Saturday, February 22, 2025


John 10:9   Jesus said, “I am the door, by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved…..”   John 10:1,2,3,4,5,6,7  Jesus explains that anyone who uses another gate or door is a thief and robber.  These thieves and robbers are false Christianity, false ministers of Satan. Jesus is the shepherd of the sheep.  Jesus is the gate, the door, the shepherd.  The sheep are those called and chosen by GOD to enter the gate , the door .  Jesus opens the gate, the door for the elect to enter.  The sheep hear the voice of Jesus in their human spirit.  Jesus calls us by name and leads us out of this world.  Jesus went on ahead of the elect into the kingdom, he brings out his sheep, the elect follow his voice but not the voice of a stranger.  The elect do not follow the voice of the false shepherds and flee from them.  Read all of John 10:1-18 in these verses is hidden spiritual wisdom.  

The Philadelphia church has set before them an opened door, an open gate.  Revelation 3:7-13  The spiritual wisdom of GOD is either opened or shut.  It is shut to the world but open to the elect saints.  We have this open door, we have Christ, the gate, the door.  Through Jesus, the mediator, we have access to GOD.  John 6:45  We learn from the FATHER through the door, the gate, the messiah, the mediator between GOD and us.  We experience the working power of the spirit behind Elijah, the Holy Spirit, to restore to us the things that were lost.  We are taught by GOD through the door, the gate, Jesus Christ.

Matthew 17:11  is the Elijah to come, to restore all things.  John 14:26  The Holy Spirt of the FATHER through Christ will teach us all things and remind us of what Jesus taught.  

The door, the gate, the mediator, the messiah, the first born of many, the son of GOD .  Jesus was and is all these things.  The time of the the restoration of all things began after Jesus ascended to his GOD and our GOD.  Over the centuries since then GOD has called and chosen HIS elects saints to HIMSELF through HIS son.  We, the saints of today, are living in the last days and the number of brethren yet to be called and chosen is extremely small but when the number is completed there will be 144,000.  Of this number there is to be a faithful remnant yet alive just prior to the return of Christ.  They, along with all the elect will be sealed in righteousness with the mark of GOD in our spirits whether dead or alive.  Those saints alive in that day will defeat the corruption of the antichrist, instruct many people, be strong and do great exploits.  The people they instruct will fall by the sword, the Laodiceans, and false brethren will join the elect and Laodiceans seeking to avoid punishment.  Daniel 11:31-35   

It is the hope of the elect at this time to be of the number of the remnant of the 144,000 who are alive and remain.  1 Corinthians 15:51  1 Thessalonians 4:16,17  Isaiah 1:9  Romans 9:29   This however is in GODS hands.  Either way we will inherit the kingdom of GOD.  

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