Friday, January 10, 2025



The process of becoming a Christian is nothing like what you see in the world.  To become a Christian you must come out of the world, this means what the world believes, teaches and does in the worship of what they think is GOD.  To accomplish this GOD will destroy the world you have made for yourself and then build you a new one.  This can be a fearful experience as it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD.  I recall my own conversion experience and at first it seemed fearful but as I progressed the fear subsided and became love.  New thoughts entered my mind/spirit that I never had or knew before concerning the truth of things I did not know.  This was proof to me that GOD was working with me and I was led to understand a little later that I needed GOD and Christ in me.  I came to see that I needed to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit but there was no one qualified to perform this but GOD led me to see that HE would. I was in a swimming pool and prayed that GOD would baptize me and give me HIS spirit then went under the water and came back up into a new life.  From that day forward it has been one awesome experience after another, learning and growing in the spirit.  My life was no longer my own, I was bought with the price of the sacrifice of Christ, I now belonged to GOD.  I did not view myself as special or better than others but realized I was a sinner under grace. When I look at the world I see the result of Satans work everywhere.  It did not take long for me to see that the worlds idea of what Christianity is was false, not just some but all of it.  I knew that only GOD could put anyone in HIS church and that only through Christ could anyone learn from the FATHER.  I learned that GOD long ago abolished all human ministry and that HE and Christ control everything in the church. I learned that GODLY love , called agape, is the only way the law could be fulfilled, and I stopped working in the law to become GODS workmanship as GOD does the works in me by HIS love thus fulfilling the intent of the law and what the law could not do.  In this way GOD established the law in me, not by my the works in the law but by GODS works in me.  Philippians 3:9

There are many other things I have been taught over the last 30+ years since my conversion, far to lengthy to go into in this writing, but contained here on this site I have posted much of what GOD has taught me.  If it seems to you as garbage I will not be shocked, surprised or offended as this is normal.   Matthew 22:14. Matthew 7:14 The shock and surprise would be if someone understood.  If you are one of those extremely rare ones please write me, my e-mail has been given in several places.   

 I do not want your money.  I cannot save you,  I am not your leader or teacher.  I am a human being just like you, a sinner just like you. The only difference is that unlike you I have been called out of this world and chosen to be one of GODS elect saints.  The usual response to this statement is; who do you think you are, you self righteous so and so,  your of the devil,  come down off your high horse.  I have heard them all and I know that Christ was accused of the same things.   If Christ suffered these things then so must I .  You and I owe nothing to each other but love love one another. I write to you in that love, how will you respond ?    

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