Scripture says without faith it is “impossible” to please GOD. Hebrews 11:6 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:6 GOD wants us to believe HIM when there is no physical evidence to prove that what HE says is the truth. GOD does provide spiritual evidence by the presence of HIS spirit in HIS people that HIS word is truth. This demonstrates the difference between being carnally minded or spiritually minded. Romans 8:6 Doubt is not of faith, doubt is indicative of a carnal mind. Doubt is the enemy of faith. Inspiration by the spirit of GOD is how Christians learn from GOD. John 6:45 Christians are literally taught of GOD, and through Jesus Christ, the mediator. If we would rely upon men for this then deception awaits and it will come. Every deception known is from Satanically inspired men. These men of the devil masquerade as ministers of righteousness. 2 Corinthians 11:12,13,14 When we honestly examine all of professing Christianity we should see that all of it is a satanic deception spread by ministers of Satan. When I say all I mean all. Every church on this Earth, of this world , is of Satan and through them Satan has deceived the entire false Christian world. Revelation 12:9
The true church of GOD is basically hidden from the world, scattered to the four winds, spiritually not of this world, taught by GOD through Christ by the power of GODS HOLY SPIRIT. There are many scriptures that prove this but for now only to the saints and the world will not accept these things. All of professing Christianity is blinded by Satan from the truth and they pay Satans ministers to lie to them. Satan is the master of lies and his method is to mix truth with lies to make his deceptions more believable in what Paul called the minds of the simple. Romans 16:18 In spiritual reality all are following a deceived unconverted man and elevate him to a position in their churches as a great man of GOD when in fact he is of Satan. Whoever believes and follows men like this worships the man, believes the man and follows the man and not Jesus. Whoever you render yourself a servant to obey, your Satanic minister, then that is who you become a slave to. Romans 6:16 All these false Christians are actually worshipping a man, a minister or pastor. They highly esteem these men but GOD calls them an abomination. Luke 16:15 John 5:41,42,43,44 The people in these churches are trapped in deception and the only way out is if GOD wants to at this time call and choose you to be one of HIS elect saints. A person must come out when GOD calls but many refuse to, only a few answer the call and are chosen. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Matthew 22:14
In the book of Revelation there is mentioned a group of people called the elect of GOD. The number of these elect is 144000 . The Israel they are of is spiritual Israel not carnal Israel. These same people are also called the first fruits, the redeemed of the Earth. This is describing that one true church that people cannot see, that little flock scattered to the four winds. This cannot be carnal Israel as they are blinded until Christ returns, until the number of Gentiles are added to the church. Romans 11:25 Colossians 1:26,27 Ephesians 3:2,3,4,5,6 Carnal Israel was the election under the law, the church is the election under grace. Romans 11:5 Romans 9:27 Isaiah 10:22,23
People who are false Christians would be highly offended if you told them they are unconverted and don’t have the Holy Spirit and highly offended if you told them their pastor was a satanic minister. It would be true but they would never believe it let alone even consider it. They would instead say that you are of the Devil and make all kinds of false accusations against you. In spiritual reality all the false churches and ministers make their flocks two fold more a child of the Devil than they were before they joined them.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 needs clarification.
Strongs Concordance #G3992 the word “send” can mean, “permit to go” , since it is impossible for GOD to lie , Hebrews 6:18 or deceive people this verse is saying that GOD permits Satan to be the liar and author of deception. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 The word “delusion” is Strongs #G4106 meaning “a wandering” that leads astray by the influence of deceiving spirits. GOD does not cause the delusion but “permits” it and allows Satan to cause a wandering away, roaming into sin. 1 Timothy 4:1 This is currently in progress and has been since Eden. Matthew 24:10,11,12 2 Peter 2:1 1 John 2:18,19 2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4,5 2 Timothy 4:3,4 Acts 20:29,30 and many more scriptures warn about this delusion. It is all around us, it is all the false churches with their false ministers.
The seeds of doubt sown by Satan and his false ministers have produced all the modern day false churches of deception. GOD has provided a way out of this situation but if you don’t believe the situation exists then you will remain in it. The vast majority of people will embrace the lie they are in, only a extremely small number will understand.
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