Sunday, May 12, 2024


Definition of artificial:  made or produced by human beings rather than existing or occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

Artificial flowers, artificial Saturnalia tree, placebos (artificial medicine), artificial intelligence, artificial woman, artificial man.

Our minds are NOT our brains.  Your brain is not the seat of your intellect or memories, your human spirit is.  Satanic forces of darkness can pervert the natural.  Satan can influence a man to think he is a woman or visa versa.  Sexual sins are very common and scripture gives examples; incest, adultery, fornication , being effeminate and virago like cross dressing or long hair, anything out of the normal acceptable behavior of men and women. 

Lusting or coveting occurs in our minds/human spirit and is unknown by others unless we manifest them by words and deeds. This is what Jesus explained in Matthew 15:18,19,20  the heart here is the human spirit.  What Yahweh created is natural and HE said that all of it was, “very good”.  Genesis 1:31  1 Timothy 4:4   Anything that departs from the original creation of Yahweh is not good or natural.  A man covets and lusts to be a woman but even if he transforms by surgeries it is unnatural.  It would still be sin even if the man never transforms because the thoughts are yet in his spirit/mind/heart.  All things natural can reproduce and anything that cannot reproduce is unnatural/artificial.  Homosexuals are similar to trans people in that the lust is there but they do not trans.  Incest produces all sorts of negative anomalies both physically and mentally which is why Yahweh later banned incest. Fornication is sex without the commitment of marriage .  In a marriage, only the man, woman and Yahweh is involved, the sex is approved by Yahweh.  Hebrews 13:4   Love is not sex.  Sex is a way to express love just as is faithfulness, providing, caring, helping etc..  Love is to be what Yahweh is, Yahweh is love.  Sex in a marriage is a physical way to show love to your spouse and neither spouse is to withhold sex from the other except if fasting or for medical reasons.  Spouses that withhold sex do great injury to the other and it may lead to lustful thoughts or even adultery.  It is cruel to withhold from the other was is by GODS will rightfully theirs. 1 Corinthians 7:2,3,4,39   Trans people or cross dressing; Deuteronomy 22:5  ,  1 Corinthians 6:9KJV   Incest:  Leviticus 18:7,8,9,19,11,12,13,14,15,16,17   Leviticus 20:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,18,20,21  Deuteronomy 27:20,21,22,23

In summary, if Yahweh did not create it , it is not natural it is artificial and in many cases sin.

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