Friday, November 8, 2024



Casting lots was practiced mostly by people being led the spirit of YAHWEH but did not yet have that spirit or in cases where the decision was extremely dependent on YAHWEH and this practice ended with the giving of the spirit of YAHWEH on Pentecost.  Prior to Pentecost the disciples were led by the spirit to cast lots to find a replacement for Judas.  Notice, they did not vote, the casting of the lots would determine who would be the replacement.  Casting lots was done to eliminate human reasoning and turn any decisions over to YAHWEH. The faith they had was that YAHWEH would cause the lot to fall in accordance with HIS will.  Not all casting of lots was GODLY as when the Roman soldiers cast lots for the garment of Jesus but it is easy to tell the difference.  Joshua divided the inheritance of the tribes by casting lots ,  Joshua 18:10 and in this way YAHWEH made the decision that was free from human bias.  This was not gambling but faith in YAHWEH to trust YAHWEHS will.    When Christ and Barabbas were the choice, the people did not cast lots but rather voted by vocal announcement and later when asked by Pilate what to do with Jesus they voted again in the same manner, they made their voices heard, rule by the will of the people. Sound familiar?

After the spirit was given to true Christians on Pentecost the practice of casting lots ended because now the saints had contact with YAHWEH through Jesus and YAHWEH would teach them through Jesus.  In some false churches today a church board or the congregation votes on the hiring of a pastor or the business of the church.  Catholics vote on who the pope will be.  In the true church, in all things, the spirit of YAHWEH is the only and final authority . One example is, Acts 13:2,3  Voting is human will, casting lots is YAHWEHS will and the inspiration of the spirit of YAHWEH is HIS will.  

Casting lots was a means to ensure that human bias did not interfere with the choice thereby preserving the integrity and divine nature of the decision. This is a practice that all of the false churches should be doing rather than voting because if they were to place trust in YAHWEH rather than men it would show some small amount of faith and that if YAHWEH chose to would convert them.  Matthew 13:15   However I would not hold my breath on that.

I have shown here how men in the past sought YAHWEHS will and that the idea of voting is never seen.  The elect saints put their faith in YAHWEH that all things will eventually work out for good even those things that presently are evil.  Unconverted people are intentionally left in that state to prevent them from committing the unpardonable sin. Only those YAHWEH has known in eternity that would have their names in the book of life from the foundation of the world will YAHWEH choose because YAHWEH is not willing that any should perish but rather come to repentance.  Do not worry about your unconverted loved ones because YAHWEH has not forgotten them and will teach them in the millennium and second resurrection.  Yes there will be some who do commit the unpardonable sin but I believe compared to all of humanity that number will be few.  Anyway, don’t vote, don’t cast lots but rely on YAHWEH and HIS son in everything.

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