Saturday, May 25, 2024



Not long ago benadam1974 posted an article entitled “The one God is not the Gospel”.  In it he warned that we should not elevate the belief of the one God above all other beliefs.  This is wisdom not just knowledge.  Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge.  With this is mind I want to share some wisdom.

In Matthew 16:13,14,15,16,17  Jesus asked Peter “Who do you say I am ?”  Peter gave his answer, Matthew 16:16   What Jesus then said contains information, knowledge that can lead to wisdom, Matthew 16:17   No human being, not even Jesus, gave Peter the understanding of who Jesus is.  This event took place long before the day of Pentecost which means Peter did not have the Holy Spirit, he was not converted.  Luke 22:32  John 14:17  This was a demonstration of what Jesus taught.  John 6:45   Someone that knows, has knowledge, that Jesus is not GOD and there is only one true GOD can be unconverted, without the Holy Spirit but can have the Holy Spirit working with them to draw them to Christ. John 6:44  There are many people that know Jesus is not GOD but this knowledge never developed into wisdom, they are called the Jews.  There are also some church organizations that know Jesus is not GOD but still preach lies, this is true, I have researched it.  With this information wisdom may develop, evolve .

1 Corinthians 10:12  Has this one GOD understanding been the foundation of anyone’s belief system?  As Jesus was preparing to ascend to his GOD the disciples asked Jesus,  Acts 1:6 , further demonstrating their spiritual ignorance.  John 16:29,30,31  Jesus knew that they did not truly understand just as at other times. Matthew 15:15,16  Matthew 16:11   Mark 8:16,17,21   After Pentecost all the disciples received the Holy Spirit and experienced an incredible change in both knowledge and wisdom.  This is just as Jesus had told them.  John 16:13   John 14:26   What things can we learn from all of this ?  Only GOD through Christ can teach truth ? It is knowledge but is it wisdom ?  Proverbs 2:6  James 1:5  Job 22:22  Psalm 51:6  Job 32:8  Matthew 7:7,8   The truth of the gospel is scattered from Genesis to Revelation and to find it is not up to us but to GOD. Matthew 7:13,14   Matthew 22:14   Acts 2:39,47.   What benadam1974 wrote in his article is far more profound than we may have first thought and it’s potential impact on us all sobering.   

Given this information we need to peruse knowledge.  The person who who knows Jesus is not GOD can be unconverted just as Peter was.  Is it wise, is it safe spirituality, to perceive that person as your teacher, minister or pastor ?  If Jesus was not able to give Peter the knowledge of who he was then what about anyone else?  Jesus preached the gospel to thousands of people but there were only 120 people in the upper room on the day of Pentecost .  Acts 2:1,  Acts 1:15  When the Apostles preached the gospel the increase , the ability to understand what they preached came from GOD through Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:6   It is no wonder that John said we need no man to teach us. 1 John 2:27   To learn knowledge and develop wisdom of the truth of spiritual things you must hear the voice of Christ in your human spirit, your mind.  All the truth of GOD is woven together, intertwined so that it cannot be broken.  One truth touches another and another.  There is only ONE way all the truth fits together without being broken.  The only way to find those truths is from GOD through Christ.  Ephesians 3:16  Ephesians 4:21  John 10:27  This is not hyperbole, this literally happens to Christians, they, in their human spirit hear the voice of Jesus that teaches them the truth of his GOD.  This is the exact same way the Apostles learned and how we learn. 

This divine teaching is absolutely necessary due to the tremendous amount of deception that is in the world.  Benadam1974 stressed only one example of making one truth more relevant than others, this mistake can be made with any of the truths.  Making this mistake opens a door for Satan to enter and broadcast into the minds/spirits of men who think they are the teachers ideas which actually blaspheme the names of GOD and Christ and cast truth to the ground and stomp on it.  I have witnessed this firsthand when I was in a false church as I know others in their own brand of deception have.  What benadan1974 wrote in his article was responded to by only two current members of this forum; myself and Outcast and that is very unfortunate.  I would recommend that everyone read this post by benadam1974 and devote more of your time to things that are more important.  

All Christians are like a ship at sea. The first officer is Jesus and the Captain is GOD.  The rest of the crew are all in the same boat together and have not plotted the course nor know the arrival port.  The crew must trust and have faith to believe that the Captain and first officer will get us all to our destination.  Our duty is to see that we personally do not suffer shipwreck or be swept overboard in a storm but rather hear the voice of the first officer passing on the commands of the Captain and obey the orders.    No member of the crew is in command, only the Captain and HIS first officer.   Just as in my parable so it is this day.

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