Saturday, October 19, 2024



YAHWEH can manipulate any spirit, human or animal in any way HE desires.  YAHWEH took the human spirit from Nebuchadnezzar and replaced it with an animal spirit.  YAHWEH removed the spirit of Balaams donkey and gave it a spirit capable of intelligent conversation.  YAHWEH can place into the human spirits of people spiritual knowledge in various degrees along with performing miracles through them.   

All human beings are a spirit in a mortal body.  The real you is your human spirit not your fleshly body.  This is how we are in the image and likeness of YAHWEH.  In Genesis 1:26 the Hebrew word for image is “tselem” H6754 meaning a shadow, a phantom, illusion, a vain show.  The word likeness is H1823 “demuth” meaning a pattern that resembles something.  Is YAHWEH flesh and blood, is HE mortal, physical and limited ?  This image and likeness is one of inferiority to YAHWEH but yet similar because YAHWEH is a spirit and so are all humans.  YAHWEH works with the spirits of humanity not their flesh. Hebrews 12:23  Job 32:8  1 Corinthians 2:11   Proverbs 20:27   Philippians 4:23  Galatians 6:18   1 Corinthians 6:17,20 

This human spirit is the source of your life and knowledge and by using the physical brain controls all of the body.  Your brain is only the interface between your body and human spirit.  

YAHWEH plans to convert evil humans to HIS way of love and righteousness beginning at conversion and culminating in being born into the kingdom of YAHWEH as an impeccable, immoral spirit being.

This is the message of the gospel and any deviation from this is a lie.  There are billions who lie. The truth comes to the saints from YAHWEH through Jesus Christ and from no human being.  Anyone setting up some human as a leader and teacher has that person as their GOD because that they submit to a mere human and not YAHWEH.  This is the way of the Christian professing world.  The world has to have their human GOD, their pastor, their minister, preacher because they attempt to mimic what they see in scripture concerning the organization of the church in the first century.  Ignorantly they not realizing that the system of the first century has ended and YAHWEH and Christ have taken over completely the operation of the church.  YAHWEH now, through Christ, teaches HIS elect saints by divine revelation.  John verifies this fact, 1 John 2:27  

Do you understand that the anointing, the spirit of YAHWEH teaches you about all things.  Modern day preachers are fakes and attempt to do what only YAHWEH can do.  They are actually committing blasphemy and idolatry and I hope ignorantly.  This is the entire reason why there is so much deception, confusion, thousands of different churches, lies  and ridiculous preaching  are in the world.  This is why many may be called but few are chosen.  The majority of people will not believe what has been written here or even in the scriptures but desire to cling to their customs and traditions.  The evidence is there but they are blind to it.  Revelation 12:9 

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