Monday, December 23, 2024


 People that think they must keep the Ten Commandments, Sabbath physical rest, the 7 annual holy days or other parts of the law are blind spiritually.  Matthew 5:18  The law was not abolished by Jesus and all of it, all 613 commandments are still in full force.  James 2:10 breaking just one of these 613 commandments breaks all of them.  Galatians 3:10 all law keepers are under a curse because they fail to keep all 613 commandments.  Law keepers today pick and choose what they want to do and throw out the rest and this is a clear violation of what the law itself says. Deuteronomy 4:2   Deuteronomy 12:32   Law keepers need to stone to death anyone in their church that violates the law of Moses.  Hebrews 10:28   Deuteronomy 17:6   Law keepers must offer all the sacrifices demanded by the law.  Law keepers cannot repent and hope for mercy to be forgiven, law keepers die without mercy.  If you are a law keeper you cannot be a Christian and if you claim to be a Christian you cannot be a law keeper.   If then you place yourself under the law then you cannot have grace and if you accept the grace of GOD then you cannot be under the law.  Romans 11:6  Ephesians 2:8,9  All law keepers are alienated from Christ. Galatians 5:4   Romans 3:20  Romans 4:14  Acts 13:39   Scriptures make it so clear that Christians are not under the law and perform none of its works and to do so while claiming to be a Christian makes you a hypocrite, a liar, cursed and cut off from Christ.  Law keeps are not Christians anymore than Jews are.

There are men like Herbert W. Armstrong, William F. Dankenbring, Ron Weinland,  David Hulme,  Joseph W. Tkach and many others were of the Worldwide Church of GOD that no longer exists but many splinter groups have formed over the years.  All these splinter groups are law keepers or more accurately law butchers because all of them pick and choose what the want to keep and discard the rest .

They are all experts in bending and twisting scripture to justify themselves.  They want GODS grace and forgiveness yet place themselves under the law that provided no grace or forgiveness.  They want to be in both covenants at the same time which is impossible.  This type of deception is very powerful because it is biblically based but at the same time combines law and grace in a way that profanes both covenants.  They profane the old covenant by butchering the law and the new covenant by denying the work of Christ who fulfilled the law.  

The law looks good to the carnal mind it seems the right way but is actually death.  Proverbs 14:12  Proverbs 16:25   The law is not for a man who has the imputed righteousness of GOD by faith. 1 Timothy 1:5,6,7   Notice those who have strayed turned to idle talk desiring to be teachers of the law and these law teachers do not understand what they say or the things they state as facts.  It is so obvious that Paul was not  an advocate of the law. All this scriptural evidence has no effect on law keepers as they are spiritually blind.

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