By my observation of the conditions in this present world I have a sense that the return of Christ is not that far off. Paul told us that we are not in darkness so that we cannot see the day approaching. Then we also have the sure words of the prophets and Jesus.
In the book of Daniel the prophet. Daniel 12:1 mentions the great tribulation and the salvation of GODS elect saints. Notice it is everyone’s name found written in the book, referring to the lambs book of life. Daniel 12:2 speaks of the first and second resurrections. The resurrection to everlasting life are those whose names are in the book of life but those resurrected to shame are in the second resurrection and this shame leads them into genuine repentance but those to everlasting contempt are cast into the lake of fire. There are only four possibilities of what will be the final outcome of a person. One, they become one of GODS elect before the tribulation and are sealed in their foreheads. Two, they are in the innumerable multitude, three, they repent and live into the millennium and 4, they are at the great white throne judged either to live or cast into the lake of fire.
There is also a series of days mentioned. 1260 , 1290 , 1335 and 2300. The 1260 is the midpoint of the seven year covenant that antichrist makes with 10 nations. Once the antichrist ends the daily sacrifices and sets up the abomination of desolation is 1290 and this happens when he declares himself god. Only 45 days after at the 1335 the elect saints are sealed in their foreheads. Then at the 2300 is the return of Jesus and the sanctuary is cleansed. The total number of days in a 7 year covenant is according to a Hebrew calendar year in which is 360 days therefore, 360 x 7= 2520 days. This number of 2300 seems short of the 2520 but this is because Christ returns early and the tribulation is cut short for the sake of GODS elect and that if the tribulation were not cut short no one on earth would be left alive. Therefore, when we see the antichrist make the 7 year covenant with the 10 nations we know that Christ will return in 2300 days. Also when we see the two witnesses murdered we know Christ will return in 3 1/2 days. This is why we are not in darkness and know when it is at the door. Matthew 24:30 The only thing we need to see happen is the making of the 7 year covenant then we will know approximately when all things will be fulfilled.
This is the current understanding but as you should know there may be modifications made as more light shines which is the nature of prophecy.
With the election of President Trump we have what on the surface seems to be a messiah figure who intends to usher in a new golden age. Trump firmly believes that he was saved by GOD in order to save the U.S. and he is determined to do so. Combine this with Trumps extremely close relationship with Israel and the extreme opposition by the democrats. If we are approaching that 7 year covenant then the stage has to be set to achieve it. I see the antichrist as a Jewish man, a descendent of king David, who will in the future be ruling Israel . I see that Trump will align the U.S. with Israel and be one of the 10 nations of the antichrist. There will be a third temple and the sacrifices will be reinstated along with all the law of Moses. There will be a false Elijah, the false prophet, that copycats what the real Elijah did thus adding to the deception of those days. The image of the beast is the image of the glory days of Solomon that, an image of the beast, image of a nation that once was, then is not, but yet is. The healing of the deadly wound, the mount Moriah where the temple was destroyed on two occasions; first by Babylon and second by Rome and each time on the exact same day, Av 9th. Av 9th on our calendar is in late July or early August. The Jews observe Av 9th every year and call it Tisha B’Av. Question: could the third temple be destroyed also on the same day ? There is a prophecy in Ezekiel 21:27 that is describing the three destructions of the temple and that at the return of Christ GOD gives the true temple, the church his bride, to Christ, whose right it is. Genesis 49:10 says basically the same thing.
We must be watching world events as Jesus said, we should so that day does not come upon us unaware.
Before the antichrist covenant is made there will be a false tribulation that leads to most of the world accepting Satans man of sin as a messiah like figure. This man of sin, the antichrist, will restore peace and safety along with economic prosperity but only for a short time. At the 1260 days, at the middle of the seven year covenant, antichrist will declare himself GOD. This ends the period of a short lived false millennium and will begin the true great tribulation.
So then, the elect saints are watching world events and are currently seeing a world in turmoil and chaos that will will erupt into the false tribulation but the antichrist will remedy this situation by his seven year covenant with ten nations. He will restore the world for a brief time called the false millennium lasting for about 3 years or so. Then he breaks this seven year covenant by declaring himself GOD, ends the daily sacrifices at the third temple and begins the real great tribulation. Luke 21:36
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