Thursday, January 16, 2025



We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communications and protection.  Something is missing, what is it, what should we be doing ?

There has been as you know , no really significant thing that God has taught us in some  time.  We have a wealth of spiritual knowledge compared to the world.  In the past we have reached out to some people, IF they show us that they are interested.  Brian and his wife seemed interested but, I realized later that Brian was not but, his wife was.  It says many are called but, few are chosen.  I doubt Brian was called but, I think his wife was.  His wife, although called , did not answer because of Brian. The same was true of Amanda and the people who were at that gathering at Ray and Joann’s place.  When we speak to anyone about spiritual things it should always be because they ask.  Then when we speak they are being called but, what they do with it is up to them.  Thus far there has only been one other that has listened to us and was called and then she answered and now fellowships with us as one of us being chosen.  I know we are not ashamed of Christ and his gospel but, the idea of sharing what we have with others should not be avoided because of the results of the past.  We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  We know that all the elect have not yet been chosen but, have we recognized how that process works by personal experience.

God began to work with me and I shared with three others my experience and through that three more elect were added. How would it have turned out if I had kept those things to myself ?  I do not know but, what happened afterwards testified for itself.  Proverbs 3:27 , 1 Peter 3:9 .  Aquila and Priscilla in Acts 18:24-26  .  Acts 19:1-7  Paul met Apollos and 11 others later and the 12 were baptized and Paul laid hands on them and the Holy Spirit came upon them..  Galatians 6:10 , Hebrews 13:2   A spouse can by their conduct be an aid in winning over their mate.  1 Peter 3:1 

It seems to me that this is how at times God selects HIS elect, through HIS existing elect sharing, when asked, for the reason for the hope you have. 1 Peter 3:15-16 , Colossians 4:6 , 2 Timothy 2:25-26

We have been shown great blessings, great knowledge , a miracle healing, agape love and this is what we are to show others and by that conduct perhaps be a part in bringing in another elect.  Love is a verb and if it is not it is just words.  

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