Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Temptation.  Merriam-Webster Webster defines temptation as a cause or occasion of enticement.  What is enticement ?  Merriam-Webster, to attract by arousing hope or desire to do something wrong or evil. 

In scripture, the temptation of Christ by Satan is claimed by some to be proof that it was possible for Jesus to have sinned.  They reason that the entire account would be a farce if Jesus was incapable of sin.  Once this way of thinking becomes embedded in a persons mind it is nearly impossible for them to consider other explanations of what happened in the temptation of Christ.  

Notice that in the definitions given above a temptation must produce enticement to be successful, Jesus would have had to actually consider doing what Satan tempted him with.  In each of the three attempts Satan tried did the response of Jesus indicate enticement ?  If Jesus was enticed he would have sinned according to his own definition of what sin is.  Mark 7:20,21,22,23   Jesus had to think about doing what Satan was tempting him with.  Obviously Jesus did not else we have no messiah.  Being tempted by itself is not sin and assuming one is capable of sin by being tempted is leaping to a fool’s conclusion.  

Could I tempt you to murder your neighbor, to commit adultery with your neighbors spouse, to commit incest with your child, to tell lies to put an innocent person to death ?  Well if you were to actually consider doing that in your human spirit / heart then you have sinned, even if you never actually did the act.  All this was the exact same scenario in the temptation of Jesus.

The truth is that Jesus Christ, the messiah, the son of the living GOD was incapable of sin and the temptation by Satan was to prove that to us.  The divine character or nature is GODS character or nature.  In Hebrews 1:3  the exact representation of HIS NATURE.  Colossians 1:15   John 14:9   John 17:11   Jesus was already ONE with his GOD and in this prayer said that they (the church) MAY BE ONE , meaning when in the kingdom.  2 Corinthians 5:21   Hebrews 4:15 

Agape is GODS LOVE.  A love perfect and righteous incapable of sin.  Jesus had this love.  John 15:9   Jesus was this way because his GOD created him that way and he was the only being angelic or human that was this way from his mother’s womb.  This is what made the life of Jesus so precious to GOD that the sacrifice of it would pay for the sins of all humanity.  There is only one person who can say what King Solomon asked,  Proverbs 20:9  ,  Jesus Christ.

So then,  if you have fallen for the lie that Jesus could have sinned by those who assassinate his character and insult both him and his GOD , you need to repent and ask GOD for forgiveness in the name you formerly blasphemed.  I hope you do. 

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