Thursday, May 30, 2024



 Below are 40 questions or statements. Respond to them accordingly as you are able.

1.  Is it possible for a Christian using the gift of discernment to identify who is truly converted with the holy spirit or is unconverted without the holy spirit ?

2.  Was it possible that Jesus could have sinned ?

3.  In the resurrection will the saints have bodies of glorified flesh ?

4.  Do all people have an immortal soul ?

5. Are near death experiences from GOD and real?

6. Are Christians under any of the law ?

7.  If you have been tempted you have sinned.

8. Sin is your thoughts and intents and the words or deeds only reveal the evil you think. 

9. GOD cannot be tempted in any way.

10. In total there were only 12 Apostles.

11. The trinity doctrine is true.

12. Conversion is salvation.

13. Salvation is universal, everyone will be saved.

14. Christians have direct access to GOD.

15. GOD removed all human shepherds after the death of the Apostle John and HE and Christ are in complete control.

16. All Christian organizations are the true church.

17. Abraham was a Christian.

18. King David was a Christian.

19. The church did not begin on the day of Pentecost but was a continuation of the church to include the Gentiles. 

20. Jesus was resurrected late on the Sabbath day.

21. Jesus gave the holy spirit on Pentecost 50 days after he was resurrected. 

22. Jesus had to be glorified in order to send the holy spirit.

23. Abraham was a Jew.

24. All people of Israel are Jews.

25. Carnal human goodness is acceptable to GOD.

26. Jesus abolished the law.

27. Sin is when you break the law.

28. What is the only thing that will fulfill the law?

29. Today is the only day of salvation.

30. The 144000 are male Jewish virgins.

31. Will there be a third temple ?

32. Will there be a one thousand year millennium?

33. Has the great tribulation already happened ?

34. The number 666 is holy to the Jewish people and is a sign of their messiah.

35. Your brain contains all your knowledge and memories.

36. All people are souls.

37. The human spirits of all people, saint or sinner, go back to GOD at death totally unconscious and await a resurrection at sometime after Christ returns.

38. A human being is a spirit in a temporary body of flesh.

39. Today all of GODS saints are prophets and prophetesses.

40. We are taught by human preachers, the holy spirit is not involved. We have need for preachers to teach us and they always teach the truth.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024



Temptation.  Merriam-Webster Webster defines temptation as a cause or occasion of enticement.  What is enticement ?  Merriam-Webster, to attract by arousing hope or desire to do something wrong or evil. 

In scripture, the temptation of Christ by Satan is claimed by some to be proof that it was possible for Jesus to have sinned.  They reason that the entire account would be a farce if Jesus was incapable of sin.  Once this way of thinking becomes embedded in a persons mind it is nearly impossible for them to consider other explanations of what happened in the temptation of Christ.  

Notice that in the definitions given above a temptation must produce enticement to be successful, Jesus would have had to actually consider doing what Satan tempted him with.  In each of the three attempts Satan tried did the response of Jesus indicate enticement ?  If Jesus was enticed he would have sinned according to his own definition of what sin is.  Mark 7:20,21,22,23   Jesus had to think about doing what Satan was tempting him with.  Obviously Jesus did not else we have no messiah.  Being tempted by itself is not sin and assuming one is capable of sin by being tempted is leaping to a fool’s conclusion.  

Could I tempt you to murder your neighbor, to commit adultery with your neighbors spouse, to commit incest with your child, to tell lies to put an innocent person to death ?  Well if you were to actually consider doing that in your human spirit / heart then you have sinned, even if you never actually did the act.  All this was the exact same scenario in the temptation of Jesus.

The truth is that Jesus Christ, the messiah, the son of the living GOD was incapable of sin and the temptation by Satan was to prove that to us.  The divine character or nature is GODS character or nature.  In Hebrews 1:3  the exact representation of HIS NATURE.  Colossians 1:15   John 14:9   John 17:11   Jesus was already ONE with his GOD and in this prayer said that they (the church) MAY BE ONE , meaning when in the kingdom.  2 Corinthians 5:21   Hebrews 4:15 

Agape is GODS LOVE.  A love perfect and righteous incapable of sin.  Jesus had this love.  John 15:9   Jesus was this way because his GOD created him that way and he was the only being angelic or human that was this way from his mother’s womb.  This is what made the life of Jesus so precious to GOD that the sacrifice of it would pay for the sins of all humanity.  There is only one person who can say what King Solomon asked,  Proverbs 20:9  ,  Jesus Christ.

So then,  if you have fallen for the lie that Jesus could have sinned by those who assassinate his character and insult both him and his GOD , you need to repent and ask GOD for forgiveness in the name you formerly blasphemed.  I hope you do. 

Monday, May 27, 2024



Scripture informs us that there are saints described as “babes”.  There are also saints described as mature.  The babes are drinking milk while the mature eat meat.  This is only natural because a saint must grow spiritually, both the babe and the mature.  YAHWEH does not limit our growth, we do, by neglecting our calling and election. 

  The parable of the talents.  The talents symbolize the spirit that saints are to grow in.  YAHWEH has made a spiritual investment in the saints and expects it to grow.  The one who buried his talent did not fare well but those who grew them did.  To whom much is given much will be demanded and to the one who has been entrusted with much , more will be required.  It is YAHWEH who works in you both to will and to do HIS good pleasure.  If one buries their talent they quench and grieve the Holy Spirit , they fight against the working of the spirit.

Someone who has only recently come out of some form of deception is a babe but someone who has been out for a sufficient time is, should be, mature.  A babe is a novice lacking in spiritual growth and was not to be given any office in the church.  However there are some babes who think themselves experts in spiritual things.  This was the problem of the saints in the book of Hebrews.  Hebrews 5:11,12,13,14   If you are a babe do not make the same mistake.  

The mature are to help the babes become mature.  1 Peter 2:2 ,  1 Corinthians 3:1 ,  1 Corinthians 14:20 ,  Isaiah 5:13 ,  Matthew 11:25 ,  Mark 10:15 ,  Romans 15:1 ,  1 Thessalonians 5:14   Through interaction in the Holy Spirit between babes and mature that same Holy Spirit will teach the babe bringing them into maturity.  YAHWEH does this through the mediator Christ.  

Before Christ, angels were the ministering spirits that inspired the prophets.  Hebrews 1:1,14  Today since Christ , YAHWEH uses Jesus to speak to us.  When Christ was on Earth he spoke what the FATHER told him to speak.  The same is true today.  YAHWEH, in HIS dealings with humanity has always used mediators.  John 5:37 no one, no human being  at any time past, present or future.  Without Jesus we would be cut off from YAHWEH ,  Ephesians 2:12   Babes in Christ need to learn from YAHWEH through Jesus as well as the mature.  


I am writing this article not to offend anyone but I know it will.

