True freedom in this world is a mirage. People think in nations that have elected politicians that their governments give them freedom. 2 Peter 2:19 Christians are physically in the world but spiritually are not to be part of the world. This is a great challenge. Christians must be able to determine what is of the world and what is of GODS spirit. Well, the spiritual part must endeavor to live among the world being wise as serpents but harmless as doves. We are to examine the fruit of the world to determine our involvement in what the world does. If it bears no fruit to GOD then we do not become involved. Our challenge is to be in the world but not of the world. This can at times become difficult to discern.
Consider the words of the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles and what they have had to say about this. It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s but render unto GOD the things that are GODS. If our steps are to be ordered by GOD then it is imperative that we know what things to render to HIM and what things to render to Caesar. In scripture this is not always crystal clear. It will sometimes involve a more diligent search to find answers to this.
GOD has in eternity known all things. HE has know who will be kings, emperors, dictators or presidents. HE has known that all forms of human government are evil because all , each in their own turn, have failed. It is that even if a decent government rises it will in time fall. Even in Israel the kings all had their personal failings. The problem with human government is humans.
Prophecy has said that all human governments will end and be replaced by GODS government. Seek you FIRST the kingdom of GOD, not the kingdoms of men. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. GODS will is not being done on the earth until HIS kingdom comes. So then, this means that all earthly governments are against GODS will. GODS saints are caught in a quandary of sorts concerning their involvement in which government, GODS or human. Is it wise to be involved in both? As a Christian we are citizens of heaven, we are to seek GODS kingdom, we are to view ourselves as ambassadors to the nation we live in not citizens of them. As much as it depends on us we are to live in peace with all men. We are to love with the love of GOD. Agape fulfills any law, GODS or human. We obey the law of the nation we are in because this is rendering to Caesar what is Caesars. What then is rendered to GOD ? It is that we place GOD over Caesar in all things even if it breaks Caesars law. Yes, just like Christ and the Apostles, we obey GOD rather than men. It is part of taking up our own cross, it is suffering with Christ. It is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:17 We take this injustice , 1 Peter 3:13,14 2 Timothy 3:12 John 15:18,20 1 Peter 4:12,13,14 Philippians 1:29,30 Romans 8:17 Therefore it is irrelevant what human laws are if Christians fulfill all law with agape. Human government does not care about agape and will unjustly punish the one who practices agape, so be it, we suffer with Christ.
Homosexuals order a cake for their wedding but the baker is a Christian and refuses to bake the cake. The homosexuals take the baker to court and win a monetary settlement for $10,000. , is this good government? There are many examples of how evil human government can be. Electing political leaders is an exercise in futility as they ignore the will of the people and support causes that are evil. This idea that Christians should participate in human government is something the Lord, Lord people do in Christs name but Christ will reject them.
Is Jesus a republican or democrat? If he were on earth today would he vote for Trump or Harris? These questions are so easy to answer, Christ would have nothing to do with any of it. Christians are to be like Christ, have the mind of Christ. Christ was not of this world, not of this creation, and Christians are to be like him. Ancient Israel rejected GOD and wanted a human king, today people reject GOD and want a human president. Is Trump your GOD, your messiah? Is Trumps promised golden age your kingdom come ?
2 Timothy 2:3,4,5,6 The saints are enlisted in GODS army and are not concerned with the affairs of the world, of this life, civilian life. If the saints have been called out of this world they are spiritual not carnal. The human governments of this world are carnal. When we know this we no longer take part in them . Luke 9:62 Romans 12:2 The Christian mind is not to be on things of this earth but on things from above. Colossians 3:1,2 Romans 8:5,6 Philippians 3:19,20 2 Corinthians 4:18 1 John 2:15,16,17 Romans 12:2 Philippians 4:8 James 4:4 To make a judgment about voting, sometimes it is also helpful to step back and look
at the big picture. Let's consider the fruits of the American political
process. After all, Jesus instructed us to judge things by their fruits Matthew 7:16,17,18,19,20
The longer one observes the political process in the United States (and other countries), the easier it is to determine its fruit. These political races with their campaigns and debates do not create national unity. Instead, candidates routinely make cutting accusations against their opponents. Elections seem to be open seasons for character assassination and incitement to anger. Each side believes it has the logical position and that the other side's platform is detrimental to the country.
