Friday, January 10, 2025



As I have said before prophecy is subject to what the prophets of old have already spoken.  Nothing is added to or taken away from it.  1 Corinthians 14:32   The spiritual information given by YAHWEH  to the saints is only partial not complete and detailed.

1 Corinthians 13:9,10   Our small group knows some future events but perhaps not in proper order nor in great detail.  We believe for now that the current war in the Middle East will have a nuclear event by Israel  that will cause a forced alliance due to fear of annihilation hence the iron and clay feet on Daniels image as a mix of Jews and Gentiles . This event may be what causes the total destruction of Damascus,  Isaiah 17:1  as well as a few other cities and brings about a false tribulation.  After the antichrist makes the 10 nation covenant he brings back  peace, safety and prosperity to the world that we call the false millennium.  Satan copies YAHWEHS plan but changes the times and seasons so as to deceive the nations.

The beast rising out of the sea is the nation of Israel. Israel was, is not and yet is.  The antichrist and false prophet make an image of Israel as it was in the glory days of Solomon.  The number 666 is the amount of gold that came to Solomon yearly 666 talents. 1 Kings 10:14 ,  this is the number of a man and the number of the man of sin who makes an image of Israel under Solomons reign.  The false prophet imitates the prophet Elijah by calling fire down from heaven to burn up sacrifices that will be restored with the restoration of the third temple and the law of Moses and in this way all the people deny Christ and the new covenant.  The man of sin will at the mid point of the 7 year covenant declare himself GOD.  Daniel 9:27. The city of Jerusalem is the harlot,  Jeremiah 3:3 KJV and the headquarters of the man of sin who Jews see as the messiah and king.  John 5:43  When the man of sin says he is GOD the Jews will realize their mistake and reject him but he will bring his ten kings, toes, horns against Jerusalem,  Revelation 17:16  and this begins the time of Jacobs trouble that spills over on all the earth.  The gentiles have always though YAHWEH became a man and have no problem with the antichrists claim.

The church at this time is two distinct groups , one is faithful Philadelphia and the other lukewarm Laodiceans.  The living elect in those days will be sealed by YAHWEH to protect them from all harm,  Revelation 3:10  Revelation 7:3,4  Isaiah 54:13,14,15,16,17  but the Laodiceans must not love their lives unto death, Revelation 12:11    Revelation 20:4  become martyrs, so as to be in the kingdom with the elect when Christ returns. Revelation 14:13  The elect living at this time are described by Paul; 1 Corinthians 15:51  The "we shall not all sleep" refers to the living remnant that are not dead as sleep in this verse is a synonym for death.  These living elect saints will instantly be changed from flesh to spirit having never seen death and they along with all the rest of the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude will experience this "change" which is twofold; from mortal to immortal and from sinner under grace to impeccable.  When this remnant is sealed they will be as Jesus was when on this earth. 1 John 4:17  This remnant will then be impeccable as Jesus was and have direct contact with YAHWEH as Jesus did, they will not need a mediator and because of this seal in there foreheads they are sealed as Jesus was sealed.  John 6:27  It is then no wonder that no harm will come to them during the tribulation.

Daniel wrote about these two churches, Daniel11:32,33,34,35  Zechariah 13:9   Isaiah 10:20,21,22,23   1 Peter 1:6,7  

The great tribulation will come close to killing all life on earth but for the elects sake the days will be shortened by the return of Christ.Matthew 24:22

The  U.S. is one of the ten horns and the beast or man of sin is the eighth king and one of the previous seven kings.  All eight are world powers that began with Egypt, Israel ,Babylon , Persia, Greece, Rome, the U.S. and finally Israel again.  Israel, under Solomon was the richest and greatest nation ;  1 Kings 4:24   1 Kings 10:27   This will be repeated under the antichrist.  With the election of Trump the Jews are looking for him to help fight their enemies and make possible the third temple.  As one of the horns Trump may surrender U.S. sovereignty over to the antichrist.  Trumps new golden age may very well come through this arrangement.  Remember that the false Christians believe Israel is GODS chosen nation and that the third temple will be for Jesus at his return.  

Another sign given is the deadly wound that is healed.  Revelation 13:3  The heads symbolize the seven mountains around Jerusalem.  Revelation 17:9 

Mount Moriah was the location of the temple and the deadly wound occurred by the Romans who destroyed the second temple then the third temple heals this wound. The idea that Rome is the harlot is wrong, it is Jerusalem.  There are many clues in the scriptures to prove this. Here is one.  Matthew 23:35  Revelation 18:24  Acts 7:52  1 Thessalonians 2:15  Revelation 16:6   Revelation 18:24  The harlot is indeed the city of Jerusalem.  Revelation 11:8  Isaiah 1:21  Ezekiel 16:15,30   

I have posted several articles on this blog that deal with end time events as we see now in this glass darkly.  While the details may alter the event itself is sure; there will be a man of sin, there will be a great tribulation, there will be a temple and sacrifices.  Trumps role in this is based upon his making Jerusalem the capital of Israel and moving the U.S. embassy there, that his daughter is an Orthodox Jew and that many in his inner circle are Jews.  Trumps association with false prophets that declare him to be something he is not. The two assignation attempts on Trumps life have him convinced that GOD saved him for a reason.

How all of this will turn out will be made more clear as more light shines and we will adapt our views accordingly.  


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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...