Jesus offended many people, Matthew 13:57   Mark 6:3  Luke 7:23 

Why were people offended by what Jesus said ?  It was because he told them the truth.  John 8:45   The truth may offend but it is the only thing that can set you free,  John 8:30,31,32,33,34,35,36  

With this in mind I want to address the practice of debating that I see among some.  You nor I can by debating convert anyone.  It is YAHWEH that gives the increase and adds to the church such as should be saved.  1 Corinthians 3:6

 Debates are a waste of time.  Debaters only give the unconverted opportunity to blaspheme.  James 2:7.  Debaters have not been appointed by YAHWEH or Christ to debate, only the Apostles were given this commission.  Debaters engage in a battle of spiritual wits with someone who is unarmed.  There is no good or helpful spiritual reason to engage in them.  2 Corinthians 6:14

And now a comment that will get me into trouble.  Debates feed the egos of the debaters as each defend the different positions and opinions before perhaps an audience of onlookers.  Some do these debates to imitate the one, the man, who they perceive as their leader who is also a debater . 

The last sign Jesus gave that signals the end is in Matthew 24:14   The gospel is to be preached in all nations, then the end will come.  Do debates serve for this purpose?  Have debates fulfilled this prophecy ?   

When reading Revelation 14:6 , is it not an angel who fulfills this ?  Consider that if the true gospel had been preached all along how then could it be a sign of the end ?  

It does not matter what particular doctrine is being debated as nothing seems to ever be settled and no one is converted to the others view.

Some debaters use the reasoning that the debate is not for the debaters but for the audience.  Look at how many debates Jesus had during his ministry.  All that Jesus said and did in 3 1/2 years produced only 120 converts on the day of Pentecost.  Why would debaters think they could do anything when becoming a Christian is not a matter up for debate in the fist place ?  

Who calls, who chooses, who converts, who gives the spirit, who adds to the church ?  Debating is a complete waste of time because anything they may think they can accomplish is totally out of their control.  

In the true church debates are good because all the saints have the same spirit of YAHWEH .  The Jerusalem council in Acts 15:1-31 was a debate that settled an issue concerning the gentiles.  

The practice of debating unconverted persons needs to stop and instead needs to increase within the church.  Christians need to examine and debate to prove all things, to search the scriptures with the helper to discover the true will of YAHWEH.  This is what the saints need to be doing. What is that one good thing/portion that we all need to find ?  Luke 10:41,42    In the world the blind are leading the blind but in the church we have been given a vision the world does not have.  The church should not be like Martha but like Mary.  

In the parable of Lazarus and the rich man,  Luke 16:19-31 ,  the rich man desired Lazarus to go and preach or warn or you could say debate with his brothers.  Abraham said, “they have Moses and the prophets, let your brothers them hear them.”  Then the rich man said, “if someone is sent to them from the dead they will repent.”  Abraham responded, Luke 16:31 ,  Here the someone rising from the dead is Christ.  A lesson:  The rich man wanted Lazarus to debate with his brothers then for someone who rose from the dead to debate.  No matter who the rich man wanted to debate it would do no good.  Only by hearing Moses, the prophets and Christ could anyone be persuaded.

To hear and see spiritual things a person must have the spirit.  Debaters today debate with the spirituality blind and deaf.  Matthew 7:6   There is risk to debating as demonstrated by the Apostle Paul, who was given the authority to debate,  and suffered many things as did all the Apostles.   I appeal to all who participate in debates with the unconverted world to stop and bring your debates to the church.  Hebrews 10:24,25  Hebrews 3:13  Matthew 18:20  is it not more desirable to fellowship with Christ than the world ?  

Here, on Simply Christian, I practice debate.  I write about things that perhaps some have never considered.  I use my gift to stir up, stimulate debate on spiritual matters.  This is the only proper use of debate.  As for the world; let them hear Moses, the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles.   

Sunday, May 26, 2024


The reason why we are all here on this forum is that we are seeking understanding, truth and the kingdom of GOD.  All of us came out of some form of deception but what can we learn from that experience.  All of the various organizations we were in when deceived were of men, men who claimed they were teachers and represented GOD.  Men like, Charles Russell, Herbert Armstrong, Athanasius, Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, Joseph Smith and many more were nothing but self appointed false shepherds. 

 My false shepherd was Herbert Armstrong.  I was so enamored and engrossed in him and his teachings and in his ministers.  After about ten years I began to hear a voice in my mind, verses of scripture, statements against the things I believed.  At first I thought it was Satan but when I began to follow up on the words I realized they were from GOD.  I knew people would think me crazy or demon possessed, which they actually accused me of being.  In the local church I attended the minister put me out of fellowship and would not allow me to return unless I recanted. 

 I began to write to the headquarters in Pasadena California to Joseph W. Tkach Sr  who was pastor general at the time. I explained in detail with scriptures that the WCG was in the wrong covenant and was mixing the two covenants together effectively canceling out both.  After only a short time Mr Tkach began to remove booklets written by Herbert Armstrong from the churches approved literature citing they were not accurate and not based on scripture. 

 I do know that Mr Tkach was reading my letters because in the churches newspaper “The Worldwide News” he quoted things I wrote verbatim.  Gradually more changes to church doctrine were made but Mr Tkach died in 1995 and his son Joseph Jr became Pastor General. 

 It became very obvious that Joe Jr did not have the understanding of his father as he led the church into main stream Christianity adopting false doctrine like the trinity and immortal soul.  To this day I do not know what role I may of had in that ordeal that eventually led to the demise of the WCG .  I have put all of my past behind and concentrate on seeking the kingdom of GOD. Matthew 6:33

  By being in the WCG I learned the law very well because I lived it and all the members were well trained in the scriptures.  We were better Jews than most Jews.  I had learned the shadow of the good things to come in Christ Jesus ,  Hebrews 10:1 ,  but was living as though Jesus never came to fulfill that law by my keeping days Jesus fulfilled.  Thanks to Yahweh as HE allowed me to see the light of Christ shine on those shadows so that I could learn the lesson of the schoolmaster.  John 1:17  Galatians 3:23,24,25 

This all was a prime example of  Romans 8:28    I was not alone in this experience as three other members of my local church left the WCG and now we fellowship whenever we can and partake of the bread and wine.  All this happened over 30 years ago and none of us have looked back since.



Near death experiences or NDE’s are experiences where a person comes very close to dying and have memories of supernatural phenomena that include bright lights, hear voices, and converse with other people who have died float and above their bed.  These NDE are declared to be proof of life and consciousness after death.  NDE occurs when a person for whatever reason is near death and unconscious.  

There are two main definitions of death; clinical death is when a person appears dead but can be treated to actually prevent the second definition of death, biological death. Biological death is when the brain ceases all function.  During NDE the brain is still functioning thus is not biological death and the possibility of treatment may lead to recovery.  

