Thursday, January 16, 2025



In this world there are spirituality only two kinds of people, converted and unconverted.  The scriptures confirm that the number of converted is very few.  We have learned that the exact number of true Christians from righteous Able to the last that is called and chosen by GOD is 144,000 .  This covers a time of about 6,000 years. Most of these saints are dead with only a very small remnant remaining when Christ returns.  We know that all the people in the world who say they are Christians are not, they just think they are because Satan has deceived them.  We know Satan is by the will of GOD the god of this world and that we are not of this world.  GOD allows Satan to control who the rulers of this world are in all the nations,  remember what Satan told Jesus during the temptation in the wilderness, “all these have been given unto me and I can give it to whoever I choose”.  We know that modern day Israel is in reality Judah and is not GODS chosen people because GOD divorced Israel long ago. The carnal nation of Israel was GODS elect under the law but there is also an election according to grace that existed long before the law because Abraham found grace and is called the father of the faithful.  

These are only a few things we have learned in the last 31 years and we must remember these and all other truth GOD has taught us and with all of this in mind consider what I now say.  There has never been any politician that has been an elect. All the governments of the world are evil and of Satan and actively participating in them is a sin for GODS people, that means voting, taking up some cause, holding an office or giving money to Satans politicians for their campaigns.  The elect of GOD must be 100% with GOD, they were bought with a price and are owned by GOD.  We cannot serve two masters, our citizenship is in heaven, we are ambassadors, we are to keep ourselves unspotted from the world.  The world is unclean and GOD calls us out of it saying, “come out from among them and be you separate and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you”.  Involving ourselves in the affairs of the world makes us unclean, spotted, and if guilty of this needing to repent and ask for and receive forgiveness.  Now, getting to the heart of the matter, Donald Trump is no better than Joe Biden, both are children of the devil as all worldly people are.  Voting for either one is voting for a devil.  GOD has appointed Jesus as our king and we did not vote for that.  To vote is placing your hope and faith in devil men and women, not in GOD and Christ.  We believe in a coming kingdom of GOD and are already called sons of GOD, why would we want anything to do with the devils world ?  

Trump is going to be president on January twenty 2025 and has plans to shake up the government but also plans to “solve” the problems in the Middle East.  The practicing Jews in Israel believe Trump will make the third temple possible as he already made Jerusalem Israel’s capital.  Trump has a strong connection to the Jewish people, his daughter married a Jewish man and converted to Judaism and Trump has in his inner circle many Jews.  The MAGA movement he began has become a religion with millions of loyal followers.  There are numerous prophecies by false prophets concerning Trump comparing him to Cyrus king of Persia, a gentile king who gave permission to Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the temple.  Trump promises a new golden age with freedom and peace and prosperity that sounds like the millennium.  I know it may offend some but Trump is of the devil and is being used to bring about Satans plans for the end time.  Trump is NOT the antichrist or false prophet but one of the ten kings united with the beast.  Trump will surrender U.S. sovereignty to the antichrist when the seven year covenant is made. The devil citizens will go along with it thinking the AC is GOD. The temple worship system will be reestablished with sacrifices , offerings and keeping of days.  The Jewish people will rejoice until the AC says he is GOD, then the party’s over.  The Jews kick the AC out of Israel but AC has ten kings who will hate the harlot and run her through with swords and burn her with fire and this harlot we know is Jerusalem.  The great tribulation will rage in horror until Christ returns early to stop it and establishes the kingdom of GOD on Earth.  

This revelation is different from what we had thought but remember much of what we thought was a guess on our part based upon what we knew back then.  There is absolute truth and it only comes from GOD.  Understanding prophecy needs time and light,  over time more light shines making it easier to see.  We are not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief and as we see that day approaching we need to fellowship even more.   These thoughts recorded here are therefore subject to change as events progress.  This is the nature of prophecy. 

YAHWEH has known the end of all things even before HE created them and no matter what Satan and man may do will not alter HIS will.  YAHWEH is not the author of sin or the father of lies, HE does not deceive people, HE is not evil.  It is absolutely mandatory that humanity has free will to choose life or death, in Eden’s choice of fruit, under the law and in the new covenant as well it is a choice.  The saints love YAHWEH not because they are forced  or programmed to but because they of their own free will want to, this is what true love is.  If Yahweh did directly place evil rulers in power then HE would be the author of evil but instead has allowed Satan who is the author of evil to do the evil.  It is a similar thing to the story of Job where GOD allowed Satan to do his thing but placed only one limit on Satan, do not touch his, Jobs, life. Humanity is Job and YAHWEH allows Satan to do all kinds of evil to humanity but YAHWEH has one limit,  to not allow Satan to totally destroy humanity.  Does GOD deliberately make humans evil, does HE directly lead us into all sorts of temptations, does HE place sin and lust in our hearts ?  If YAHWEH did directly choose all these evil leaders then HE would also be responsible for their evil.  Humanity could rightly say it’s your fault YAHWEH, you did this.  However Humanity has no excuse because they are of their father the devil and they do their father’s works.  GOD uses Satan as a tool to present to humanity the concepts of good and evil, GOD being the good and Satan the evil, then it is humanity’s choice to make between these two.  There is none good but one and that is GOD.  

Consider that if YAHWEH set up these evil leaders it was a work of YAHWEH and no one else.  Then Jesus returns to destroy the works of his GOD in order to set up his GODS kingdom.  Also YAHWEH sets up these evil leaders so that some people follow 

in their evil and therefore into sin, is this YAHWEH setting them up to fall ?  To me this is not the character of YAHWEH who scripture says is love.  The idea that YAHWEH is directly responsible for the evil in this world caused by the evil rulers HE set up goes contrary to what to HIS own will and character.  YAHWEH said, “oh my people your leaders cause you to err and destroy the way of your paths”.  Wait, didn’t YAHWEH set these leaders up in the first place ?  YAHWEH sets up the evil leaders and when people follow them HE blames the people.

This defies all spiritual logic.

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