How the true church of GOD operates today is not how it operated in the first century. The church no longer has Apostles. In fact because of tremendous deception GOD removed all humans from the ministry. There are no more pastors, evangelists, or Apostles. Of necessity there are only prophets and prophetesses, that’s it, nothing else. GOD and Christ are in complete control of the church. In the first century the gift of prophecy wasn’t given to everyone because Paul said, covet to prophesy, 1 Corinthians 14:39 , if all were prophets why say this. Then there is this, 1 Corinthians 12:27,28,29,30,31 So, in the first century the office of prophet was limited but today this gift is absolutely needed so that GOD through Jesus the mediator can teach HIS elect saints HIS truth. In this way it makes deception impossible. Matthew 24:24 The church in the first century was organized, did have human leaders, churches were established in various places, deception and persecution was beginning. Today the true church is scattered, extremely few in number, not trying to fulfill the great commission, they do not know any other of the elect or their locations except the group they fellowship with. All of them are being taught by GODS spirit through Christ. John 6:45 They have no human leader, their leader is Christ. These saints all have the gift of prophecy because this is how they are taught, a connection to GOD through Christ, just as everyone in scripture has always been that learned since Pentecost and even in ancient times where GOD used angels and prophets to speak HIS truth to people HE chose. No one of their own volition can join the true church, GOD must put you in. Acts 2:47 From the time of righteous Able until the elect saints are sealed the total number of them will be 144,000. Revelation 7:3 The worlds carnal churches are all of Satan the devil and are deceiving the unconverted with all kinds of heresy and lies. The false churches are led by some man who thinks he can do what only GOD can do. If you are in any of theses churches you are deceived and a child of the devil. Unless GOD decides to call and choose you to become one of the elect you will remain deceived and in the future worship the antichrist. There is yet hope for you only because GOD allowed you to remain in deception at this time because if GOD would give you HIS spirit you would blaspheme the spirit and suffer everlasting death. At the present time GOD knows you will not repent so HE will wait and give you HIS spirit at a better time for you. 2 Peter 3:9 Isaiah 55:6,7 Luke 15:10 The elect saints of GODS true church were elected, personally chosen by GOD because HE knew they, in this current evil age, would repent. Of the 2.38 billion who claim to be Christians today none of them are. This is how massive the deception of Satan is. Revelation 12:9
As I have repeatedly said in my articles, you, the reader, the vast majority of you, will not believe anything I have written. You will attack me, make false accusations against me and label me a devil when in reality you are. This also was prophesied to happen in the latter days. 2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4 1 Timothy 4:1,2 If Christ came to earth again, as a man, and preached his gospel to you, you would kill him again. You believe in the doctrines of demons. You are totally blind spiritually, you do not have the Holy Spirit. Right now you feel great hatred for me and desire even to harm me. That is expected. However someday in the future you will come to see that I have indeed told you the truth.
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