Now to examine what scripture says about death. All humans are a soul, the union of the human spirit with the human body.  In the creation of Adam YAHWEH first made the body but life did not appear until the human spirit was injected or breath of life was given. The body without the spirit is dead. James 2:26 (first part)  confirms this.  Jesus said that no one has ever gone to heaven except himself.  John 3:13   This proves claims of NDE false as well as the claim of seeing other dead people in heaven or hell. I do not say that the stories people tell are not real to them, they truly believe this experience.  The question is what is the source of the experience. If you are near to death, clinically, then you are not biologically dead. Your brain is the interface between your human spirit and your body.  The brain transmits to the many parts of your body signals from your spirit.  At biological death the spirit leaves the body and returns to GOD but in a totally dormant state, unconscious state, called by Jesus sleep figuratively.  Since your spirit is what contains all your memories and knowledge and not your brain all of what you are can be raised from the dead by GOD and put into a 100% spirit body in the first resurrection. 2 Corinthians 5:1   When your are dead you have No eyes to see or ears to hear, you have no body.  Your human spirit does not die when the body dies, it just becomes unconscious, non operational because your spirit must have a body in order to operate.  Job 32:8  Psalm 146:4KJV  Palm 115:17KJV   Isaiah 38:18,19   Ecclesiastes 9:10   I believe NDE is a response to physical and mental trauma by an unconscious working brain yet joined to the human spirit by demonic activity.  If the human spirit is not present in the body then the entire body is dead.  Doctors cannot bring back the spirit.  Doctors can, if the human spirit is present in the body, affect treatment leading hopefully to recovery. Satan and his demons have the ability to possess or influence a human spirit.  In NDE demons use this ability to support the lie of the immortal soul.  Indeed NDE is used by people who believe in the immoral soul lie, as proof of life immediately after death. In a near death state and being unconscious a person is at the mercy of the devil.  Even when a person is healthy and conscious the devil can possess them.  When under the devils control you will see and do what the devil desires.  Your mind will attribute this and interpret this as your own experience but in fact is what the devil places in your mind.  You will believe with all your heart that you have seen and experienced an NDE.  John 13:2 Satan put thoughts in the mind of Judas to betray Christ,  Acts 5:3 Satan caused Ananias and Sapphira to lie , 1 Chronicles 21:1 and caused David to number Israel.  The devil has false human ministers that he has deceived and uses them to deceive others .  Satan tempts all humans by causing us to lust, covet and desire things that are sin.  Satan can enter people and cause the to see ,say or do his will.  2 Corinthians 11:13,14  In Revelation 13:13 the false prophet performs visible miracles.  2 Thessalonians 2:9  signs and lying wonders of which NDE are a part.  NDE believers have been deceived by the serpents cunning,  2 Corinthians 11:3

Some say that Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:2,3,4  had an NDE but in 2 Corinthians 12:1 said plainly that he had visions and revelations from GOD.  Even Paul could not state categorically that this vision was in or out of his body but said that only GOD knows.  This vision was like the transfiguration or  Daniels visions or Johns writing of the book of Revelation.  If any of these men did indeed go to heaven the Jesus lied to us.  John 3:13  A person can have a vision from GOD or from Satan and both seem totally real and the only way to distinguish between them is by trying the spirits.  The vision from GOD will not violate any scripture but one from Satan will.  This is only one reason why we need study to be approved,  2 Timothy 2:15 

Another scripture to consider,  Ecclesiastes 12:7  both the evil and the righteous die and their body goes to dust but their spirit returns to GOD who gave it.  This understanding would prove false claims of NDE that have a person going to hell because the spirits of saints or sinners go back to GOD at death. There is only one destination for the spirit at death, hell is a lie, and the thought of being conscious after death is a lie.  NDE is therefore a lie.

Even with all the biblical evidence given here many will not believe it.

I am well aware that people who really believe in NDE will not accept scripture as proof it is false and that is up to them.  YAHWEH said HIS people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,  Hosea 4:6  

Saturday, May 25, 2024



Not long ago benadam1974 posted an article entitled “The one God is not the Gospel”.  In it he warned that we should not elevate the belief of the one God above all other beliefs.  This is wisdom not just knowledge.  Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge.  With this is mind I want to share some wisdom.

In Matthew 16:13,14,15,16,17  Jesus asked Peter “Who do you say I am ?”  Peter gave his answer, Matthew 16:16   What Jesus then said contains information, knowledge that can lead to wisdom, Matthew 16:17   No human being, not even Jesus, gave Peter the understanding of who Jesus is.  This event took place long before the day of Pentecost which means Peter did not have the Holy Spirit, he was not converted.  Luke 22:32  John 14:17  This was a demonstration of what Jesus taught.  John 6:45   Someone that knows, has knowledge, that Jesus is not GOD and there is only one true GOD can be unconverted, without the Holy Spirit but can have the Holy Spirit working with them to draw them to Christ. John 6:44  There are many people that know Jesus is not GOD but this knowledge never developed into wisdom, they are called the Jews.  There are also some church organizations that know Jesus is not GOD but still preach lies, this is true, I have researched it.  With this information wisdom may develop, evolve .

1 Corinthians 10:12  Has this one GOD understanding been the foundation of anyone’s belief system?  As Jesus was preparing to ascend to his GOD the disciples asked Jesus,  Acts 1:6 , further demonstrating their spiritual ignorance.  John 16:29,30,31  Jesus knew that they did not truly understand just as at other times. Matthew 15:15,16  Matthew 16:11   Mark 8:16,17,21   After Pentecost all the disciples received the Holy Spirit and experienced an incredible change in both knowledge and wisdom.  This is just as Jesus had told them.  John 16:13   John 14:26   What things can we learn from all of this ?  Only GOD through Christ can teach truth ? It is knowledge but is it wisdom ?  Proverbs 2:6  James 1:5  Job 22:22  Psalm 51:6  Job 32:8  Matthew 7:7,8   The truth of the gospel is scattered from Genesis to Revelation and to find it is not up to us but to GOD. Matthew 7:13,14   Matthew 22:14   Acts 2:39,47.   What benadam1974 wrote in his article is far more profound than we may have first thought and it’s potential impact on us all sobering.   

Given this information we need to peruse knowledge.  The person who who knows Jesus is not GOD can be unconverted just as Peter was.  Is it wise, is it safe spirituality, to perceive that person as your teacher, minister or pastor ?  If Jesus was not able to give Peter the knowledge of who he was then what about anyone else?  Jesus preached the gospel to thousands of people but there were only 120 people in the upper room on the day of Pentecost .  Acts 2:1,  Acts 1:15  When the Apostles preached the gospel the increase , the ability to understand what they preached came from GOD through Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:6   It is no wonder that John said we need no man to teach us. 1 John 2:27   To learn knowledge and develop wisdom of the truth of spiritual things you must hear the voice of Christ in your human spirit, your mind.  All the truth of GOD is woven together, intertwined so that it cannot be broken.  One truth touches another and another.  There is only ONE way all the truth fits together without being broken.  The only way to find those truths is from GOD through Christ.  Ephesians 3:16  Ephesians 4:21  John 10:27  This is not hyperbole, this literally happens to Christians, they, in their human spirit hear the voice of Jesus that teaches them the truth of his GOD.  This is the exact same way the Apostles learned and how we learn. 

This divine teaching is absolutely necessary due to the tremendous amount of deception that is in the world.  Benadam1974 stressed only one example of making one truth more relevant than others, this mistake can be made with any of the truths.  Making this mistake opens a door for Satan to enter and broadcast into the minds/spirits of men who think they are the teachers ideas which actually blaspheme the names of GOD and Christ and cast truth to the ground and stomp on it.  I have witnessed this firsthand when I was in a false church as I know others in their own brand of deception have.  What benadan1974 wrote in his article was responded to by only two current members of this forum; myself and Outcast and that is very unfortunate.  I would recommend that everyone read this post by benadam1974 and devote more of your time to things that are more important.  