And sadly, even after an election this anger doesn't seem to disappear; it just subsides until it is brought back to full intensity for the next election. Political elections do not unite, they divide.
As good as the American system is in comparison to other forms of governance, we have to remember that because it is of the people, it is still subject to all human weaknesses. American politics does not produce peace and feelings of harmony among all. Rather, it is an ongoing fight for values and the opportunity to shape laws and society as the victors please. The fruits of political voting—and every other form of human governance—are not good and that is why the Kingdom of God must come to this earth to replace all of man's governments.
Below are some reasons that Christians should not become involved in politics.
1. The political world is openly antagonistic to Christian principles and is riddled with humanist thinking.
2. There are no Scriptures to indicate that the Christian should attempt to influence things for good through political processes and activities.
3. There is danger when Christians aspire to positions of power in the world because they expose themselves to the world’s corruption, its thinking, and its sin (see 2 Tim 2.4).
4. The New Testament does not advocate engagement in politics, social movements or schemes for reform, even though the conditions at the time were generally appalling. The early church concerned itself with the inward change which only the gospel by GODS love could produce, and with regulating the lives of those who became Christians.
5. Slavery was a scourge in New Testament times but none of the
believers were instructed to campaign against it or try to remove it.
This does not of course mean that Christians should promote its
continuation. Galatians 3:28
6. Certain Scriptures give us a powerful reason not to engage in politics. Philippians 3.20 states, "For our conversation (citizenship, politics, enfranchisement, rights) is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ". This verse teaches that we have a heavenly citizenship. We are strangers in the world, left here to represent the One that the world crucified. Philippians 1.27 states, "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that...I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit". Our affairs are the affairs of the heavenly city. We are not to get entangled with "the affairs of this life".
7. Scripture tells us we are ambassadors in this world. A well-behaved ambassador does not interfere in the politics of the country in which he is only a temporary resident. As "ambassadors for Christ" (2 Cor 5.20; cp. Eph 6.20) it is not right for us to devote to earthly politics that time and effort which could be spent in the service of GOD.
8. The main tenet of modern political systems is the democratic principle. The essence of democracy is rejection of any notion of absolute truth or higher authority and rejection of absolute moral values through acceptance of the rightness of whatever the majority think. Majority rule is anti-scriptural.
9. Paul claimed the legal protection of his Roman citizenship but
never participated politically nor taught Christians to do so (Acts
22.25-29). Paul invoked his Roman citizenship in order to get to Rome to preach the gospel.
10. We do not know God’s purposes and timetable for the nation;
therefore we could not know how to vote according to His purposes. We do know that GODS purpose is to end human government and replace it with HIS kingdom.
11. The Lord’s words in John 18:36 imply the need for a
separation from political actions and processes. Jesus abstained from
political activity. When He was here He was aware of society’s
injustices (Lk 13.1-3) and of the "undesirables" in authority (Mt
22.16-21). Jesus's teaching does impact on social problems, like
slavery, but that was not His primary message. The example which the
Lord set for His disciples was one of meekness, humility and obedience to
the powers that be so that we could live quiet and peaceable lives.
Christians are not directed to improve the world but to proclaim the gospel that condemns it and offers salvation from it. Financial contributions to political parties, participation in election campaigns, running for political office and voting are all activities which constitute an unequal yoke with unbelievers.
Non participation in the political process should be seen as a positive stance. To act differently from the world is a testimony against the world.
Engagement in the political process in any form is contrary to the spirit of Scripture. It is inconsistent with the Christian’s position and spiritual priorities. Christians can make positive statements about their faith as much by what they abstain from and how they live. Abstention is a positive step, not an abdication of responsibility. The specific teaching that Christians should not voluntarily vote is based on sound Biblical principles. It is a statement that we are separate from a world system which is opposed to God. Our chief influence in the world is to be through prayer, not the ballot box.
I understand why the carnal people of this world would want to be involved in human government, the question of a Christian being involved must be answered by each Christian.
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