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In 1 Corinthians 3:10,11,12,13,14,15 Paul writes about how we build on the foundation he was inspired as an Apostle to lay for us. This foundation is the prophets, the Apostles and the chief cornerstone, Christ. There are two types of foundations Paul describes; one that receives a reward and the other that suffers loss. The one receiving the reward had used gold, silver and precious stones while the other gold, silver, precious stones,wood , hay, and stubble. Fire is used to test the foundation of the latter and they will suffer loss but yet will be saved as it were by fire. Revelation 3:15,16,17,18,19 Laodiceans are lukewarm neither cold or hot, they have used wood, hay and stubble on their foundation being rich and increased with goods needing nothing. Christ tells them to buy from me gold tried in the FIRE. This is the tribulation when Laodiceans repent and buy gold at the cost of martyrdom. The price for buying the gold is their life.
The Philadelphians do not go through this fire as their building materials were gold, silver and precious stones. There is an innumerable multitude of Laodiceans alive today that have some truth and some lies, that is a foundation of gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay and stubble. These people are Luke warm Christians that have quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit.
The Philadelphians have persevered , kept HIS word and not denied HIS name. The open door and key of David provides them with the proper building materials and they have a reward. Because of this they are protected from the fiery trial that will test the foundations of those who dwell on the earth.
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