All Christians are like a ship at sea. The first officer is Jesus and the Captain is GOD.  The rest of the crew are all in the same boat together and have not plotted the course nor know the arrival port.  The crew must trust and have faith to believe that the Captain and first officer will get us all to our destination.  Our duty is to see that we personally do not suffer shipwreck or be swept overboard in a storm but rather hear the voice of the first officer passing on the commands of the Captain and obey the orders.    No member of the crew is in command, only the Captain and HIS first officer.   Just as in my parable so it is this day.

Thursday, May 23, 2024



There are a few church organizations that have some truth each in various degrees as some have more than others.  Yahwehs truth is like the oath carnal men swear in a court of man’s law, it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Whatever truth these churches have lacks this demand.  If just one lie is mixed in with what truth they have all that truth must realign to accommodate the lie.  They know Jesus is not YAHWEH but in the same breath say that he was capable of sin , then they do not know Jesus and blaspheme both Jesus and YAHWEH.  If they know the soul is mortal and death is not life, that salvation is life everlasting in the kingdom of GOD but say the saints in the kingdom will be glorified flesh then they do not truly understand salvation.  Usually these organizations focus on one topic like proving Jesus is not GOD and disprove the trinity going to great lengths to the point where they do little of anything else.  This gives Satan opportunity to creep in the back door and inject lies into their doctrine.  These organizations still have some man who they view as a great man of GOD almost as an oracle whose words they swallow without challenging.  To esteem anyone in this light is an abomination.  Luke 16:15   They try to copy the first century church when the church has changed since then due to tremendous persecution and deception which caused GOD to remove all human shepherds and take over completely the church .  Whenever people place some man into an undeserved category of leadership all that needs to be done is deceive that man and all under him will follow.  In a multitude of counselors there is safety, not in just one. Proverbs 11:14   It is by two or three that a matter is established, not by one man. 2 Corinthians 13:1   These organizations yet think they must fulfill the great commission when the apostles already have and we are to believe because of their words recorded in scripture.  John 17:20   These organizations think they can teach the spiritual truths when Christ disagrees, John 14:26 , 1 John 2:27 ,  Matthew 23:10   So then even though these organizations have some truth they also have half truth but in GODS eyes a half truth is a whole lie and in other things they are completely wrong.  They have an extra mediator a Christ imitator who attempts to do what only Christ can.  Satans main tool of deception has always been some man who thinks he is something when he is nothing.   All true saints of GOD will not put their trust in any man but rely on GODS HOLY SPIRIT to intercede for them because GOD knows our heart/human spirit.  Romans 8:27  



Demons and their leader Satan are immortal spirit beings that as far as we know were part the first of the beings called angels.  It is a reasonable hypothesis that there were three angels called archangels;  Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer each having command of a third of the total number of angels.  Before the angelic rebellion it was possible that angels could sin and a third of them did.  After the rebellion the angels that loved and remained loyal to Yahweh were sealed in righteousness.  The third under Lucifer were not and became the Satanic angels or demons.  I believe that Lucifer’s rebellion was caused by his vanity and jealousy over discovering that YAHWEH was going to make inferior creatures, humanity,  the heir of all HIS creation.  Therefore Lucifer, now Satan, is the enemy of YAHWEH and humanity.  We are told that we should be aware of Satans devices or methods he uses against us.  Satan and his demons are able to interface with the human spirit and implant thoughts and desires that are unGODLY or lustful  or covetousness, evil thoughts and intents called sin.  Satan is called the prince of the power of the air or breath, breath of life, our human spirit, the breath of life, receives Satans broadcasts of evil as temptations to enticements that produce sin.  James 1:12,13,14,15   The tenth commandment says, “thou shall not covet or lust” which is a function of the human spirit, the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Sin does not require words or deeds only thoughts.  Breaking the tenth commandment breaks the other nine as well.  To break one point of the law makes us guilty of all the law.  When we are unconverted, without the Holy Spirit, the sins we commit YAHWEH winks at but after conversion and with the Holy Spirit we have the ability to repent and be forgiven.  Satan broadcasts into our spirits doubt about that forgiveness that we should instantly recognize.  Spiritual alarm bells sound off alerting us to this deceptive device of Satan.  The worlds ways, the allure, attraction drawing us into sin is another device.  Satan may use money, power, sex, fame or possession of physical things as a weapon against us.  Satan uses false ministers disguised as angels of light, wolves in sheep’s clothing to speak great swelling words of emptiness.  These are Satans devices.  Sin is something that seems to easily ensnares us. Hebrews 12:1   Ephesians 4:22   Jeremiah 17:10   Mark 17:21,22   Romans 7:11   Satan wants to destroy our hope of salvation and bring us to worship him rather than YAHWEH.  This is how and why he tempted Jesus.  1 Corinthians 10:13  those sins called common and the converted have a way with YAHWEH to escape them, but there is only one sin, the unpardonable sin, that will not be forgiven and produces everlasting death that only converted people can commit.  Unconverted people cannot commit the unpardonable sin.  Satan already has the whole world deceived. Revelation 12:9   Satan desires to get the church, you, me and the rest.  We need to be aware of the devices or methods Satan uses.  2 Corinthians 2:11 ,  1 Peter 5:8  2 Corinthians 11:3   James 4:7

