Sunday, November 17, 2024


What is time.  It the measurement of the passing of existence based upon the Earths orbit of the sun, the Earths turning on its axis , the phases of the moon and the constellations of the stars.

Christians are to believe the Bible, the word of YAHWEH, the creator of all things. In the first chapter of the book of Genesis there are what are called 7 days.  On each of these 7 days Yahweh created something.  I bring your attention to the fourth day.  Genesis 1:14,15,16,17,18,19  The very things YAHWEH gave to humanity to measure the passing of their existence were all created on this 4th day.  This chapter of Genesis is not about the creation of the Earth because as the text will confirm the Earth was already in existence but in a state of formlessness and emptiness and darkness.  This indicates a repair and transformation process rather than an outright creation of Earth.  Something had happened to Earth that caused the conditions described.  This was the rebellion of Satan and the spiritual war by the angels.  Before the events described in Genesis the Earth existed as the first estate of the angels and was very different from the Earth that YAHWEH was repairing and preparing for humankind.  This pre Genesis period did not have time and therefore no way to determine its beginning or ending.  There was physical life on the Earth during this period of non-time that man has unearthed ; insects, plants, birds, mammals, reptiles that were very different from life on Earth today .  All of this life was destroyed in the angelic rebellion.

There are certain things in the Genesis account that we should notice; the Earth would be the oldest object in today’s universe as all other heavenly bodies did not exist until the fourth day.  The Earths age is impossible to calculate due to the nonexistence of time but it can be accurately deduced to be much more than 6,000 years as some claim.  The creation of light and the separation of light from darkness could not mean the presence or absence of the suns light if the sun was not created until the fourth day.  This light was caused by the glory of YAHWEH similar to the light in Revelation 21:23 .  Once the sun was created this light of YAHWEHS glory was withdrawn.  This division of light and darkness was the separation of YAHWEHS kingdom of light from Satans kingdom of darkness.

Since the Sabbath day of ancient Israel was determined by the heavenly signs that were created on the fourth day, the count from the fourth day until the seventh day would be only 3 days, 3 24 hour days, thus showing that the Sabbath created on the seventh day was not based on time as is the case in the law of Moses.  Today Christians have a rest in Christ that is not based on time either.  The Sabbath of the law was a physical rest only but the Sabbath of Christ is spiritual.  The Sabbath of the law was a shadow, Hebrews 10:1  John 1:17   the Sabbath of Christ is substance.  

Another thing to consider is that the rest of the physical universe came into existence on the 4th day which would mean there can exist no aliens that are thousands of years ahead of humanity in science and technology.  If there are aliens they are about the same in things as humanity.  

There are things to consider in the first chapter of Genesis that we have overlooked so what about the other 1,188 chapters.

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