Sunday, January 19, 2025


 Does the scripture change with the passage of time ?

Will GOD alter the meaning of HIS word ?

This 21st century new paradigm, that is becoming popular, believes that scriptures must be viewed through the changes in our society.  They claim that their human intellect needs to be added to what GOD has had recorded in the Bible.  Ask yourself what changes have developed that clash with the orthodox faith, the unchanging faith.  What was sin in the garden of Eden is still sin today.  What was sin in the law is still sin today. What the prophets have declared is sin is still sin today.  What Jesus defined as sin is still sin today.  What all the Apostles said is sin is still sin today. 

 However today we have new ideas that have sought to change what sin is because society has come to accept sins that scriptures say is sin.  How many women who claim to be Christians have abortions.  How many parents are proud of unwed pregnant daughters.  How many times are divorces granted for unbiblical grounds.  How many churches accept homosexuality and even ordain some into the ministry.  Then there is the transsexual revolution , the gender affirming of children against the will of parents, the gradual pity towards pedophilia with the same excuse that they were born that way and the evil we see in politics, economics, science and religion.  To attempt to cope with these paradigm changes Christianity has formed a giant splinter group that to varying degrees accepts some or all of these evils while not requiring repentance for them.  

These types of Christians have no shame at all, they do not even blush.  Jeremiah 6:15   Jeremiah 8:12   Isaiah 3:9   Micah 3:11  1 Corinthians 5:1,2   Philippians 3:19   Is this situation, this compromising attitude acceptable to GOD ?  It seems that people rather than have shame over a divorce, homosexual son or daughter and use abortion as birth control have acceptance by church and society thus escaping the stigma and shame that was once attached to such behavior.  If the scriptures call this behavior sin they are behind the times and need updated to accommodate their new paradigm.

Perhaps they will come out with a new ultra modern translation that will reflect their human intellect.  Perhaps they will say, “didn’t Jesus abolish the law and sin, well our new Bible translation will make that clear.”   Oh they will still do many wonderful things in the name of Jesus that I am sure will please him and when Jesus returns he will be so very happy and accepting of them.  There are unchanging truths in scripture called doctrine that go into detail explaining what good and evil is and Christianity is to have their spiritual senses sharpened to know the difference.  Hebrews 5:14   Today however Christians have had their minds seared, cauterized,  by the teachings of hypocritical liars.  1 Timothy 4:1,2   Jeremiah 9:5   Matthew 15:8,9  Titus 1:15,16

The prophets, Jesus and the Apostles all spoke of today and warned us ahead of time about it.  We have no excuse if we participate in these evil deeds.

All of these modern day Christians with their new paradigms are going to find that the truth never changes, the doctrines of the church yet stand and unless they repent of these evils they will surely perish.  Luke 13:3   Acts 17:30  2 Peter 3:9   Revelation 2:5   

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