Thursday, May 16, 2024



Prophecy is said to be a sure word.  Both angels and prophets have confirmed that prophetic declarations are going to happen exactly as Yahweh revealed them.  Jesus gave his prophecy of the end of the age, Jesus said his words would not pass away.  There are about 300 prophecies from Genesis to Malachi about a future messiah and Jesus said that he fulfilled all things written about him in the law, psalms and prophets.  If a number is given in a prophecy, not for illustration , it is literal otherwise the prophecy would be incorrect.  Psalm 50:10 is not a prophecy but a statement by David giving glory to GOD, GOD owns all cattle , all things on all hills, but Psalm 50:4,5,6 is prophetic and is about the second advent.  If I say he is three sheets to the wind it means a man is nearing intoxication but if he is two sheets or four sheets would it be any different, so it is with cattle on a thousand hills.  The number is used as an illustration and not the actual focus of the statement .  A saint should be able to determine the difference between a statement , illustration or prophecy.  Prophecy contains information; events, descriptions of what will happen in a spiritual language requiring the interpretation by the Holy Spirit to the saints.  Some prophecies contain numbers some do not but the proper interpretation is still the same.  The difference between prophecy and doctrine is that doctrine is prophecy fulfilled as when Jesus fulfilled the prophecy about himself.  If numbers like 1, 2, 7 , 10 , 40, 70, 1000 are in either prophecy or doctrine, not in a general statement for illustration, then they are literal.  Revelation says there will be 2 witnesses, 7 seals, 7 trumpets , 7 bowls, 7 thunders, 24 elders, 7 churches, 2 resurrections, 1 Yahweh, 1 Christ,  144000 elect, 7 spirits of GOD, 7 heads, 10 horns.  All these numbers represent something literal , the 7 heads are seven mountains of Jerusalem, the ten horns are ten nations that align with the beast.  Each number has only one meaning and correct interpretation.  If these numbers were not literal you could not make the connections to understand the prophecy they appear in.   The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 states that five were wise and five were foolish but to focus on the number five removes from the parable the true meaning because the numbers five and ten are used here only as an illustration.  The ten virgins represent the Laodicean church, the oil in the lamps represents the Holy Spirit, the groom is Jesus, the bride is the 144000 elect saints.  Since the innumerable multitude cannot be numbered no one knows who they are but Yahweh.  A certain number of Laodiceans repent because they have oil but the unwise have no oil and will not be in the first resurrection with the elect 144000.  All the Laodiceans will suffer the horrors of the tribulation but not all repent.  Laodiceans are the church of Yahweh that backslide, they have quenched and grieved the Holy Spirit exceedingly.  Since Yahweh is the only one who knows who they will be this means Jesus did not know either and used the number five as an illustration not to be taken literally but the number was not the focus of what Jesus was explaining.  Looking at the history of what claims to be Christianity one should conclude that none of them are Christians.  True Christians are extremely extremely extremely few in number and that number begins with righteous Able and will be fulfilled shortly before Jesus returns. This number is 144000 and they along with the repentant Laodiceans, those who have some oil left, the innumerable multitude, will be in the first resurrection.  Logically upon an honest assessment of the condition of the professing Christians going back to the days of the Apostles, when false brethren crept in, to the present day, more imposters crept in and now that is all there are, imposters.  Look at their doctrines, their GOD and Christ and their gospel .  Examine them to see if they are in the faith or not.  This confirms that the number 144000 is none of professing Christianity and is genuine just as the 12000 from each of the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel.  These imposters say 144000 is symbolic and not literal because they see that they would be eliminated when the number is that small.  I marvel over this myself but I believe it, that out of all people who have lived, from Adam until the return of Christ that will enter the kingdom of Yahweh, will be the 144000 and innumerable multitude.  There remains hope for more in the millennium and second resurrection.  The use of numbers in the world and it’s churches is numerology and is of the occult or Satanic, the same thing is in Judaism.  It is the word of Yahweh not the numbers of Yahweh as in the Bible code or Jewish Torah code or gematria .  While Yahweh does use numbers HIS primary method of communication is words.  Numbers are used to illustrate in general statements or to literally indicate in doctrine and prophecy.  The weight of importance of a number must complement the text of the message being given and be in agreement with all scriptures about the subject .  Jesus was three days and three nights in the tomb as Jonah was in the belly of the fish.  Jesus prophesied his death and resurrection.  To justify false beliefs the world comes up with various ways to call Jesus a liar so that they feel comfortable eliminating the weekly sabbath to replace it with Sunday, when Jesus confirmed that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away until heaven and Earth pass away,  Matthew 5:18  .  All carnal people are under the law and should be following it else they sin.  The elect are not under the law and keep no days at all.  The saints live all days with Yahweh through his son.  Carnal people work in the law while the elect rest, sabbath, and Yahweh works in them.  Jesus fulfilled the shadow sabbath of physical rest with spiritual rest.  Jesus said he did not abolish the law but fulfilled it.  By using numbers provided to us by Yahweh it can be proven which day Jesus was crucified and resurrected, these numbers are literal.  

The end. The end of what ?  If there was only one end then this would be the only day of salvation.  If you think this way then all your unconverted loved ones would indeed perish forever.  Paul said,  1 Corinthians 15:19 , 1 Corinthians 15:22,23  each in his own turn or order, indicating different times for an opportunity for salvation.  2 Corinthians 6:2YLT  “a day” not “the day” is the correct translation and is from Isaiah 49:8YLT  “a day” indicates more than one day. Ezekiel 37:14 describes a fleshly resurrection, the second resurrection, notice in verse 14 the spirit of Yahweh is given.  Ezekiel 38 is about Gog and MaGog , verse 8 “ in the latter years” , verse 11 and 12 describes the attack on others of the second resurrection that have been gathered from the nations living in peace.  Remember Satan is released in the second resurrection after the 1000 year millennium is finished,  Revelation 20:7 , and that everyone on Earth has the Holy Spirit even Gog and MaGog.  Gog and MaGog will be destroyed .  Then the great white throne judgment follows.  There is more than one end or last day.  There are major events that begin and end followed by another major event all having a beginning and ending.  Finally there happens when all of these are completed there will be no end, no last day anymore. Isaiah 9:7 , Luke 1:33  When we die it will be on our last day. When Jesus returns it will be the last day of this current evil age.  When the millennium ends it will be on its last day.  After the white throne judgment ends or last days pass away and there will be endless infinity.  The phrase “last day” or “the end” is not a single event but a series of different events.  Genesis means the beginning or origin ,  the end is a completion, termination or fulfillment .  Yahweh, in Genesis made an end of HIS work.  The saints must endure to the end.  When the 1000 years are ended, finished, completed.  


Tuesday, May 14, 2024



Isaiah 59:15,16  Ezekiel 22:30 , Romans 3:10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18   These verses describe humanity.  In Isaiah 59:15,16  Yahweh searches for someone to intercede for humanity but found none.  Ezekiel 22:30  another account of Yahweh seeking for a man to stand in the gap before HIM on behalf of humanity but found none.  There was none righteous no not one.  Yahweh had to create one, a righteous man full of agape who would have the divine nature or character of Yahweh HIMSELF.  A man who could not sin because it was not in his nature.  The saints in the resurrection will also partake of this same divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 , it is how we become like Christ who was like God.  This is finally when we will truly be after Yahwehs image and according to HIS likeness.  Jesus was the first born of many brethren, the first and only man to have Yahwehs divine nature of agape and righteousness.  By necessity Jesus was made mortal flesh in order to give that life as a sacrifice.  Jesus was the perfect unblemished lamb of Yahweh and the only thing he lacked was immortality as a glorified spirit being.  He became this when he ascended to his GOD and FATHER.  We hope, have faith, that we also at his return ascend to meet him and be changed to be like him. 



Acts 17:22   Paul observed the various religious beliefs of the people of Athens.  Different groups had their own idea of a god and of what that god expected of them and how they served their god.  There were many alters set up by these people dedicated to their god.  Paul noticed an alter dedicated to the unknown GOD.  Now, compare this to the present day.  There are many churches that do the same as the people of Athens did.  Each church has their own idea about their god, their concept of god, their doctrines and understanding of prophecy.  This is true because of their being divided over their ideas of spiritual things.  If they were all in agreement there would be only one church, not 50,000.

