Monday, May 27, 2024


I am writing this article not to offend anyone but I know it will.

Jesus offended many people, Matthew 13:57   Mark 6:3  Luke 7:23 

Why were people offended by what Jesus said ?  It was because he told them the truth.  John 8:45   The truth may offend but it is the only thing that can set you free,  John 8:30,31,32,33,34,35,36  

With this in mind I want to address the practice of debating that I see among some.  You nor I can by debating convert anyone.  It is YAHWEH that gives the increase and adds to the church such as should be saved.  1 Corinthians 3:6

 Debates are a waste of time.  Debaters only give the unconverted opportunity to blaspheme.  James 2:7.  Debaters have not been appointed by YAHWEH or Christ to debate, only the Apostles were given this commission.  Debaters engage in a battle of spiritual wits with someone who is unarmed.  There is no good or helpful spiritual reason to engage in them.  2 Corinthians 6:14

And now a comment that will get me into trouble.  Debates feed the egos of the debaters as each defend the different positions and opinions before perhaps an audience of onlookers.  Some do these debates to imitate the one, the man, who they perceive as their leader who is also a debater . 

The last sign Jesus gave that signals the end is in Matthew 24:14   The gospel is to be preached in all nations, then the end will come.  Do debates serve for this purpose?  Have debates fulfilled this prophecy ?   

When reading Revelation 14:6 , is it not an angel who fulfills this ?  Consider that if the true gospel had been preached all along how then could it be a sign of the end ?  

It does not matter what particular doctrine is being debated as nothing seems to ever be settled and no one is converted to the others view.

Some debaters use the reasoning that the debate is not for the debaters but for the audience.  Look at how many debates Jesus had during his ministry.  All that Jesus said and did in 3 1/2 years produced only 120 converts on the day of Pentecost.  Why would debaters think they could do anything when becoming a Christian is not a matter up for debate in the fist place ?  

Who calls, who chooses, who converts, who gives the spirit, who adds to the church ?  Debating is a complete waste of time because anything they may think they can accomplish is totally out of their control.  

In the true church debates are good because all the saints have the same spirit of YAHWEH .  The Jerusalem council in Acts 15:1-31 was a debate that settled an issue concerning the gentiles.  

The practice of debating unconverted persons needs to stop and instead needs to increase within the church.  Christians need to examine and debate to prove all things, to search the scriptures with the helper to discover the true will of YAHWEH.  This is what the saints need to be doing. What is that one good thing/portion that we all need to find ?  Luke 10:41,42    In the world the blind are leading the blind but in the church we have been given a vision the world does not have.  The church should not be like Martha but like Mary.  

In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man,  Luke 16:19-31 ,  the rich man desired Lazarus to go and preach or warn or you could say debate with his brothers.  Abraham said, “they have Moses and the prophets, let your brothers them hear them.”  Then the rich man said, “if someone is sent to them from the dead they will repent.”  Abraham responded, Luke 16:31 ,  Here the someone rising from the dead is Christ.  A lesson:  The rich man wanted Lazarus to debate with his brothers then for someone who rose from the dead to debate.  No matter who the rich man wanted to debate it would do no good.  Only by hearing Moses, the prophets and Christ could anyone be persuaded.

To hear and see spiritual things a person must have the spirit.  Debaters today debate with the spirituality blind and deaf.  Matthew 7:6   There is risk to debating as demonstrated by the Apostle Paul, who was given the authority to debate,  and suffered many things as did all the Apostles.   I appeal to all who participate in debates with the unconverted world to stop and bring your debates to the church.  Hebrews 10:24,25  Hebrews 3:13  Matthew 18:20  is it not more desirable to fellowship with Christ than the world ?  

Here, on Simply Christian, I practice debate.  I write about things that perhaps some have never considered.  I use my gift to stir up, stimulate debate on spiritual matters.  This is the only proper use of debate.  As for the world; let them hear Moses, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles.   

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