Monday, January 20, 2025


 If you are one of GODS elect saints then you have been given a knowledge of the deep things of GOD.  These deep things are only possible when one of the elect has progressed in spiritual growth to a certain degree but eventually all the elect will come to know these deep things.  King David asked this question, “What is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you should visit him ?”.  David marveled that GOD would even care about humanity after all the sin and blasphemy that humanity has done.  Job also speaks to this, “If GOD puts no trust in HIS servants, if HE charges HIS angels with error, how much more those who dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, who a crushed before a moth”.  Job 4:18,19   

Back when humanity was young and few in number men began to call upon the name of YAHWEH.  Genesis 4:26   This however did not last and humanity began their continuing path away from the MOST HIGH.  Paul in Romans 1:18-30 outlines the result of humanity abandoning GOD.  “For since the creation of the world GODS invisible attributes, HIS eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from HIS workmanship so that men are without excuse”.  Romans 1:20  Very early humanity knew about GOD but overtime as the rest of Romans 1:18-32 describes became futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. 

When Job spoke of GODS angels, servants and humanity this was GODS assessment of them all, none could be trusted, all committed folly.  No wonder then that King David said what he said.  

What deep things can be known by this information?

GOD ALMIGHTY knows that no other being that HE created can be as HE is; holy, righteous, agape and totally incapable of being tempted with evil or sinning.  There is only one GOD, the FATHER, and only HE ,there is no other.  This GOD created both angles and humans with free will because love, true love, can only be by free will.  GOD wants us to love HIM the way HE loves us.   This made it necessary for GOD to create a new human, a human that in agape and righteousness was exactly like HIMSELF.  This human would be HIS son and the messiah of humanity.  Then to those few, those 144,000, HE would reveal the truth as to the who, what, where, when , how and why of HIS salvation.  After thousands of years it became very obvious that humanity was not willing and with the exception of a chosen few all humans were deceived by Satan to become evil.  All unconverted people are evil and even these chosen few are not yet perfect as they need grace to cover their evil.  

This world can be compared to the days of Noah when all the thoughts and intents of the human spirit were evil.  It can also be compared to Sodom and Gomorrah.  In both cases GOD would only save a few people from destruction while destroying the rest.  This is part of the deep things.  Isaiah 1:9  “Unless the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY had left us a very small remnant we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

Isaiah is saying that unless a very small remnant existed GOD would have destroyed the Earth.  This very small remnant numbers 144,000 that GOD has been choosing since the day of righteous Able to this very day.  From Able until the second advent GOD had always had a few of these chosen in every century to give HIM an excuse to not destroy us all.

Is this so hard to believe when GOD destroyed all human life on earth except eight people, Noah and his family ?  Then you have the populations of two cities with only Lot, his wife and two daughters surviving.  

The deep thing here is that all of humanity, I do mean all, deserve to be destroyed.  It is only that there is a loving and merciful GOD who alone has the power to make all things possible that humankind has any hope at all and the vast majority of them know nothing about any of this.  

GOD has in eternity known all HIS works.  GOD has known every human being that has or will exist.  HE has known their every thought, word and deed before they even existed.  GOD in spite of all our evil, in our rejection of HIM and blasphemous character towards HIM has a will for us that we do not deserve.  Thousands of years GOD has given humanity so much love and mercy yet HIS Works over the ages have gone unnoticed and unappreciated by humanity.  I deserve to die, I don’t even deserve the life I have been given.  This is true of all humanity.  It all may seem hopeless but only to those who have no hope.  To HIS elect saints , HE has by HIS Holy Spirit , taught through HIS son the deep things HE has done and they have hope and faith that  what GOD has declared HE is able to do.  In fact, another deep thing, HE already has.

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