Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Carnal people know what physical light and darkness is but they have no idea about spiritual light and spiritual darkness.  Jesus came into a world in spiritual darkness as a great spiritual light.  John 12:46   John8:12   John 1:4,5   John 9:5   Isaiah 9:2

 The people of this world of spiritual darkness have for the vast majority rejected the spiritual light.  John 3:19,20,21   1 John 1:5,6,7   There are a people who have come to the spiritual light and are called and chosen by GOD to be HIS elect saints.  Luke 1:78,79

Colossians 1:13   1 Peter 2:9   Ephesians 5:8   2 Corinthians 4:6  Now, there is another kingdom, the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Satan. The world Jesus came into as a great spiritual light was in darkness and the vast majority of the people loved the darkness rather than the light.  This world is Satans kingdom of darkness.  The saints have been called out of Satans kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.  The saints do not walk in darkness anymore.  If we examine Satans kingdom, this world, we see how it operates.  Satan has been given rulership of the darkness by the will of GOD.  When Satan told Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world were given to him he was not lying otherwise Jesus would have called out the lie as Jesus did in Satans other attempts to get Jesus to sin.  How did Satan become the god of this world ?  Adam was given dominion over the earth and in effect was the god of the world.  When Adam sinned by obeying Satan Adam relinquished his rule to Satan.  This confirms a biblical principle, “whoever you render yourself a servant to obey, that is who you will obey.”  In the world since then the vast majority of mankind are the children of Satan.  Only the elect saints of GOD have been called out of Satans dark kingdom.  Acts 26:17,18  Colossians 1:13,14   John 12:46   Once you are in the spiritual light you are to have nothing to do with darkness.  Ephesians 5:11   Romans 13:12 

1 John 1:6,7   What is it that the saints should avoid in Satans kingdom of darkness ?  Since there are two kingdoms then there are two vastly different ways of living. Your faith, obedience, trust and hope is placed in what kingdom you choose.  You cannot serve two different kingdoms at the same time, it’s one or the other.  As a saint you are to seek only GODS kingdom, acknowledge GODS  chosen king, Jesus Christ, as your leader, ruler and king, no one else.  The saints are to submit themselves to the kingdom of GOD only.  How then can we do this if we submit ourselves to another kingdoms rules, authority, faith, hope, trust and obedience in the governments of Satan ?  What do we serve and belong to, light or darkness ?  While the saints are spiritually not of this darkness we are physically yet present in it. We are to shine as lights in it.   We only obey whatever nation we happen to be in as long as it doesn’t violate GODS will for us.  We must have our spiritual senses sharpened to discern good from evil.  Our submission to one of Satans governments does not mean participation in it.  Actively participating in the kingdom of darkness is to betray the kingdom of light that we were called into. How is participating in darkness being in the light ?  Should the saints have two leaders, two governments, to sets of laws or two different ways or paths ?  Isaiah 3:12  According to GODS prophet it is human leaders that destroy the path we need to follow.  The worlds leaders are of Satan who deceives people to trust in human governments rather than the government of GOD.  The people of this world have the devil as their father and will do the devils works.  John 8:44   Matthew 13:38  The degree of the Devils deception is great as all the world has been deceived by Satan except GODS chosen elect saints.  Revelation 12:9 

2 Thessalonians 2:9,10   The saints of GOD do not get involved with the governments of Satan in any way.  GOD intends to destroy all human governments, the work of the Devil, and replace them with the kingdom of GOD.  1 John 3:8   Since all human governments are going to be destroyed do you want to be on the losing side or be a winner by serving only GODS kingdom ?   The choice is simple, light or darkness, go to and remain in the light. 

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