Monday, May 6, 2024



Adam was given dominion over the Earth.  Genesis 1:26KJV  Adam was the god of this world.  Satan now has this title because Adam obeyed Satan.  2 Corinthians 4:4   This is because of a rule or law of Yahweh. Romans 6:16KJV  Eve ate the forbidden fruit first but her eyes were not opened until Adam ate.  Genesis 3:6,7

Adam had the opportunity to void his wife’s words and actions if He did it when he heard it. This is also a point in the law.  Numbers 30: 6,7,8   If Adam on that day voided Eves words and action Yahweh would have absolved Eves guilt.  Adam was there with Eve when the serpent tempted her.  Latter part of Genesis 3:6 “who was with her”.  This is why it is, “as in Adam all sin” not as in Eve.  

Adam was not deceived by Satans lies, 1 Timothy 2:14  but Adam became a sinner when he ate the forbidden fruit.  It is apparent that Adam loved Eve more than Yahweh, Eve was Adams idol.  If Adam had done the right thing and eventually ate from the tree of life the Kingdom of Yahweh would have began then and Adam would have been the messiah of humanity.  Because this did not happen then,  Revelation 13:8 last part, “the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world”  , Jesus was preordained to be the future messiah.  The tree of life was shut off from Adam indicating that Adam did know about it.  This proves that Yahweh will not allow a human sinner to have everlasting life.  The very fact that Adam had to eat the fruit of the tree of life to become immortal proves he was mortal prior to that time.  Adam and Eve were created mortal and so are everyone else.  Eve was created after the seventh day of creation week.  Genesis 2:18,22  Therefore woman is the very last creation of Yahweh. If we men are honest, Yahweh saved the best for last. Is it any wonder that we love them?  Proverbs 5:19 , Hebrews 13:4 , Ephesians 5:25,28  If a man truly loves his wife in the Godly way and the wife understands this then she will not have any problems with your God given role as head of the house.  This is Yahwehs order of things. Ephesians 5:23   

1 Corinthians 11:3   Marriage is only for this physical existence as it will not exist in the spiritual kingdom of Yahweh.  In Yahwehs church if you are married do not seek divorce but if a spouse decides to leave you then you are free to remarry but not to the spouse who left.  No human being or human government can marry a man and woman.  Marriage is between the man, the woman and Yahweh only.  It is indeed what Yahwehs has joined together let not man put asunder.  Mark 10:9KJV Genesis 2:24 

Today we hear about transgenderism where there are claims there are 72 different genders.  According to the popular idea of evolution the survival of the fittest is the hard fast rule.  This by necessity would mean natural selection by natural reproduction.  None of these new genders can procreate therefore they cannot be natural, they cannot survive. DNA determines gender XX for female and XY for males and this cannot be changed. Transgenderism is a mental illness and is like building castles in the clouds and then trying to move into them.  I also think satanic influences are at work as well. If I am in a garage am I a car ?  If I go swimming am I a fish ?  If I am a man am I a woman ?  It is insanity.  This is the way things are supposed to be in the last days and they will get worse.  If you are aware of this then what should your priority be ?  What should you be doing?  

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