Thursday, January 2, 2025



When you die the body is dead but the human spirit is not dead only dormant.

The body has no life of its own and even when the spirit is in the body the body still has no life of it’s own.  The body only appears to have life because of the spirit.  It is like a puppet and puppeteer.  The life that is in the puppeteer activates the puppet. Cut the strings and the appearance of life to the puppet ends but true real life is yet in the puppeteer.  It is the spiritual life force that is life, the body is controlled by this force having no life of its own.

NDE and OBE are impossible because when the spirit is not in the body neither spirit or body functions.  NDE and OBE are tricks of Satan perhaps to get people to believe in immediate life after death.

Matter is not alive, is not life, cannot think or have memories.  Your body is matter, dust, therefore the only remaining part of the soul, the spirit, has life, thoughts and memories.  The life, thoughts and memories in your spirit are stored in the spirit and at death thoughts and memories end because you no longer have any new ones but life is in stasis, dormant, and inoperative, the spirit is not dead but cannot function in any way apart from a body.

Satan is by the will of GOD the absolute ruler of the world and under Satan fallen angels or demons are given rulership of various geographical areas, cities , states, a nation, groups of nations and hemispheres under Satan. When Christ returns Satan and these demons will be replaced by Christ and the elect saints.

The light on the first day of the recreation of the Earth was the glory of GOD later replaced by GOD with the sun, moon and stars on the fourth day.

The Earth was already existing in Genesis 1.  It was in a state of chaos and confusion caused by the rebellion of Lucifer and the resulting battle between the righteous angels and Lucifer’s angels.  This is what severely damaged Earth and Genesis tells the story of GOD repairing this damage and preparing Earth for humanity.

The reason Lucifer rebelled was that he came to see that GOD bypassed him as HIS heir and was going to give all HIS creation to a man who would be GODS son.  

When you look in a mirror you see your body and this is generally how you see yourself and as others do too.  What you are actually seeing is a shell, a temporary dwelling for what and who you really are. You are a spirit currently in a body composed of matter.  To fully comprehend this is to understand a very important spiritual truth.  What GOD is doing with humans is developing the human spirit to be like that of HIS sons human spirit, a spirit of perfection, holiness, righteousness and agape or GODLY Love. This is how you will truly will become if successfully completing your calling and choosing and being one of HIS elect saints.  When born into GODS kingdom you will no longer be human but a new creation, a glorified, impeccable, immortal spirit being. This is the Christian hope and faith.

Jesus Christ is much higher than the angels having a better name and a Godly nature from his mother’s womb.  Where as angels were not created this way because biblical history says angels could sin but Jesus was incapable of sin.  The elect saints are being transformed to be in the image of Jesus and Jesus was created in the image of GOD.  This means that we too will be higher than the angels and even judge them.  We also share in his inheritance which is everything GOD has ever created.  Our imaginations are unable to even comprehend the awesome glory that GOD has in store for us.

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