Saturday, November 23, 2024


The Devil is a former archangel named Lucifer who led a rebellion against GOD.  The Devil is GODS enemy along with a third of the angels that joined him in the rebellion called demons.  Scripture mentions only three archangels;  Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer.  Archangels are the most powerful angels and each one had a third of all other angels under their command.  All angels are immortal spirit beings that actually experience GOD in all of HIS glory.  Angels were created with what humanity would call salvation.

Angels have free will and at the very beginning of their existence were similar to Adam in that they needed tested and this rebellion became their test.

Satan discovered GODS plan to create humanity and give to them all of what GOD created making humans HIS heirs.  Satans pride and vanity led him to rebel against GOD.  Satan was defeated by the two thirds of the angels that remained loyal to GOD.  Then GOD sealed in righteousness those angels who were loyal to HIM.  The fallen angels will in the future be cast into outer darkness forever.  Now the question here is what are Satan and the demons capable of doing and what can they do to humans ?  

Satan and the demons can effect the weather, pass through physical things, appear as a ghost like person imitating the dead but cannot assume solid form.  Satan can make you sick both physically and mentally.  Satan can kill you.  Satan can cause you to sin.  Satan knows things about humans and just what to tempt them with.  Satan can possess your body and suppress your human spirit to gain total control of your body.  Unconverted humanity is subject to all of these Satanic abilities unless GOD disallows it.  The elect of GOD can be tempted by Satan but his remaining abilities against HIS elect are disallowed by GOD.  

Satan has a kingdom that GOD separated HIS kingdom from on the first day of creation when HE separated light from darkness.  Satan became the god of the world when Adam lost the dominion GOD gave to him to Satan because Adam sinned.  As god of the world the true GOD permits Satan to have control or dominion to place humans as leaders under his influence and through them control the nations leading them into sin and death.  GOD sent HIS son Jesus to us to conquer Satan and destroy all of Satans works to regain the dominion Adam lost and make possible salvation to all those his FATHER would elect from this current evil age.  The fallen angels are the enemies of GOD and humanity but the holy angels are ministers to those who GOD has elected to be heirs of salvation.  GOD does not give this aid and help by the holy angels to the unconverted or any other creature.  While Satan may yet tempt the elect his other abilities have been ended.  The only way for Satan to gain control of one of GODS elect is for that elect to willingly with knowledge commit the unpardonable sin.  Satan is yet under the control of GOD but GOD allows Satan to function as god of this world except over HIS elect by keeping them from the evil one. 

What is being done by GOD to HIS elect now will be repeated in the millennium and the second resurrection.  This is not the only day of salvation.

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