Friday, January 10, 2025


 Agape is the very love of GOD .  There is no other love higher or greater or more powerful than agape.  Even the best of human love when compared to agape does not exist.  When a person is unconverted they do not have agape , they have human level love.  This human level love is what is under the law because all unconverted people are under the law that is everyone on this planet who is unconverted is under the law.  Romans 3:19    Paul tells us that agape is the fulfillment of the law.  Romans 13:10  Therefore anyone who  places themselves under the law or is under the law simply because they are unconverted does not have agape , the love required to fulfill the law they are under.  There are people who with all their heart believe they are converted but yet place themselves under the law.  This is a huge conflict of interest and deception of Satan.  No one can be in both covenants at the same time.  Romans 11:5,6  Romans 3:20   I have heard all the attempts by law keepers who try to worm their way out of what scripture plainly says but in their own way they are as blind as a trinitarian and totally ignore the scriptures and use them in a feeble and failed attempt to justify themselves .  This however is the state which GOD keeps all unconverted people in , so that they , in this current evil age, can never come to the knowledge of the truth.   2 Timothy 3:6,7   Isaiah 25:7  ,  2 Corinthians 3:14,15,16  The only people that have this veil lifted are those in Christ, the elect saints.  Agape is a gift , the greatest gift of all and GOD alone will determine who receives it.  This agape will do no harm or evil to anyone therefore it is what is required to fulfill the law.  This is how Jesus Christ fulfilled the law.  The works of the law like keeping the Sabbath, the holy days, kosher food, paying tithes, giving offerings and all that is written in the book of Moses are nothing but shadows.  Hebrews 10:1   Romans 8:3,4   Hebrews 7:18,19   It is the will of GOD for unconverted people to remain in their ignorance, in this time before the return of Christ, to protect from committing the unpardonable sin.  Today, if GOD would give HIS spirit to everyone many would perish because they will not repent.  Luke 13:3  2 Peter 3:9  Revelation 9:21  2 Peter 2:21  Hebrews 10:26,27   Hebrews 6:4,5,6   

Now with all these things in mind I would like to address a common misconception that any use of violence by a Christian is absolutely forbidden.   They say even self defense against a violent man who is bent on murdering you is wrong.  If the evil man wants to murder your wife, your children or even a stranger you must not intervene, you must stand and watch and do nothing.  This mindset is carnal, not knowing what agape is.  What agape is it that would not do anything to stop evil ?  Psalm 68:5   Isaiah 1:17   James 1:27   Exodus 22:22,23,24   Matthew 7:12   Proverbs 3:27   Philippians 2:3,4   Romans 12:17,18,19,20,21   This Romans 12:8  says, “if possible on your part”  or “as much as it depends on you”  live at peace with all men.  If a Christian is faced with a situation where a loved one or loved stranger is being physically harmed or abused by an evil man and does nothing it is not agape, it is more like cowardness.  A perfect love will cast out fear and the Christian man will intervene with what force is needed to protect others from harm, injury or death.  A Christian, in their human spirit, is not thinking evil while using force, the thoughts and intents of his human spirit is actually good and not evil.  It would not be agape to do nothing.  Abraham, GODS friend, used force to recover Lot and save the cities that were being threatened by Chedorlaomer.  This no doubt required violence and killing .  How were Abrahams actions judged by Melchizedek priest of the most high GOD ?  Hebrews 7:1  Genesis 14:18,19,20   Are true Christians of the faith of Abraham ?  Other biblical personalities did the same as Abraham and their stories are recorded for us.  There is a great difference between killing and murder; David killed Goliath but murdered Uriah the Hittite.  GODS responses to each were entirely different.  No True Christian should ever in their human spirit find some perverse thoughts or some sick pleasure that are the reason and motivation for using violence and force.  The 6th commandment says thou shalt not do murder.   No Christian should murder but under special circumstances they can kill.

Jesus praised the works the works of Abraham,  John 8:39KJV  Galatians 3:7   James 2:21,22,23,24   Romans 4:16   GOD called David a man after GODS own heart except in one matter,  1 Kings 15:5  Acts 13:22   So fellow Christians, if you ever find yourselves in a situation where you must show agape by defending yourself or others from evil men use whatever means you have to defend them and yourself and while doing so be praying that GOD will give you the victory.   This is what agape would do.


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