Friday, February 28, 2025


It is YAHWEH who determines who will receive salvation in this current evil age. GOD must put a person in HIS church, no one else can. Acts 2:47

This calling and election of GODS church was completed before time began, from the foundation of the world. Titus 1:2  2 Timothy 1:9  Romans 8:28,29,30   Ephesians 1:4   The point of all this is to show that GOD alone in eternity called and chose all the elect saints, from righteous Able to whoever the last one will be to a total of 144,000.  It is extremely rare to be one of the 144,000 .  With this in mind how likely do you think it would be for you to convert your family and friends by preaching to them ?  What you may think by trying to do this will produce more harm than good.  The conscience of the carnal world is seared with a hot iron against everything that is of GODS truth.  Carnal people will not appreciate what you are trying to do and will turn and rent you.  It was given to the Apostles to preach the gospel to the world, are you an Apostle ?  With the number of the elect alive today how would they preach to the world ?  The elect are scattered, have no money, do not even know each other or where each other are.  The elect are not to be preaching the gospel to the world else GOD would be giving them everything they would need to do it.

  The elect are to be about one thing, love GOD and neighbor, be as lights not a foghorn and by how the love is a testimony to the world.  Just as Jesus was in the world but the world didn’t know him the elect are in the world that doesn’t know us.  The mysteries of the kingdom of GOD have been given to us but not the world.  The odds of one elect meeting another is astronomical.  If we try preaching to the world we are actually going against GODS will.  One of the signs of the return of Jesus is,  Matthew 24:14 ,  the true gospel must be preached in all nations as a witness and then the end will come.  If the true gospel had been preached all along how could it then be a sign ?  The organizational structure of the church has changed since the first century.  GOD has removed all human ministry, therefore any who say they are a minister is a liar.  The elect saints are to be seeing to their own growth in the Spirit.  I have had to learn the hard way not to preach to people as they will become your enemies.  Matthew 10:36   Luke 12:53   Micah 7:6   Mark 13:12   Matthew 24:10   John 15:18,19   Jeremiah 9:4,5   There are many more scriptures that describe the condition that exists in the world between GODS saints and the carnal people.  In a forum like this I remain anonymous and only speak to others who are anonymous and everyone is seeking answers, it is not like preaching to our families or friends.  It takes spiritual maturity to achieve a balance in how the saints deal with the unconverted.  The best way is to love, be a good neighbor, be kind and giving and in this way perhaps someone may ask you a question.  1 Peter 3:15  notice, if you are asked, so do not offer answers before you are asked.  We are to be lights in the world, a light makes no sound.  We are not to be foghorns blaring out a message no one wants to hear or can hear.  On a forum like this many questions are asked and if we believe that we have an answer then we answer.  Then it’s up to each one to determine the value of the answer.  Participation in this process seems sparse and that is sad.  If however there is something GOD can use here then HE will enter the conversation and open minds, we can’t do this.  The glory in all things is GODS so if spiritual knowledge is gained it will be GOD who gives it.  This however I think is extremely rare as many are called but few are chosen.  A new convert, a babe in Christ, must grow to understand these things and only GOD can make this happen.  The mature Christian who was once a babe himself will have compassion on the babe and knows that in time GOD will make the babe mature.

The act of fellowship in this is very important so that iron can sharpen iron.  It is all to be done in GODS love.  The babe, weak or new convert should not be easily offended by the comments of the mature and neither should the mature be insensitive to the babe.

It all requires a spiritual balance.


  1. So true. A good reminder. Thank you for writing this. JL

  2. Nice article sir!



  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...