Thursday, May 16, 2024



Prophecy is said to be a sure word.  Both angels and prophets have confirmed that prophetic declarations are going to happen exactly as Yahweh revealed them.  Jesus gave his prophecy of the end of the age, Jesus said his words would not pass away.  There are about 300 prophecies from Genesis to Malachi about a future messiah and Jesus said that he fulfilled all things written about him in the law, psalms and prophets.  If a number is given in a prophecy, not for illustration , it is literal otherwise the prophecy would be incorrect.  Psalm 50:10 is not a prophecy but a statement by David giving glory to GOD, GOD owns all cattle , all things on all hills, but Psalm 50:4,5,6 is prophetic and is about the second advent.  If I say he is three sheets to the wind it means a man is nearing intoxication but if he is two sheets or four sheets would it be any different, so it is with cattle on a thousand hills.  The number is used as an illustration and not the actual focus of the statement .  A saint should be able to determine the difference between a statement , illustration or prophecy.  Prophecy contains information; events, descriptions of what will happen in a spiritual language requiring the interpretation by the Holy Spirit to the saints.  Some prophecies contain numbers some do not but the proper interpretation is still the same.  The difference between prophecy and doctrine is that doctrine is prophecy fulfilled as when Jesus fulfilled the prophecy about himself.  If numbers like 1, 2, 7 , 10 , 40, 70, 1000 are in either prophecy or doctrine, not in a general statement for illustration, then they are literal.  Revelation says there will be 2 witnesses, 7 seals, 7 trumpets , 7 bowls, 7 thunders, 24 elders, 7 churches, 2 resurrections, 1 Yahweh, 1 Christ,  144000 elect, 7 spirits of GOD, 7 heads, 10 horns.  All these numbers represent something literal , the 7 heads are seven mountains of Jerusalem, the ten horns are ten nations that align with the beast.  Each number has only one meaning and correct interpretation.  If these numbers were not literal you could not make the connections to understand the prophecy they appear in.   The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 states that five were wise and five were foolish but to focus on the number five removes from the parable the true meaning because the numbers five and ten are used here only as an illustration.  The ten virgins represent the Laodicean church, the oil in the lamps represents the Holy Spirit, the groom is Jesus, the bride is the 144000 elect saints.  Since the innumerable multitude cannot be numbered no one knows who they are but Yahweh.  A certain number of Laodiceans repent because they have oil but the unwise have no oil and will not be in the first resurrection with the elect 144000.  All the Laodiceans will suffer the horrors of the tribulation but not all repent.  Laodiceans are the church of Yahweh that backslide, they have quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit exceedingly.  Since Yahweh is the only one who knows who they will be this means Jesus did not know either and used the number five as an illustration not to be taken literally but the number was not the focus of what Jesus was explaining.  Looking at the history of what claims to be Christianity one should conclude that none of them are Christians.  True Christians are extremely extremely extremely few in number and that number begins with righteous Able and will be fulfilled shortly before Jesus returns. This number is 144000 and they along with the repentant Laodiceans, those who have some oil left, the innumerable multitude, will be in the first resurrection.  Logically upon an honest assessment of the condition of the professing Christians going back to the days of the Apostles, when false brethren crept in, to the present day, more imposters crept in and now that is all there are, imposters.  Look at their doctrines, their GOD and Christ and their gospel .  Examine them to see if they are in the faith or not.  This confirms that the number 144000 is none of professing Christianity and is genuine just as the 12000 from each of the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel.  These imposters say 144000 is symbolic and not literal because they see that they would be eliminated when the number is that small.  I marvel over this myself but I believe it, that out of all people who have lived, from Adam until the return of Christ that will enter the kingdom of Yahweh, will be the 144000 and innumerable multitude.  There remains hope for more in the millennium and second resurrection.  The use of numbers in the world and it’s churches is numerology and is of the occult or Satanic, the same thing is in Judaism.  It is the word of Yahweh not the numbers of Yahweh as in the Bible code or Jewish Torah code or gematria .  While Yahweh does use numbers HIS primary method of communication is words.  Numbers are used to illustrate in general statements or to literally indicate in doctrine and prophecy.  The weight of importance of a number must complement the text of the message being given and be in agreement with all scriptures about the subject .  Jesus was three days and three nights in the tomb as Jonah was in the belly of the fish.  Jesus prophesied his death and resurrection.  To justify false beliefs the world comes up with various ways to call Jesus a liar so that they feel comfortable eliminating the weekly sabbath to replace it with Sunday, when Jesus confirmed that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away until heaven and Earth pass away,  Matthew 5:18  .  All carnal people are under the law and should be following it else they sin.  The elect are not under the law and keep no days at all.  The saints live all days with Yahweh through his son.  Carnal people work in the law while the elect rest, sabbath, and Yahweh works in them.  Jesus fulfilled the shadow sabbath of physical rest with spiritual rest.  Jesus said he did not abolish the law but fulfilled it.  By using numbers provided to us by Yahweh it can be proven which day Jesus was crucified and resurrected, these numbers are literal.  

The end. The end of what ?  If there was only one end then this would be the only day of salvation.  If you think this way then all your unconverted loved ones would indeed perish forever.  Paul said,  1 Corinthians 15:19 , 1 Corinthians 15:22,23  each in his own turn or order, indicating different times for an opportunity for salvation.  2 Corinthians 6:2YLT  “a day” not “the day” is the correct translation and is from Isaiah 49:8YLT  “a day” indicates more than one day. Ezekiel 37:14 describes a fleshly resurrection, the second resurrection, notice in verse 14 the spirit of Yahweh is given.  Ezekiel 38 is about Gog and MaGog , verse 8 “ in the latter years” , verse 11 and 12 describes the attack on others of the second resurrection that have been gathered from the nations living in peace.  Remember Satan is released in the second resurrection after the 1000 year millennium is finished,  Revelation 20:7 , and that everyone on Earth has the Holy Spirit even Gog and MaGog.  Gog and MaGog will be destroyed .  Then the great white throne judgment follows.  There is more than one end or last day.  There are major events that begin and end followed by another major event all having a beginning and ending.  Finally there happens when all of these are completed there will be no end, no last day anymore. Isaiah 9:7 , Luke 1:33  When we die it will be on our last day. When Jesus returns it will be the last day of this current evil age.  When the millennium ends it will be on its last day.  After the white throne judgment ends or last days pass away and there will be endless infinity.  The phrase “last day” or “the end” is not a single event but a series of different events.  Genesis means the beginning or origin ,  the end is a completion, termination or fulfillment .  Yahweh, in Genesis made an end of HIS work.  The saints must endure to the end.  When the 1000 years are ended, finished, completed.  


1 comment:

  1. Interesting read, especially the clarification of numbers pertaining to whether it is a statement, illustration, or prophecy. I think today, too many people are wrapped up in numbers, or trying to decode a verse using some kind of weird man-made formula. As stated,, it takes the Holy Spirit to understand the meaning of a verse. Only Yahweh can enlighten us to the use or meaning of a number.



  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...