Since that day Paul was on Mars hill nothing has changed except the depth and magnitude of deceptions.  All the churches do not know the unknown GOD.  All their doctrines and prophecies are incorrect, all are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  The Mars hill syndrome has grown worldwide, the world is deceived.  Revelation 12:9   This is why many are called but few are chosen, the church is called the little flock or where only two or three are gathered together in the name of Christ, Christ is there.  I live near a small town in central Pennsylvania.  In that town there is an intersection where on each corner is a different church.  They all have signs or message boards outside declaring some teaching they hold to.  I see this as confusion, as Babylon.  In the past before my conversion I attended several of these churches and learned about them.  I found that many of the members did not know the doctrines of the church,  that several of these churches were all about entertaining its members with live bands and one, a holy roller church, was absolute chaos with shouting, crying, speaking in tongues.  Was any of this Christianity?  When I was 38 years old Yahweh began to draw me,  John 6:44 , and I began to have understanding of things that I never had any knowledge about before,  John 6:45 ,  the church I attended at that time was very legalistic and that very law is what led me to Christ, Galatians 3:24KJV , I  learned the lesson of the schoolmaster when so many others did not.  I did not by personal choice join Yahwehs church anymore than Saul did on the road to Damascus.  No one joins Yahwehs church, Yahweh must put you in it.  Acts 2:39,47   This is how it works with everyone that Yahweh desires to have in HIS church.  The rest of the world must wait until their appointed time , each one in their own order, to truly repent and be converted.  This is because,  2 Peter 3:9 .  People who are yet involved in the Mars hill syndrome will remain in it until Yahweh brings them out of it and into the church of their unknown GOD.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


 A bastard, in the shadow of the law, which is applied physically to symbolize something spiritual, was a child produced outside of marriage: Strongs concordance article H4464 "Manmzer" a bastard. Deuteronomy 23:2  it says up until the tenth generation will no bastard enter the congregation of Yahweh.  This congregation at that time was the carnal kingdom of Israel. This is symbolic of the ten generations in the millennium.  There is a period of 1000 years called the millennium when all  bastards who survive the tribulation by repenting and live into the millennium never having had opportunity to know the gospel, the truth of Yahweh, will be given the Holy Spirit thus ending their days as a bastard and making them a son or daughter of GOD rather than a child of Satan. Acts 26:18 In the new covenant the church is the bride of Christ, the mother, the church, is composed of converted spirit led people with Yahweh as our FATHER.  The church, formerly bastard children of Satan are now children through Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:1,2,3  This same process will be repeated in the millennium and the second resurrection.  After the ten generations of the 1000 year millennium the people will be judged at the great white throne, after the 1000 years are finished. Isaiah 65:20KJV  Also during this 1000 years those still dead and not in the millennium sleep until the 1000 years are finished and they also will be raised from the dead and given their opportunity being given the Holy Spirit and converted from a child of Satan into a child of GOD. Revelation 20:3,4,5,7,8  I am aware of the improper use of the word bastard and that it may offend some that read it here but they will have to take that up with Yahweh as HE is the one who uses it in scripture.  This word is only one example of how the shadow of the law needs the light of Christ.  Understanding the true meaning of Israel’s annual holy days, the meaning of leaven, fasting, Pentecost , the blowing of trumpets and tabernacles is also very important.  We seem to be reasonably informed of the meaning of Passover but what about the sabbath or tithes and offerings ?   

The law was indeed a shadow of the good things to come in Christ Jesus.  All the old covenant writings need the light of Christ, the light of spirit and truth, to shine on them.  John1:17   Moses and the prophets brought the shadows but Jesus brought the light.  Do not fear for your unconverted loved ones, their day will come but today is our day and we need to focus and concentrate on that so that when their day comes we will be there with them.  


Definition of artificial:  made or produced by human beings rather than existing or occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

Artificial flowers, artificial Saturnalia tree, placebos (artificial medicine), artificial intelligence, artificial woman, artificial man.

Our minds are NOT our brains.  Your brain is not the seat of your intellect or memories, your human spirit is.  Satanic forces of darkness can pervert the natural.  Satan can influence a man to think he is a woman or visa versa.  Sexual sins are very common and scripture gives examples; incest, adultery, fornication , being effeminate and virago like cross dressing or long hair, anything out of the normal acceptable behavior of men and women. 

Lusting or coveting occurs in our minds/human spirit and is unknown by others unless we manifest them by words and deeds. This is what Jesus explained in Matthew 15:18,19,20  the heart here is the human spirit.  What Yahweh created is natural and HE said that all of it was, “very good”.  Genesis 1:31  1 Timothy 4:4   Anything that departs from the original creation of Yahweh is not good or natural.  A man covets and lusts to be a woman but even if he transforms by surgeries it is unnatural.  It would still be sin even if the man never transforms because the thoughts are yet in his spirit/mind/heart.  All things natural can reproduce and anything that cannot reproduce is unnatural/artificial.  Homosexuals are similar to trans people in that the lust is there but they do not trans.  Incest produces all sorts of negative anomalies both physically and mentally which is why Yahweh later banned incest. Fornication is sex without the commitment of marriage .  In a marriage, only the man, woman and Yahweh is involved, the sex is approved by Yahweh.  Hebrews 13:4   Love is not sex.  Sex is a way to express love just as is faithfulness, providing, caring, helping etc..  Love is to be what Yahweh is, Yahweh is love.  Sex in a marriage is a physical way to show love to your spouse and neither spouse is to withhold sex from the other except if fasting or for medical reasons.  Spouses that withhold sex do great injury to the other and it may lead to lustful thoughts or even adultery.  It is cruel to withhold from the other was is by GODS will rightfully theirs. 1 Corinthians 7:2,3,4,39   Trans people or cross dressing; Deuteronomy 22:5  ,  1 Corinthians 6:9KJV   Incest:  Leviticus 18:7,8,9,19,11,12,13,14,15,16,17   Leviticus 20:11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,18,20,21  Deuteronomy 27:20,21,22,23

In summary, if Yahweh did not create it , it is not natural it is artificial and in many cases sin.

Friday, May 10, 2024


 In the book of Revelation from chapter 2 to chapter 3 there are seven churches; Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos,  Thyatira ,  Sardis , Philadelphia and Laodicea.  These seven churches represent the church through time from the first century until today.  Ephesus was the church of the Apostolic era that lost its first love and suffered decline in number.  Smyrna was heavily persecuted by both Jews and Rome but under this persecution endured and is only one of two of these seven churches that Christ found no fault with.  Pergamos began to compromise with worldly religions committing acts against Yahweh and Christ, they were warned to repent,  Thyatira went even deeper into corruption and will suffer greatly but the last years of this church did improve,  Sardis is the dead church and are warned by Jesus to strengthen the truth that remained and remember the things the Holy Spirit taught them but only a few were worthy to walk with Christ,  Philadelphia church is the faithful church that exists near the time of the second advent.  They have been given an open door no man can shut which is divine revelation of the truth of Yahweh.  At the return Christ will make their enemies worship them. They will be protected by Yahweh during the tribulation. Along with Smyrna there was no fault found in them,  Laodicea is neither cold nor hot.  They have been focused on Earthly riches at the expense of heavenly. They will suffer martyrdom during the tribulation.  These seven churches were long ago in what is today modern Turkey.   Over time since Pentecost, with the exception of Smyrna, the church suffered spiritual decline until the Philadelphia church which is contemporary with Laodicea a problem church. All these churches were told to overcome, to hear what the spirit of Yahweh says to the churches.  Today the Philadelphia and Laodicea churches are both present.  The call of Yahweh to come out of the worldly ways to repent, to overcome and hear the spirit is happening now.  What are we bothering ourselves with, what are we doing, have we come out of the world and it’s ways, are we growing are we faithful, are we cold or hot.  The door is open, the way has been made.  The choice is ours.  



