Thursday, January 16, 2025


 All churches say there is a God.  When they define and describe that god is where the controversy begins.  Is GOD a trinity, a binary or only one or Unitarian.  This “three sided” disagreement situation has existed for centuries.  The cause of this confusion is carnal unconverted minds left to the imaginations of their own human spirits.  When the truth about any spiritual topic is desired GOD is the only one who can reveal it.  All spiritual truths come from GOD.  Carnal thinking fails to consider every word of GOD when developing their version of truth. This combined with the absence of the Holy Spirit leads to lies.  All churches, regardless of how much truth they have, are guilty of this error.  Satans method is to combine a truth with lies to make the lie more believable.  This is then manifested in the preaching of the churches.  False beliefs like immorality of the soul, universal salvation, glorified flesh, that Jesus was capable of sin, that Jesus wanted to avoid the crucifixion, the rapture, the trinity or binary ideas about GOD and many more lies enter into the belief systems of the various churches because of Satans methods.  

Once these lies become entrenched they are nearly impossible to reverse.  Revelation 12:9 is not an overstatement but a fact.  The devil has indeed deceived the entire world except for the elect saints.  This Satanic deception will continue until the return of Christ.  

There are both men and women who fancy themselves to be preachers, claim to be of GOD, have many followers and rake in the money but none of them know the truth.  The very way they organize their church with a one man or woman show is itself a lie.  A lie sugarcoated with a little truth is still a lie.  No lie is of the truth,  1 John 2:21  If a church or preacher says there is a GOD, but describes that god in a way inconsistent with scripture then one truth is wrapped up with many lies making the whole thing a lie.  This spiritual principle applies to all spiritual beliefs. Some say that angels are intangible beings that cannot interact with humans by touch and vice versa; in the account of 2 Kings 19:35  I am positive that the 185,000 killed by the angel felt it and the angel felt them.  Angels can touch us and we them,  1 Kings 19:5,7 ,  Zechariah 4:1 ,  Hosea 12:3,4   Daniel 10:18   Acts 12:7   Touch goes both ways, is felt by both involved.   After reading these scriptures do you yet think angels are intangible beings ?  There are people who do in spite of what scriptures proclaim.   This lie also involves the glorified saints, that humans become spirit beings just like the angels, is denied by the intangible idea so they invent glorified flesh.  

The nearly universal teaching about Jesus desiring to escape the crucifixion is a total lie.  Romans 14:23  Jesus constantly said we must have faith but yet according to false preachers lost his faith in the garden of Gethsemane.  Everything that is not of faith is sin.  If true then Jesus sinned.  In Matthew 16:21,22,23  Jesus connected Peters comments in verse 22 with Satan.  If the world’s preachers are correct then Jesus actually did what he earlier condemned as Satanic.  Anyone believing the lie that Jesus wanted to escape crucifixion does not know Jesus, the FATHER or the gospel.  The truth is that Satan attacked Jesus with the intent of killing him before he could go to the cross.  This attack was the cup Jesus spoke about.  Jesus asked for that attack to stop but left it up to GODS will.  GOD sent an angel to strengthen Jesus and the attack ended. Luke 22:43  If Jesus did ask the FATHER to save him from being crucified GOD would have instantly sent 12 legions of angels.  Matthew 26:53  therefore Jesus never asked, the angels never came.  

Some churches say that Jesus did not come from heaven in an attempt to humanize him, to make Jesus exactly like humans in every way.  Well, we all come from heaven and at death return to heaven.  All humans are a human spirit in a fleshly body.  Our spirit is what keeps us alive and the body without the spirit is dead.  James 2:26  Biologically Jesus was exactly like us but spiritually was very different.  Anyone understanding the things I have written about has the Holy Spirit but if you do not understand then you are unconverted.

I have posted other articles here that prove Jesus was incapable of sin because he had the character of GOD and the love of GOD.  There are articles that disprove the lie of glorified flesh, of the great commission,  things concerning the law and other topics.  

This is a sad thing but expected it because GOD has only given HIS spirit to very few people while the vast majority are in darkness.  1 John 5:19 ,  1 John 4:6  ,  1 Corinthians 2:11,12,13   Unconverted people cannot understand the things of GOD.  1 Corinthians 2:14,15,16   All the churches are being led by unconverted people who think they are of GOD when they are in fact of Satan.  

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