Thursday, May 23, 2024



There are a few church organizations that have some truth each in various degrees as some have more than others.  Yahwehs truth is like the oath carnal men swear in a court of man’s law, it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Whatever truth these churches have lacks this demand.  If just one lie is mixed in with what truth they have all that truth must realign to accommodate the lie.  They know Jesus is not YAHWEH but in the same breath say that he was capable of sin , then they do not know Jesus and blaspheme both Jesus and YAHWEH.  If they know the soul is mortal and death is not life, that salvation is life everlasting in the kingdom of GOD but say the saints in the kingdom will be glorified flesh then they do not truly understand salvation.  Usually these organizations focus on one topic like proving Jesus is not GOD and disprove the trinity going to great lengths to the point where they do little of anything else.  This gives Satan opportunity to creep in the back door and inject lies into their doctrine.  These organizations still have some man who they view as a great man of GOD almost as an oracle whose words they swallow without challenging.  To esteem anyone in this light is an abomination.  Luke 16:15   They try to copy the first century church when the church has changed since then due to tremendous persecution and deception which caused GOD to remove all human shepherds and take over completely the church .  Whenever people place some man into an undeserved category of leadership all that needs to be done is deceive that man and all under him will follow.  In a multitude of counselors there is safety, not in just one. Proverbs 11:14   It is by two or three that a matter is established, not by one man. 2 Corinthians 13:1   These organizations yet think they must fulfill the great commission when the apostles already have and we are to believe because of their words recorded in scripture.  John 17:20   These organizations think they can teach the spiritual truths when Christ disagrees, John 14:26 , 1 John 2:27 ,  Matthew 23:10   So then even though these organizations have some truth they also have half truth but in GODS eyes a half truth is a whole lie and in other things they are completely wrong.  They have an extra mediator a Christ imitator who attempts to do what only Christ can.  Satans main tool of deception has always been some man who thinks he is something when he is nothing.   All true saints of GOD will not put their trust in any man but rely on GODS HOLY SPIRIT to intercede for them because GOD knows our heart/human spirit.  Romans 8:27  

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