What is the gift of discernment of spirits?  1 John 4:1   1 Corinthians 12:10   Spiritual discernment is not just for detecting demons.  It is a gift from GOD to truly converted people enabling them to judge the true character of a person who claims to be a Christian, to determine who is a real Christian or a fake.  The Apostle John gives some ways to discern.  1 John 4:2  Someone who knows that Jesus Christ was a human being, not Yahweh, and sent by Yahweh is one sign.  People who believe and teach anything other than this are antichrist.  1 John 4:3  Using this criteria who would you then identify as antichrist?  1 John 4:5   John continues, they, antichrist people, are of the world, carnal and devoid of the Holy Spirit, and the carnal world hears them, agrees with them.  1 John 4:6  True Christians are of GOD and true Christians will hear and understand each other but the antichrist people will not hear or understand true Christians.  A true Christian has this GOD given gift and should be able to distinguish who the antichrist people are.  Understanding the true doctrine of Christ and the Apostles and Prophets is only given to the people of GOD.  Mark 4:11,12   Isaiah 6:9   Jeremiah 5:21  Matthew 13:14   The antichrist people are the children of the devil and have been deceived by Satan who blinds them from understanding.  2 Corinthians 4:3,4   Perhaps you have heard the call to come out of Satans Babylon, the false antichrist churches, the synagogues of Satan, the smorgasbord of false Christianity.  Matthew 24:5KJV  IN THIS VERSE JESUS IS NOT SAYING MANY WOULD COME CLAIMING TO BE JESUS. Jesus came in his FATHERS name, did he claim to be the FATHER.  When you come “in some one’s name” you do not claim to be them.  Jesus is speaking of these antichrist people who come saying Jesus is the messiah but at the same time deceive many.  Jesus predicted modern day false Christianity.   Some may say, “who do you think you are?”  ,  your answer should be , “a son or daughter of GOD through Jesus Christ.”  This gift of discernment must be used wisely and correctly.  True Christians must have compassion for what Peter called our brethren in the world.  1 Peter 5:9KJV  If we desire forgiveness and mercy from GOD then we need to do the same to the church and the world. We should not attack , belittle in an arrogant manner, those of the world because someone once said, “FATHER forgive them for they know not what they do.”  This is the mind of Christ, let this mind be in you.   

In closing, remember in our past lives we were antichrist too.  So then use the gifts of GOD as HE intended, with AGAPE,  the greatest gift of all.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024



There is a church that exists today that I call the invisible church.  Perhaps it could also be called the unknown church, the ignored church, the unnoticed church but not because it’s members cannot be seen but because they are very low profile, not in the public eye. 

Understanding prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit.  Anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit can be identified by the the gift of discernment as John points out in 1 John 4:1-6   There is mutual understanding and agreement in the Holy Spirit. The knowledge of the truth is only with the church and the rest of the world, 2 Timothy 3:5,7,13   How can Catholics, Protestants, JW’s or any other organization of men understand prophecy ?  In scripture there are two groups called the elect; carnal Israel under the law and spiritual Israel under grace.  Romans 11:5  Romans 9:27   A remnant is defined as, a small remaining quantity of something, the few chosen, the little flock, the church.

Scripture confirms that the church will be in the first resurrection.  Will Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek , Sara, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Jethro, Rahab, Hilda, Debra, Miriam, David, all the prophets be in the first resurrection ?  If so then they are of the church, they are part of the elect saints existing before Christ.  Matthew 27:52 ,  Hebrews 11:40 ,  Romans 11:16   The church is the elect, the 144000 are the church, the elect.  Revelation 14:1-4  the elect, the church, the 144000 are also the first fruits.  Revelation 7:3-4  the elect, alive or dead, are all sealed by Yahweh.  The church is spiritual Israel, the Israel of Yahweh, the twelve tribes scattered abroad.  James 1:1   Carnal Israel is not part of spiritual Israel as law is not part of grace.  Romans 9:6   The church did not begin on the day of Pentecost.  The new covenant did not begin on Pentecost else all the people before Christ would be excluded.  The true church, the elect, spiritual Israel, the 144000 are an extremely small number of people, a remnant, called and chosen by Yahweh since the time of Able and into this day.  All these people will total in number to 144000.  This fact is what disturbs many people because they do not believe it.  When Yahweh calls people out of Babylon HE is calling people out of whatever religion they may be in, to separate themselves and no longer touch these unclean things and HE will receive us.  2 Corinthians 6:17 ,  Isaiah 52:11 ,  Revelation 18:4 ,  Jeremiah 51:6 ,  Revelation 18:4  perhaps you recognize the parallels in these scriptures, they are not accidental or coincidence.  The prophets of old were actually speaking to the church but using events contemporary in their day as a shadow of their fulfillment in our day. 1 Peter 1:12 ,  Ephesians 3:10 , 1 Corinthians 2:7   There is an innumerable multitude that no man can number but the elect are numbered .  When an actual number is used in scripture it is real not figurative.  I know that what I have written here is a hard thing and that many will not accept it.  I challenge you to prove this out right or wrong.  I did this years ago and at that time it was even difficult for me .  Yahweh is the teacher by HIS spirit through Christ,  if you do study this remember that.  Yahweh can straighten it out, make it plain.  Isaiah 40:4KJV 

Monday, May 6, 2024



Adam was given dominion over the Earth.  Genesis 1:26KJV  Adam was the god of this world.  Satan now has this title because Adam obeyed Satan.  2 Corinthians 4:4   This is because of a rule or law of Yahweh. Romans 6:16KJV  Eve ate the forbidden fruit first but her eyes were not opened until Adam ate.  Genesis 3:6,7

Adam had the opportunity to void his wife’s words and actions if He did it when he heard it. This is also a point in the law.  Numbers 30: 6,7,8   If Adam on that day voided Eves words and action Yahweh would have absolved Eves guilt.  Adam was there with Eve when the serpent tempted her.  Latter part of Genesis 3:6 “who was with her”.  This is why it is, “as in Adam all sin” not as in Eve.  

