Instructions for study; combine the articles about voting, the Devil, cast lots, Trump and leaders cause to err. These all tied together give spiritual knowledge . This proves that GOD does not directly appoint rulers of this world but allows Satan to do that. It proves that voting is a sin. Voting rejects GOD as king and chooses evil people to rule. Proves that true Christians, GODS elect saints are not of this world, citizens of the kingdom, ambassadors and unspotted from the world. Proves that the nature of GOD is in total opposition to human government that is controlled by Satan.
Perversion began subtly, a little at a time. All humanity is evil and over time became more evil. Divorce was not a common thing 100 years ago, adultery was a crime punishable by a prison sentence, unwed mothers were a shame to parents, abortions were illegal and had to be done in secrecy, homosexuality was in the closet, transgenderism was unheard of, pedophilia is beginning to be looked at like homosexuality with the reasoning that they were born that way. Once one perversion is accepted by society others will follow. The truth is that all these perversions are because humanity is born that way. All have sinned, none are righteous no not one, their hearts are fully set to do evil, they do the works of their father the devil. It has taken humanity thousands of years to arrive to a time that happened in the days of Noah, every thought and intent of their heart is evil continually. This is where humanity is right now. The next step is for Satan to provide his latest lie, to avoid sin by keeping the law. The law is a shadow and not the truth as it has no substance only symbolism. The law came by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, John 1:17
We have seen that 666 is a holy number of the Jews that they associate with their messiah, that Jerusalem is the harlot, that the beast rising up from the sea is the nation of Israel, that a third temple will be built and the sacrifices begin again, that a false Elijah will call fire from heaven to burn up those sacrifices, that in order for this temple to be rebuilt will require a powerful world leader to make it possible, that today Israel is in a war for survival but has nuclear weapons, that many false prophets have risen with all kinds of lies, that Trump is being put forth as a king Cyrus, that both Jews and false Christians are making Trump into something that he is not, that the false Christians believe Israel is the chosen of GOD, that the messiah of the Jews will be Jesus when he is really the antichrist. All these things are happening now.
We, the elect saints of GOD have been watching these events develop over the last 31 years and now are looking for the rise of the man of sin. We look for a 7 year covenant he makes with 10 nations that can only be made by a false tribulation or nuclear strikes by Israel against the Islamics who will attack Israel . These Islamics must be defeated in order to have a third temple and if they are faced with the choice of total destruction or entering a peace covenant with antichrist they will choose the covenant. This is what makes sense to us at this time but we see prophecy through a glass darkly which may because of this cause the order or methods of our prophetic understanding to adjust as more light shines. Certain events are in stone but other details about them liquid so we must be careful not to make our speculation doctrine. We will go with what we have until GOD decides to reveal more. GOD has done this with us before so it should not be surprising.
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