Monday, October 28, 2024



There are people who consider themselves teachers and leaders.  In the first century the Apostles were chosen to be examples and to preach the gospel.  The Apostles always gave credit to YAHWEH and Christ as our teachers and leaders. 

 Yahweh appointed and anointed only Jesus to the position of mediator between HIMSELF and humanity.  No one else has this office.  The Apostles were given a greater measure of YAHWEHS spirit to empower them to do what YAHWEH wanted them to do.  After these Apostles all died there were no more Apostles and there was no more human ministers.  

Throughout time the deceivers and liars have always been men or women that think they are your leaders and teachers but look at what this lie has produced in this world.  The world is in spiritual turmoil, chaos and confusion with thousands of differing beliefs.   

What happened to the fact that there is only one faith, one church whose members all know and speak the same things ?   The prophets, Jesus and the Apostles all prophesied that the true church would be attacked by Satan and driven to the four winds, scattered, the power of the holy people shattered.  Daniel 12:7  The church today has not been destroyed but is in obscurity and is the invisible church and the world does not know them.  

YAHWEH in eternity knew this would happen and in order to keep HIS little flock pure in HIS truth revealed to them that HE and HIS son have completely taken over the church and for the church eliminated the cause of deception, human ministry.  The church looks only to YAHWEH and Christ and none of its members are leaders or teachers.  Even though scattered on a grand scale and extremely few in number not even knowing who others are or where they are except in their own very small groups, YAHWEH and Christ are with them.  The deception in the world has no effect on them.  Matthew 24:24   This deception has been existing for a long time and with the passing of time has waxed worse and worse.  2 Timothy 3:13 and has arrived at the crescendo described in Revelation 12:9   World events are unfolding as the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles foretold.  While we do not know the day and hour we will know when it is at the doors as we are not in darkness that the return of Christ will surprise us like a thief.  1 Thessalonians 5:4   It is indeed like it was in the days of Noah,  2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4,5   1 Timothy 4:1,2  Genesis 6:5   

Events in the Middle East, the acceptance of gross sexual misconduct, the evil by governments, the greediness of institutions and the spiritual ignorance of religion all combined in these days we are living in inform us that the day is drawing near.  Luke 21:28

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...