Tuesday, February 11, 2025


The love that is in the world is not the love of GOD.

Hope that is in the world is not the hope of GOD.

Faith that is in the world is not the faith of GOD.

The good that is in the world is not the good of GOD.

Agape, the love of GOD is what will fulfill the law, never do any evil, therefore whatever is not of the love of GOD is sin. The carnal world is not of the love of GOD therefore it is sin.  To mix it up with the world in politics is therefore a sin because it is not of GODS love.  The world is condemned, the elect are not condemned.  All mature Christian elect know these things, however a babe in Christ will need taught these things by GOD.  Philippians 3:15  Romans 15:1,2,3,4,5,6,14  1 Thessalonians 5:14 

The mature Christian has grown in grace and knowledge beyond that of a babe in Christ and this is to be expected. The mature, the strong, should help the babe, the weak, by sharing with them what GOD has taught them and GOD will then open the minds, the spirit of the babe, to understand and through this process we all eventually come to the unity of the faith. The bride must make herself ready and this is how she does it. Ephesians 4:1-16  Revelation 19:7  

To have GODS love a person must have GODS spirit. If a Christian loves it is with GODS love not the love that is in the world.  A Christian cannot love anyone with the worlds love.  The world cannot love us either. If a Christian loves their family, no matter if they are converted or not, they love with GODS love and not with the love of the world.  The many governments of this world cannot be of GODS love because they are all evil and are Satans governments.  To think that these governments can be the answer to any problem by selecting the lesser of two evils, when both candidates in all elections are Satans children, is not GODS love.   People that do think this way are looking for love in all the wrong places.  There is no good that can come from human Satanic governments because there is only one who is good and that is GOD.  Therefore, in the matter of love and goodness, the governments of this world has neither.  To think evil governments can help in any way is wrong thinking.  Only GOD is love and only GOD is good.  Satanic governments are evil and their love is false.  You will not find GOD in the world’s governments. Why seek for something in a thing that doesn’t have it ?  A Christian understands that only GOD has the true answers to all their problems and are to cast all their cares upon HIM.  Should we go to Satan and his evil governments for help or should we go to GOD ?  Should we grow impatient waiting for GOD and peruse help and answers from Satans governments ?  GOD is not with any human government HE is with HIS own government, the kingdom , which Christians are to represent.  Christians are to be lights in a world of darkness to be witnessing to the truth of the kingdom of GOD by living our lives in GODS will.  GODS will is to destroy all human forms of government and replace them with HIS government, the kingdom of GOD.   This is what Christians should be doing and we do this by having nothing to do with human governments but everything to do with GODS government.  No Christian helps themselves or their families by participating in Satans evil governments.   Instead Christians set an example as Christ did who was totally and completely immersed in his GOD and FATHERS will.  That will of GOD is to establish HIS kingdom on this earth.  Thy kingdom come thy will be done and not the will of man, Satan or the evil governments of this world. Do not think that human love and good are the same as GODS love and good, they are not, and devil hopes you will think they are.  Worldly love and good is of Satan, it is a dark fake impersonation, it is part of the great delusion of Satan.  I expect the world to fall for this lie but a Christian never should. Christians have the hope of GODS kingdom but there is no hope, no love, no good in human/Satanic governments.  

In summary; there is no love, good, faith or hope in any form of human government but in all these things and much more are in the kingdom of GOD.

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