Friday, January 24, 2025


Trees symbolize something in the Bible.

The tree of life symbolized everlasting life, not just a long life like Methuselah of 969 years but an everlasting life. This everlasting life is through Jesus Christ.  The fruit is the body and blood of Jesus; you must eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood else you have no life in you.  This everlasting life is also represented by the olive tree into which the gentiles are grafted to replace the unbelieving Israelites. There is also a vine that the heavenly FATHER prunes to remove the dead branches so that new may grow.  I realize that a vine is not a tree but we are looking at the symbolism here.  Then there is a tree that is opposite of the above mentioned tree, the tree of death, of the knowledge of good and evil.  It is also the fig tree that represents the nation of Israel that for the most part bore no fruit and is why Jesus cursed the fig tree.  The fig tree is also the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of death that is the law, the Ten Commandments and law of Moses.  This tree of law could not produce everlasting life which is the fruit GOD desires.  If a person is granted the understanding from GOD to know the truth about these trees then they will know the message of the gospel.  A good tree cannot bare evil fruit, but fruit to everlasting life.  A evil tree cannot bear good fruit, but only to everlasting death.

By their fruit you shall know the difference between the trees.  The church is eating from the tree of life every time they eat the new covenant Passover.  The tree of death has no right to eat this fruit but eats the fruit of the tree of death.  This knowledge of the two trees is the two covenants of life and death. The carnal world eats from the tree of death but the church eats from the tree of life.  Very few eat from the tree of life but many eat from the tree of death.  

Study the trees. Pray that the FATHER will open your understanding and if HE is willing, if it is your time, choose the tree of life that you may live.

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