Adam was not deceived by Satans lies, 1 Timothy 2:14  but Adam became a sinner when he ate the forbidden fruit.  It is apparent that Adam loved Eve more than Yahweh, Eve was Adams idol.  If Adam had done the right thing and eventually ate from the tree of life the Kingdom of Yahweh would have began then and Adam would have been the messiah of humanity.  Because this did not happen then,  Revelation 13:8 last part, “the lamb who was slain from the foundation of the world”  , Jesus was preordained to be the future messiah.  The tree of life was shut off from Adam indicating that Adam did know about it.  This proves that Yahweh will not allow a human sinner to have everlasting life.  The very fact that Adam had to eat the fruit of the tree of life to become immortal proves he was mortal prior to that time.  Adam and Eve were created mortal and so are everyone else.  Eve was created after the seventh day of creation week.  Genesis 2:18,22  Therefore woman is the very last creation of Yahweh. If we men are honest, Yahweh saved the best for last. Is it any wonder that we love them?  Proverbs 5:19 , Hebrews 13:4 , Ephesians 5:25,28  If a man truly loves his wife in the Godly way and the wife understands this then she will not have any problems with your God given role as head of the house.  This is Yahwehs order of things. Ephesians 5:23   

1 Corinthians 11:3   Marriage is only for this physical existence as it will not exist in the spiritual kingdom of Yahweh.  In Yahwehs church if you are married do not seek divorce but if a spouse decides to leave you then you are free to remarry but not to the spouse who left.  No human being or human government can marry a man and woman.  Marriage is between the man, the woman and Yahweh only.  It is indeed what Yahwehs has joined together let not man put asunder.  Mark 10:9KJV Genesis 2:24 

Today we hear about transgenderism where there are claims there are 72 different genders.  According to the popular idea of evolution the survival of the fittest is the hard fast rule.  This by necessity would mean natural selection by natural reproduction.  None of these new genders can procreate therefore they cannot be natural, they cannot survive. DNA determines gender XX for female and XY for males and this cannot be changed. Transgenderism is a mental illness and is like building castles in the clouds and then trying to move into them.  I also think satanic influences are at work as well. If I am in a garage am I a car ?  If I go swimming am I a fish ?  If I am a man am I a woman ?  It is insanity.  This is the way things are supposed to be in the last days and they will get worse.  If you are aware of this then what should your priority be ?  What should you be doing?  

Friday, May 3, 2024



There are other articles I have written where I explain with scripture my understanding of the 144,000 ,  the first resurrection, second resurrection, great white throne judgment and the great tribulation and the millennium.  I realize that there is disagreement over these topics.  I cannot teach, I can only share what I have been given, I cannot give the understanding.  If anyone has learned anything from what I have written it is because of Yahwehs spirit through Jesus.  This is THE ONLY WAY ANYONE CAN UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH.  If you believe this then you need to go to Yahweh through Jesus and ask Yahweh to teach you and be fervently willing to abandon the lies you formerly believed and accept what Yahweh teaches you.  Given all this I want to address what happens to our friends and loved ones who were not converted , were never called and chosen. 

Ezekiel 33:10-20  explains how Yahweh judges people.  Ezekiel 33:17,18,19  We know that Yahweh does not give HIS spirit to all people in this current evil age.  It is only after Christ returns that all people will have the Holy Spirit. These people are those who sincerely repent during the tribulation and live into the millennium. This means that your unconverted loved ones that are currently Godless will then with Yahwehs spirit have opportunity to become Godly.  This of necessity requires that they have a life to live just as we have now.  Were you full grown at your conversion, or were you a babe in Christ needing to grow ?  The are two periods of “time” for the judgement of Yahweh;  1 Peter 4:17  is the ongoing judgement of the church.  The church escapes the other judgement of the great white throne. John 5:24,28,29   The resurrection of judgment,  Revelation 20:12 .  This white throne judgement is when your unconverted loved ones who died before the second advent will appear after they have been raised from the dead, given the Holy Spirit and then tested by Satan.  No one will ever be judged until they first have an opportunity to live life with the Holy Spirit.  This is true for today, in the millennium and the second resurrection.

The idea that all people are resurrected at the second advent and judged then, would take away their opportunity to prove themselves before Yahweh.  I can see why people who think there is no millennium are so worried about their unconverted loved ones. Also in the millennium the saints of today are glorified kings and priests that rule over and teach the people of the millennium. Isaiah 30:20,21 KJV  Their teacher may possibly be you.

Isaiah 30:20   Micah 4:1-5  describes the millennium.  At that time todays elect saints will be Elohim, a god (see Strongs Concordance H430) John 10:34,35  Psalm 82:1,6,7,8  Zechariah 12:8  Psalm 45:7  Hebrews 1:9  Yahweh the Almighty calls Jesus a god an Elohim , this is why the worship of Jesus by angels and humans is commanded by Yahweh. Hebrews 1:6  the word worship in this verse is Strongs G4352, which means worship. The glorified saints will also be worshipped by the humans they rule over and teach.

Then the judgment of the millennials does take place after they have lived their lives.  The righteous go into immortality while the wicked permanently die with no future resurrection.  After the 1000 years are finished a second resurrection will happen and all people who have lived without the Holy Spirit will live again having the Holy Spirit and face a released Satan.  The exact same righteous judgement of Yahweh is applied as in the past.  

All people alive during the tribulation will suffer its effects except the 144,000 , Revelation 3:10  Isaiah 54:17 , who are protected by Yahweh.  The tribulation is designed to be punishment that leads to repentance.  If people call upon Yahweh with a repentant spirit they will be spared and live into the millennium but if they do not repent they will perish however this perishing is not everlasting death as none of the people have the Holy Spirit but will live again in the second resurrection 1000 years later and everyone will have the Holy Spirit just as those who enter the millennium will.  Hebrews 8:11,12   Joel 2:28-32  Isaiah 40:5   Yahweh is extremely merciful as HE alone assigns all people their time to be converted.  The first is the elect and innumerable multitude then the millennium and finally the second resurrection.  The three measures of leavened meal in Matthew 13:33 symbolizes these three assigned times.  The lake of fire is the second death which is permanent everlasting death, no life of any kind forever.  People who with the Holy Spirit who blaspheme the Holy Spirit are totally and completely destroyed.  There will be people who do this, Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:7,8,9,10  Notice this Gog/Magog event is after the thousand years are finished, the 1000 years of the millennium and is also the time of Satans release .  People who had the Holy Spirit but blasphemed the Holy Spirit prior to the the second resurrection will not be resurrected because the blood of Christ will not cover the unpardonable sin. 1 John 5:16   Hebrews 10:26,27 KJV  The sacrifice of Jesus is what made the resurrections possible.  I personally believe that the total number who suffer everlasting death will be few compared to all who have ever lived.  Now, the 144,000 are a mix of the fathers, Israel and Gentiles beginning with righteous Able and ending when the number 144,000 is completed, then these all alive or dead are sealed by Yahweh just before the tribulation strikes.  At that time of the tribulation only a very small remnant of the 144,000 are alive and remain because the majority of the 144,000 are dead.  I realize this sounds incredible but of all time, from Able until the return of Christ, there has only been 144,000 true Christians.  All of the rest of the world has been deceived.  Revelation 12:9   Revelation 13:3,4,7,8    The true church, the Philadelphia church will be the remnant of the 144,000 but the Laodiceans must suffer martyrdom as punishment for their backsliding into the world.  All things are in Yahwehs hands and will happen just as HE inspired the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles to say in the scriptures.  Yahweh and Jesus will go to the uttermost to save ,  Hebrews 7:25 KJV , and this applies to all people. Isaiah 45:22  ,  John 3:16 KJV    I say, do not worry about your family and friends because Yahweh provides a way for all.  For a person to fail and be condemned to everlasting death they would have to be super evil and totally unrepentant ,  do you think those you love are really that way,  if so they are suffering tremendously and death would be merciful.   


  The United States has not won a war since the Second World War. In   Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan we spent billions of dollars and lost ...