Friday, May 3, 2024



There are other articles I have written where I explain with scripture my understanding of the 144,000 ,  the first resurrection, second resurrection, great white throne judgment and the great tribulation and the millennium.  I realize that there is disagreement over these topics.  I cannot teach, I can only share what I have been given, I cannot give the understanding.  If anyone has learned anything from what I have written it is because of Yahwehs spirit through Jesus.  This is THE ONLY WAY ANYONE CAN UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH.  If you believe this then you need to go to Yahweh through Jesus and ask Yahweh to teach you and be fervently willing to abandon the lies you formerly believed and accept what Yahweh teaches you.  Given all this I want to address what happens to our friends and loved ones who were not converted , were never called and chosen. 

Ezekiel 33:10-20  explains how Yahweh judges people.  Ezekiel 33:17,18,19  We know that Yahweh does not give HIS spirit to all people in this current evil age.  It is only after Christ returns that all people will have the Holy Spirit. These people are those who sincerely repent during the tribulation and live into the millennium. This means that your unconverted loved ones that are currently Godless will then with Yahwehs spirit have opportunity to become Godly.  This of necessity requires that they have a life to live just as we have now.  Were you full grown at your conversion, or were you a babe in Christ needing to grow ?  The are two periods of “time” for the judgement of Yahweh;  1 Peter 4:17  is the ongoing judgement of the church.  The church escapes the other judgement of the great white throne. John 5:24,28,29   The resurrection of judgment,  Revelation 20:12 .  This white throne judgement is when your unconverted loved ones who died before the second advent will appear after they have been raised from the dead, given the Holy Spirit and then tested by Satan.  No one will ever be judged until they first have an opportunity to live life with the Holy Spirit.  This is true for today, in the millennium and the second resurrection.

The idea that all people are resurrected at the second advent and judged then, would take away their opportunity to prove themselves before Yahweh.  I can see why people who think there is no millennium are so worried about their unconverted loved ones. Also in the millennium the saints of today are glorified kings and priests that rule over and teach the people of the millennium. Isaiah 30:20,21 KJV  Their teacher may possibly be you.

Isaiah 30:20   Micah 4:1-5  describes the millennium.  At that time todays elect saints will be Elohim, a god (see Strongs Concordance H430) John 10:34,35  Psalm 82:1,6,7,8  Zechariah 12:8  Psalm 45:7  Hebrews 1:9  Yahweh the Almighty calls Jesus a god an Elohim , this is why the worship of Jesus by angels and humans is commanded by Yahweh. Hebrews 1:6  the word worship in this verse is Strongs G4352, which means worship. The glorified saints will also be worshipped by the humans they rule over and teach.

Then the judgment of the millennials does take place after they have lived their lives.  The righteous go into immortality while the wicked permanently die with no future resurrection.  After the 1000 years are finished a second resurrection will happen and all people who have lived without the Holy Spirit will live again having the Holy Spirit and face a released Satan.  The exact same righteous judgement of Yahweh is applied as in the past.  

All people alive during the tribulation will suffer its effects except the 144,000 , Revelation 3:10  Isaiah 54:17 , who are protected by Yahweh.  The tribulation is designed to be punishment that leads to repentance.  If people call upon Yahweh with a repentant spirit they will be spared and live into the millennium but if they do not repent they will perish however this perishing is not everlasting death as none of the people have the Holy Spirit but will live again in the second resurrection 1000 years later and everyone will have the Holy Spirit just as those who enter the millennium will.  Hebrews 8:11,12   Joel 2:28-32  Isaiah 40:5   Yahweh is extremely merciful as HE alone assigns all people their time to be converted.  The first is the elect and innumerable multitude then the millennium and finally the second resurrection.  The three measures of leavened meal in Matthew 13:33 symbolizes these three assigned times.  The lake of fire is the second death which is permanent everlasting death, no life of any kind forever.  People who with the Holy Spirit who blaspheme the Holy Spirit are totally and completely destroyed.  There will be people who do this, Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:7,8,9,10  Notice this Gog/Magog event is after the thousand years are finished, the 1000 years of the millennium and is also the time of Satans release .  People who had the Holy Spirit but blasphemed the Holy Spirit prior to the the second resurrection will not be resurrected because the blood of Christ will not cover the unpardonable sin. 1 John 5:16   Hebrews 10:26,27 KJV  The sacrifice of Jesus is what made the resurrections possible.  I personally believe that the total number who suffer everlasting death will be few compared to all who have ever lived.  Now, the 144,000 are a mix of the fathers, Israel and Gentiles beginning with righteous Able and ending when the number 144,000 is completed, then these all alive or dead are sealed by Yahweh just before the tribulation strikes.  At that time of the tribulation only a very small remnant of the 144,000 are alive and remain because the majority of the 144,000 are dead.  I realize this sounds incredible but of all time, from Able until the return of Christ, there has only been 144,000 true Christians.  All of the rest of the world has been deceived.  Revelation 12:9   Revelation 13:3,4,7,8    The true church, the Philadelphia church will be the remnant of the 144,000 but the Laodiceans must suffer martyrdom as punishment for their backsliding into the world.  All things are in Yahwehs hands and will happen just as HE inspired the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles to say in the scriptures.  Yahweh and Jesus will go to the uttermost to save ,  Hebrews 7:25 KJV , and this applies to all people. Isaiah 45:22  ,  John 3:16 KJV    I say, do not worry about your family and friends because Yahweh provides a way for all.  For a person to fail and be condemned to everlasting death they would have to be super evil and totally unrepentant ,  do you think those you love are really that way,  if so they are suffering tremendously and death would be merciful.   

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