Saturday, April 27, 2024



Is it possible to prove GOD exists ?  If there was an absolute proof of GODS existence then where would be faith ?  Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please GOD.  Hebrews 11:6   It would seem that GOD does not want absolute proof of HIS existence but that people would believe that HE exists by faith.  We have the testimony of scripture but not everyone has this faith to believe. Hebrews 4:2 KJV ,  Romans 3:3 .  Christ speaks for his GOD and as mediator between humanity and GOD.  In the minds of the converted Jesus speaks GODS words to us.  Romans 10:17 KJV , Hebrews 1:2 ,  Ephesians 4:21 KJV ,  John 10:27 , Isaiah 54:13 KJV   Have you ever had the experience of a thought entering your mind that you knew did not originate with you ?  This thought is new to you and impossible to have come from you.  Thoughts of this kind, the spiritual kind, usually happen in prayer, study or meditation but can come at anytime.  Usually they are brief and to the point of whatever message they convey.  When this first happens it is very surprising as you don’t know what to make of it.  After several encounters you begin to understand who is communicating with you and desire more but you do not control these moments, Christ does.  The messages are always in love and glorify GOD , they teach spiritual knowledge opening our understanding, ridding ourselves of lies and deceptions to receive the truth.  Jesus does this by the power of his GODS spirit and you as one of his sheep hear his voice.  This is how and why I have been so adamant in my statement about no man being able to teach or lead as this can only be done by Yahweh through Jesus Christ.  It is by the anointing of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, the power Jesus now uses, that ALL Christians are taught and led. 1 John 2:27 , John 14:26 , John 14:18   Put all this together, what does it mean to you?  When a Christian lives in this way it is not possible for them to be deceived. Matthew 24:24 , 2 Peter 3:17 .

If a Christian has a problem with any understanding ,Yahweh through Christ, can resolve this matter in time. Philippians 3:15 After so many deceptions by Satan over nearly 2,000 years the remnants of the church need to again prove ALL things.  Do not assume you know the truth without the voice in your mind, without proof from Christ.  All truth must be in agreement with no contradictions. Everything must be in agape.  Everything must glorify Yahweh and HIS son.  You will be in a very small minority while the worlds churches remain in deception.  To some degree you will experience persecution.  You will be accused falsely.  Your ability to discern spirits will grow.  The realization of just how small you are will humble you greatly.  You look forward in hope to the second advent desiring to be part of that terminal generation. Hearing the voice of Jesus is just the beginning that will have no end.  

I am fully aware that not everyone calling themselves a Christian will experience hearing the voice of Christ.  The little flock, the few that are chosen, the small remnant near the end of this evil age will.  To others this is a highly offensive statement but all comments made by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles regarding the size, the number of true believers , is that it will be very very small.  Far to many people refuse to give up the extra mediator, the pastor, preacher, minister who is a deceiver.   No Christian should put their trust in the hands of a man.   Your trust should be in Yahweh and Christ only.  Hebrews 3:12,13,14,15 KJV  Verse 15, the voice here is that of Christ.  1 John 4:6  Even in what is thought to be an easy understanding the Holy Spirit must give the true complete understanding.  Matthew 16:16,17  It is common to think that the voice of Christ is your own thoughts but it is impossible to think of something that you know nothing about.  When you first begin to hear the voice you are yet carnal and your mind , your thoughts are totally alien to spiritual knowledge and what the voice says to you will be something you never had thoughts of before; an example might be the revelation that the trinity is a lie.  All people are free to accept or reject this calling and this is why few are chosen.  Listen  for his voice.

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...