Friday, May 10, 2024



What is the gift of discernment of spirits?  1 John 4:1   1 Corinthians 12:10   Spiritual discernment is not just for detecting demons.  It is a gift from GOD to truly converted people enabling them to judge the true character of a person who claims to be a Christian, to determine who is a real Christian or a fake.  The Apostle John gives some ways to discern.  1 John 4:2  Someone who knows that Jesus Christ was a human being, not Yahweh, and sent by Yahweh is one sign.  People who believe and teach anything other than this are antichrist.  1 John 4:3  Using this criteria who would you then identify as antichrist?  1 John 4:5   John continues, they, antichrist people, are of the world, carnal and devoid of the Holy Spirit, and the carnal world hears them, agrees with them.  1 John 4:6  True Christians are of GOD and true Christians will hear and understand each other but the antichrist people will not hear or understand true Christians.  A true Christian has this GOD given gift and should be able to distinguish who the antichrist people are.  Understanding the true doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and Prophets is only given to the people of GOD.  Mark 4:11,12   Isaiah 6:9   Jeremiah 5:21  Matthew 13:14   The antichrist people are the children of the devil and have been deceived by Satan who blinds them from understanding.  2 Corinthians 4:3,4   Perhaps you have heard the call to come out of Satans Babylon, the false antichrist churches, the synagogues of Satan, the smorgasbord of false Christianity.  Matthew 24:5KJV  IN THIS VERSE JESUS IS NOT SAYING MANY WOULD COME CLAIMING TO BE JESUS. Jesus came in his FATHERS name, did he claim to be the FATHER.  When you come “in some one’s name” you do not claim to be them.  Jesus is speaking of these antichrist people who come saying Jesus is the messiah but at the same time deceive many.  Jesus predicted modern day false Christianity.   Some may say, “who do you think you are?”  ,  your answer should be , “a son or daughter of GOD through Jesus Christ.”  This gift of discernment must be used wisely and correctly.  True Christians must have compassion for what Peter called our brethren in the world.  1 Peter 5:9KJV  If we desire forgiveness and mercy from GOD then we need to do the same to the church and the world. We should not attack , belittle in an arrogant manner, those of the world because someone once said, “FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do.”  This is the mind of Christ, let this mind be in you.   

In closing, remember in our past lives we were antichrist too.  So then use the gifts of GOD as HE intended, with AGAPE,  the greatest gift of all.

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