Friday, December 27, 2024


2 Corinthians 3:18 says that Christians are in the process of being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Christ was the image of the invisible GOD, the radiance of GODS glory the express image of GODS nature of agape and righteousness.  1 John 3:2  Philippians 3:21  Romans 8:29 

 Ephesians 4:23,24  John 17:22  all are saying the same thing.  

Now let us examine the teachings of a certain man who is highly esteemed by many. Luke 16:15.  His teaching is that it was possible for Jesus to have sinned, he teaches that Jesus asked his FATHER to escape the crucifixion and that Jesus was glorified flesh when raised from the dead.  He says Jesus was like us in every way. In the minds of people that believe this man they would see a Jesus that was as weak as they are because he was tempted and could have sinned, a Jesus that was afraid to face death and went against the will of GOD by wanting to escape the crucifixion and a Jesus raised from the dead as glorified flesh and in heaven is still a human of glorified flesh. 1 Corinthians 15:50  The people see a Christ that has been made more in their image rather than his FATHERS.  They think, oh well Jesus could have sinned so I don’t feel so bad when I sin,  or Jesus didn’t want to die and by fear of death asked his FATHER to save him so if I am weak that’s not so bad , and perhaps , Jesus is glorified flesh and I will be too.  Now if you have a mind to see;  Jesus was as weak as us but just fortunate enough to have never sinned, Jesus was basically a coward and went against GODS will by asking to escape the cross and as a reward for all of this GOD raised him from the dead as glorified flesh, glorifying that which profits nothing. John 6:63  This is the Jesus that is produced if a person believes all the lies that this man teaches. 2 Corinthians 12:4  The truth is that Christians must measure up to the stature and fullness of Christ,  Ephesians 4:13 and be recreated to be in his image as he was created to be in GODS image. Colossians 1:15  That image is absolute perfection, holiness, agape and righteousness an impeccable savior without spot or blemish a perfect Passover lamb. Hebrews 1:3  What this false teacher teaches is blasphemy, Hebrews 10:29  he assassinates the  character of the Christ and calls GOD a liar in the way HE created HIS son and then demotes Christ to glorified flesh rather than the life giving spirit he is today. 1 Corinthians 15:45 All of this man’s teachings prove that he does not know GOD, Christ or the gospel.  

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