Friday, November 15, 2024



There are people who are saying that human organs have memories and that if these organs are transplanted into another person the memories of the donor are transplanted as well.  This type of thinking is very similar to the near death experiences some people have.  Both of these ideas give qualities and functions of the human spirit to the matter that the body is composed of, dust.  The simple truth according to scripture is that matter does not have life.  John 6:63  Genesis 2:7   Job 32:8   The human spirit is what animates the body as your body, the dust of the ground is matter, matter has no life, matter does not think or have memories and it is the human spirit that has all these things.  These false beliefs of NDE's or memories in body parts is of Satan who wants people to ignore spiritual things and accept physical things, Satan wants you to be carnal minded, why,  Romans 8:6,13,27  The focus of a Christian is to be the spirit and not the flesh or physical.  If Satan can influence you to think carnally then he has you and you are dead.  The human body cannot live, move or have any being without the human spirit.  James 2:26  (first part)  Dead people can do nothing because the spiritual force that enables the body is gone when the person is dead.  Everything that you were when alive is stored in your human spirit that returns to YAHWEH upon death in a totally dormant state. Ecclesiastes 12:7   Ecclesiastes 9:10   Psalm 146:1,2,3,4  Psalm 104:29  Genesis 3:19  This includes your memories and knowledge , remember what Jesus said, the flesh profits nothing.  When your human spirit departs it returns to YAHWEH and that spirit contains all of what your were when you were alive.  When you give serious thought to this biblical fact you should arrive at the conclusion that all humans are a spirit in a fleshly body.  The spirit is the treasure in the earthen jar.  2 Corinthians 4:6,7  is informing us that the jar of clay is our physical body of dust but the treasure contained inside is the human spirit.  Lamentations 4:2   Job 4:19  2 Corinthians 5:1,4    We all live this physical life in a temporary dwelling, our fleshly bodies, and the hope of a Christian is to receive a new body, a house from YAHWEH composed entirely of spirit and not flesh, a body exactly like Jesus has now.  1 Corinthians 15:45,46   Perhaps the false idea of glorified flesh may have part in these other false ideas about physical organs with memories and NDE's .  Christians must think spiritually but this will put us at odds with the carnal world.  I have given abundant proof from the scriptures the truth, the truth about all these lies, but it yet seems many have swallowed them hook, line and sinker.  Perhaps your conscience leads you in this direction due to it being separated from YAHWEH.  Human conscience apart from the influence of YAHWEH is an open invitation to Satan to influence your mind with lies.  The same people that believe these lies also claim to be Christians that have the Holy Spirit and this is lying to themselves.  Christians are to know how Satan works, what his methods are, but those who cling to the flesh and believe the lies I have addressed here are Satans children, Lord, Lord people who when Christ returns will hear,  Matthew 7:33 

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