Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Acts 17:22   Paul observed the various religious beliefs of the people of Athens.  Different groups had their own idea of a god and of what that god expected of them and how they served their god.  There were many alters set up by these people dedicated to their god.  Paul noticed an alter dedicated to the unknown GOD.  Now, compare this to the present day.  There are many churches that do the same as the people of Athens did.  Each church has their own idea about their god, their concept of god, their doctrines and understanding of prophecy.  This is true because of their being divided over their ideas of spiritual things.  If they were all in agreement there would be only one church, not 50,000.

Since that day Paul was on Mars hill nothing has changed except the depth and magnitude of deceptions.  All the churches do not know the unknown GOD.  All their doctrines and prophecies are incorrect, all are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  The Mars hill syndrome has grown worldwide, the world is deceived.  Revelation 12:9   This is why many are called but few are chosen, the church is called the little flock or where only two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ, Christ is there.  I live near a small town in central Pennsylvania.  In that town there is an intersection where on each corner is a different church.  They all have signs or message boards outside declaring some teaching they hold to.  I see this as confusion, as Babylon.  In the past before my conversion I attended several of these churches and learned about them.  I found that many of the members did not know the doctrines of the church,  that several of these churches were all about entertaining its members with live bands and one, a holy roller church, was absolute chaos with shouting, crying, speaking in tongues.  Was any of this Christianity?  When I was 38 years old Yahweh began to draw me,  John 6:44 , and I began to have understanding of things that I never had any knowledge about before,  John 6:45 ,  the church I attended at that time was very legalistic and that very law is what led me to Christ, Galatians 3:24KJV , I  learned the lesson of the schoolmaster when so many others did not.  I did not by personal choice join Yahwehs church anymore than Saul did on the road to Damascus.  No one joins Yahwehs church, Yahweh must put you in it.  Acts 2:39,47   This is how it works with everyone that Yahweh desires to have in HIS church.  The rest of the world must wait until their appointed time , each one in their own order, to truly repent and be converted.  This is because,  2 Peter 3:9 .  People who are yet involved in the Mars hill syndrome will remain in it until Yahweh brings them out of it and into the church of their unknown GOD.

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