Monday, January 27, 2025


 In Hitler Germany there was to be a super race of Germans. A new golden age, a rule of a thousand years by the elite German people.  Hitler had  an extreme far right ideology .  Conservatism  out of control in pursuit of a misguided cause.

In the U.S. today under the Donald Trump administration conservative ideas have become the majority view of most Americans.  Trump was given a mandate by over 75% of voters.  The MAGA agenda is extremely popular.  It is an America for Americans, put American first .  However there are opponents on the left that are also extreme leftists that are causing problems with Trumps MAGA.  These lefties are not going away and something will have to be done about them because they are a dangerous threat to MAGA.  How can Trump have his golden age when there is a segment of the population that opposes it ?  It is possible that this MAGA movement may follow in the footsteps of Hitler. The people who oppose MAGA will be viewed as vermin as enemies of MAGA.  Jews were targeted by Hitler as undesirables but there were also disabled people, Slavic people, Polish, Russians and blacks that were all considered biologically inferior.  The death camps killed millions of these people.  The gap or division in the U.S. between left and right is growing and the MAGA people,  the extreme right,  far outnumber the extreme left.  The current situation may well become a repeat of history.  Conditions could deteriorate to where Trump may label the left enemies of the republic and have them rounded up for extermination.  Trump and his supporters think GOD is on their side and Trump believes GOD saved him so that he could save the USA.  Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January of 1933, Trump became president in January 2025.  Hitler began his reign of terror in March of 1933, will Trump begin his in March of 2025 ? It didn’t take long for Hitler why should it for Trump.  Look how upset we, the saints are, of the left wing lunatics.  How much more and far would Satans children be willing to go ?  Emotions are extremely high on both sides, carnal emotions, but we, GODS elect saints must not involve ourselves in this confusion.  What are carnal people capable of when pushed to emotional limits ?  

This is only my hypothesis on a spiritual level.  We must wait and see if this current situation evolves into a terrifying replay of Hitler in 1933.  

What main stream media has been doing is very similar to propaganda.  They obviously have a hatred of Trump that has no basis in fact.  It seems as though they rehearse there comments using the same words and phrases to bash Trump.  This is what Hitlers propaganda minister , Joseph Goebbels , technique was.  Goebbels would repeat words and phrases over and over commenting that doing this would make people believe the lie. It was a form of brainwashing.  This has worked well for them until the Biden administration when people started to see and feel the pain then the lies began to fall apart.  This is why Trumps MAGA movement became so popular.  74 million people though are still loyal democrats even though their party’s agenda was highly unpopular.  After years of democrat control there are extreme leftists buried deep inside government in both elected and unelected positions.  It’s now the goal of the democrats to cause as much trouble for Trump as possible to prevent him from putting in place the MAGA agenda.  There are also republicans that are going against Trump that makes things worse.  

Trump experienced in his first term a deluge of attacks that hindered his presidency and now in his second term he is smarter and more confident and determined.  He will let nothing stop him this time even if he must resort to extreme measures. If this happens he will have a powerful support base to help him who are fervently dedicated to him.  So, you have two opposing sides equally committed to their respective causes, neither one willing to budge.  The next four years should be very interesting.

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