Sunday, May 12, 2024


 A bastard, in the shadow of the law, which is applied physically to symbolize something spiritual, was a child produced outside of marriage: Strongs concordance article H4464 "Manmzer" a bastard. Deuteronomy 23:2  it says up until the tenth generation will no bastard enter the congregation of Yahweh.  This congregation at that time was the carnal kingdom of Israel. This is symbolic of the ten generations in the millennium.  There is a period of 1000 years called the millennium when all  bastards who survive the tribulation by repenting and live into the millennium never having had opportunity to know the gospel, the truth of Yahweh, will be given the Holy Spirit thus ending their days as a bastard and making them a son or daughter of GOD rather than a child of Satan. Acts 26:18 In the new covenant the church is the bride of Christ, the mother, the church, is composed of converted spirit led people with Yahweh as our FATHER.  The church, formerly bastard children of Satan are now children through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:1,2,3  This same process will be repeated in the millennium and the second resurrection.  After the ten generations of the 1000 year millennium the people will be judged at the great white throne, after the 1000 years are finished. Isaiah 65:20KJV  Also during this 1000 years those still dead and not in the millennium sleep until the 1000 years are finished and they also will be raised from the dead and given their opportunity being given the Holy Spirit and converted from a child of Satan into a child of GOD. Revelation 20:3,4,5,7,8  I am aware of the improper use of the word bastard and that it may offend some that read it here but they will have to take that up with Yahweh as HE is the one who uses it in scripture.  This word is only one example of how the shadow of the law needs the light of Christ.  Understanding the true meaning of Israel’s annual holy days, the meaning of leaven, fasting, Pentecost , the blowing of trumpets and tabernacles is also very important.  We seem to be reasonably informed of the meaning of Passover but what about the sabbath or tithes and offerings ?   

The law was indeed a shadow of the good things to come in Christ Jesus.  All the old covenant writings need the light of Christ, the light of spirit and truth, to shine on them.  John1:17   Moses and the prophets brought the shadows but Jesus brought the light.  Do not fear for your unconverted loved ones, their day will come but today is our day and we need to focus and concentrate on that so that when their day comes we will be there with them.  

1 comment:


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...