulfills all laws, does no harm and is expressed in two greatest commandments of love to GOD and love to neighbor.  The law was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that produces death and grace is the tree of life that produces immortality.  Jesus had no need to abolish the law because he began a totally new covenant not based on law but on faith and grace.  The law was designed by GOD to lead you to Christ who is salvation and once this is done the laws grip on you is over.  The covenants cannot be mixed together.  The law provides none of the things needed for salvation it only brings death.  The entire unconverted world is under the law weather they know it or not and condemned to death for their sins.  Only GOD can give you the understanding of the truth to know all these things.

#6    Salvation is in three stages; the first resurrection, the millennium and the second resurrection.  These are the three measures of meal Jesus spoke about.  The church was symbolized by the two loaves of leavened bread baked on Pentecost.  The two loaves were ; one for the saints before Jesus and one for those after Jesus.  The church is spiritual Israel, the Israel of GOD, the first fruits, the 144,000 elect, the twelve tribes scattered abroad.  All of worldly Christianity is false and of Satan. 

#7    Free will in humanity is absolutely required by GOD to make HIS offer of salvation possible.  GODS love is present in the Christian by the in dwelling of GODS spirit.  GODS love is not forced, programmed or artificial but is real and true.  This love is freely given and freely returned otherwise it is not love.  Before a person is in Christ, is a Christian, they are under the will of Satan and held as a prisoner to sin and death ignorantly worshipping Satan and loving it in a perverted form of Satanic love.  This is the type of love you see in the many false churches today.  True Christians love GOD because HE first loved them.

#8    The will and desire of GOD ALMIGHTY in eternity has been to create other beings who would be similar to HIMSELF.  They would be as righteous as GOD, love as GOD is, holy and perfect, incapable of sin or being tempted into sin.  They would be immortal and composed of spirit and thus be the offspring of GOD.  GOD is eternal with no beginning or ending, HE is omnipresent being everywhere at all times, he has all power and all knowledge and wisdom.  There is nothing that can alter or destroy HIS will and HE will do all that HE desires.  This GOD deserves our worship and love above all else as without HIM willing it to be so you nor anything you have would even exist.  All humanity owes everything they are and have to YAHWEH the ETERNAL great GOD.   If you can understand these things you are blessed because in all of human history there has been only 144,000 who have understood.  This 144,000 is only the beginning of, the first fruit of what GOD has done.  There will be others who will follow later who will have the same hope and opportunity presented to them as the 144,000 had before them.  Currently this is Satans world and GOD has been highly selective in who HE calls and chooses because HE is not willing that any should perish but rather have a better chance in the future millennium and second resurrection.  Time is irrelevant to GOD and has no hold or effect on HIM, therefore when HE speaks a command all contained in that command happens instantly.  From when GOD said, let there be light, all of HIS will was done. Everything recorded in scripture, everything that has happened from those words was accomplished and completed.  Humans however live in a bubble we call time and cannot perceive these things. We must wait for things to be but GOD does not , HE speaks and it is done.  GOD has in eternity know all our sins from cradle to grave before we were alive to commit them.  GOD did not create humanity sinners rather humanity made themselves sinners.  Everything recorded in scripture was about  what the foreknowledge of GOD has been. It will all work out together for good and fulfill GODS will, and indeed it already has.  

This writing is by no means all of the truth of GOD.


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