Thursday, May 23, 2024



Demons and their leader Satan are immortal spirit beings that as far as we know were part the first of the beings called angels.  It is a reasonable hypothesis that there were three angels called archangels;  Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer each having command of a third of the total number of angels.  Before the angelic rebellion it was possible that angels could sin and a third of them did.  After the rebellion the angels that loved and remained loyal to Yahweh were sealed in righteousness.  The third under Lucifer were not and became the Satanic angels or demons.  I believe that Lucifer’s rebellion was caused by his vanity and jealousy over discovering that YAHWEH was going to make inferior creatures, humanity,  the heir of all HIS creation.  Therefore Lucifer, now Satan, is the enemy of YAHWEH and humanity.  We are told that we should be aware of Satans devices or methods he uses against us.  Satan and his demons are able to interface with the human spirit and implant thoughts and desires that are unGODLY or lustful  or covetousness, evil thoughts and intents called sin.  Satan is called the prince of the power of the air or breath, breath of life, our human spirit, the breath of life, receives Satans broadcasts of evil as temptations to enticements that produce sin.  James 1:12,13,14,15   The tenth commandment says, “thou shall not covet or lust” which is a function of the human spirit, the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Sin does not require words or deeds only thoughts.  Breaking the tenth commandment breaks the other nine as well.  To break one point of the law makes us guilty of all the law.  When we are unconverted, without the Holy Spirit, the sins we commit YAHWEH winks at but after conversion and with the Holy Spirit we have the ability to repent and be forgiven.  Satan broadcasts into our spirits doubt about that forgiveness that we should instantly recognize.  Spiritual alarm bells sound off alerting us to this deceptive device of Satan.  The worlds ways, the allure, attraction drawing us into sin is another device.  Satan may use money, power, sex, fame or possession of physical things as a weapon against us.  Satan uses false ministers disguised as angels of light, wolves in sheep’s clothing to speak great swelling words of emptiness.  These are Satans devices.  Sin is something that seems to easily ensnares us. Hebrews 12:1   Ephesians 4:22   Jeremiah 17:10   Mark 17:21,22   Romans 7:11   Satan wants to destroy our hope of salvation and bring us to worship him rather than YAHWEH.  This is how and why he tempted Jesus.  1 Corinthians 10:13  those sins called common and the converted have a way with YAHWEH to escape them, but there is only one sin, the unpardonable sin, that will not be forgiven and produces everlasting death that only converted people can commit.  Unconverted people cannot commit the unpardonable sin.  Satan already has the whole world deceived. Revelation 12:9   Satan desires to get the church, you, me and the rest.  We need to be aware of the devices or methods Satan uses.  2 Corinthians 2:11 ,  1 Peter 5:8  2 Corinthians 11:3   James 4:7

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